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About urhideless

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  1. urhideless

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    143 days ago this report was submitted, yet no fix. Unbelievable.
  2. urhideless

    Extremely Low Fps

    Tried 6 so far. And asked in game everyone was fine. ---------- Post added at 22:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ---------- No one?
  3. urhideless

    Extremely Low Fps

    First off, I have a decent system (i3 Ivy Bridge, HD 7870, 8GB RAM) But In game Multiplayer I'm getting 10 - 15 FPS in Standard Settings (even when I auto detect it puts it in very high) In singleplayer I get about 40 - 56 FPS, no problems. I've tried lowering settings, -nologs and Battleye Disabled servers with no luck. Thanks.
  4. I can confirm that this problem (at least for me) it's on all servers. I get around 10 FPS and I don't have a bad system (i3 Ivy bridge + HD 7870).
  5. Edit: It resolved itself.