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Everything posted by FireWalker

  1. FireWalker


    Play as blufor. Set opfor and indep as enemies. Haleks has a trick to ba able to have your player wear any clothing: When you place your playable unit, place a civilian. Then place any blufor unit. Then group your civilian unit to the blufor. You will notice that your "purple" civilian turns "blue". You now have a civilian unit that can wear any clothing playing on side blufor. Last thing to do: delete the blufor unit that you grouped to. Fire
  2. FireWalker


    @Hudson's Skull Sounds like you may have inadvertently killed some traders or other friendlies. And lowered your reputation Also, if youre playing as blufor, make sure you also have the independent class set as enemy in your mission settings. If independent is set as friendly and you kill some bandits, that will also lower your reputation. Fire
  3. It would be nice if the file hosting website was google drive or dropbox. The one you are using is loaded with spyware... And just upload the .pbo. I would avoid posting a zipped file. Anyone who can help you will have the ability to depbo it.
  4. FireWalker


    @_Kilo_ Yes, several of us run it on dedicated servers.
  5. Damn, sorry to hear about the dead end. I was really interested in this. Fire Ps, thank you for giving it a shot.
  6. I don't have any problems either using the 64bit. Runs constant.
  7. FireWalker


    Yes. The base mission file was created months ago, although it gets updated often with new code. (Just recently added all the advanced rappelling server side addons). Addons always stay updated to latest and greatest.
  8. FireWalker


    I have the current cba running, and have not had a problem. Running dedicated server. Ravage,cba,uss nimitz,arma enhanced movement, achilles
  9. FireWalker

    Persistent Vehicle Saving

    Just for ME to be clear - you are attempting to use this on a dedicated server? Correct? Or is all this for single player missions on a local machine? And I'm sure you've read through this thread: And... lighten up a little. I doubt many people have a straight answer for you on this, other than a simple "no". Its been discussed a lot, and I don't think there is a clear cut answer. Most if not all will tell you to go with a database system, because its proven. I'm here because I'm trying to learn some for myself and I really don't know what the "real" answer is yet. Fire
  10. FireWalker

    Persistent Vehicle Saving

    I agree with that. IniDbi has been bullet proof since I got it running. And I can use what I've already done as a template for future missions. But I'm still curious about other methodology also. Fire
  11. FireWalker

    Persistent Vehicle Saving

    I was under the impression that it was a bis function, but I havent found documentation on it.
  12. FireWalker

    Persistent Vehicle Saving

    Well, Revixy does have a somewhat valid point. I'm not a great scripter by any means and it took me quite awhile to get my persistent missions working and they aren't saving "everything" exactly how I want. There isn't a great tutorial on how to set up inidbi or the others, I had to do a lot of bashing. It works flawlessly for my needs, but wasn't "easy" for me to do. Code34 even says himself that the databases are for advanced users, not beginners or occasional scripters. Time is also a contributing factor when it comes to learning the database systems. I don't have much available. That is why I'm also interseted in a more basic/simpler system. I'm certainly going to be following this thread and playing with the saveStat function myself. Fire
  13. FireWalker

    Persistent Vehicle Saving

    I use inidbi2 for persistence, but I am very interested to see where this goes. Personally I prefer not using addons/mods if I don't need them. I would love to see if we can actually gain true mission persistence on a dedicated server without inidbi. Curious what happens after restarts and how the information gets loaded back into the mission. Fire
  14. Here's mine from my Dedi server: of course you can add or remove from that list as you need. And in you server .cfg file you should have this: after your mission whitelist or missions cycle , however your running your missions
  15. Yea, I just double checked on my dedi. I'm also not seeing escape from malden. I double checked the spelling, it should be GTG. Not sure what the problem would be.
  16. Has anyone found the names for the new combat patrol in the addons folder? I haven't found them yet, and I kinda need the names. Thanks, Fire Ok: found them in the "Argo" folder: I guess all the new missions: "MP_CombatPatrol_01.Altis", "MP_CombatPatrol_02.Stratis", "MP_CombatPatrol_03.Tanoa", "MP_CombatPatrol_04.Malden", "MP_ZGM_m15.Malden", "MP_ZGM_m15_EAST.Malden", "MP_ZGM_m15_GUER.Malden", "MP_ZGM_m15_WEST.Malden", "EscapeFromMalden.Malden"
  17. FireWalker


    Zombies don't attack vehicles: confirmed in MP. They run up and surround the vehicle, but do not physically attack it or the player. Only checked with a wheeled vehicle, I assume its the same for all. map: Tanoa mods: nimitz, cba_a3, Ravage, AEM, Achilles -all current versions Fire
  18. FireWalker


    Just so you guys know, zombies attacking vehicles was fully implemented way back in v1.36 . If they aren't attacking vehicles for you it could be because of the last game update. I'll give it a test in my server today. Fire
  19. What is a quick simple way to blow a civilian or other AI up? It would be nice to do a custom loadout with a mine on him that I can just blow the unit up by pressing "END" . Any words of wisdom from the more experienced Zeus? Thanks, Fire
  20. FireWalker

    Throttle System Option

  21. FireWalker


    I've had this and similar in my server rpt files for as long as I can remeber. I'm pretty sure it can be ignored. I find all the ravage items regardless. Fire
  22. FireWalker

    Call of Duty WW II

    Same shiv, different day....
  23. FireWalker


    @Battlechief You should preface your questions about single player missions with something like this: RE: 28 Years mission question: So that its a complete surprise to people who have not played it. For instance: I have not. Fire
  24. If I can, i try to face a vehicle or ammo box
  25. FireWalker


    Spoiler ALERT .. . gosh jimminey :)