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Everything posted by sgt.sev3n

  1. sgt.sev3n

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    i agree. in arma 2 we had about 2-3 airplanes in each faction.
  2. hello, i have read somethere in this forum that there is a limit for object placing. for arma 2 the limit was 4,000,000 objects per terrain. how is the limit in arma 3 ? are we able to have more than 4,000,000 objects on a single terrain ?
  3. sgt.sev3n

    [Resources] How to make a Terrain

    BIS should release new, more easy tools for terrain & map making... for terrain and map making: something like crysis sandbox, at least for the terrain... and about object placing and making roads: the same like in crysis sandbox or atleast something like world tools and road painter but improved and implented in the terrain editor.... watch this for example what i mean and what BIS should release (or an similar tool like that in video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql0Q-EHWOQc really BIS, its time now for tools like that and not shitty visitor tool anymore... we had visitors in arma & arma 2, but these times should be over!!
  4. BIS, its time to release a user-friendly tool for everyone where everyone can easly learn and making his own terrain! we have visitor for arma 1, we have visitor for arma 2, now its time for a new friendly tool! why not release something similar like this ?
  5. sgt.sev3n

    objectlimit for arma 3 ?

    thanks for the answers
  6. sgt.sev3n

    objectlimit for arma 3 ?

    yes i mean trees, rocks, buildings, signs, , wreckage objects like destroyed car, helicopter etc... so if you can place more than 4,000,000 without problems, did you placed them in the ingame editor or with the editor visitors3 ?
  7. i played the alpha and it was poorly optimized but the beta plays very nice for me and i wouldn´t mind if they would delay the game... better they delay it and make it better than release an unfinished, bugful game like arma 2
  8. sgt.sev3n

    Where's the civilans settlement module ?

    i dont think so. maybe they rework it, there is no point to remove them... remember: its just beta, they test everything, rework most just etc..