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Everything posted by soapsurfer

  1. Aren't both of these features integrated? To select groups it is Shift or Crtl + F<numer> (i dont recall whats the right binding, try a bit around) and in the action/command menu you can scroll with your mouse wheel.
  2. soapsurfer

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    After two hours and a destroyed Littlebird (no, i did'nt run out of fuel!) I read the message about Oreokastro and went there for a visit. The village looked quite good and what excited me even more was the view of the castle nearby and it's tower with the window exactly pointing towards the village. Arriving there I saw that you can't get into the tower. Why? This is quite sad as this castle could be a nice foothold for missions in the region. The castle is located on Thronos. [screenie] It would also be nice to make the church towers as the one in Poliakko accessible. :)
  3. soapsurfer

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Wow, I'm so impressed. Finished the download over night (the 2nd time..) and I love it. Had only 10minutes of testing this morning but I managed to see quite a lot interesting things. Especially the villages look much better than those in Arma 2. The feeling on the island is just great. At first I did not like the destroyed houses in cities as it somehow restricts you in making your missions being set before everything started (with this beautiful island even a tourist tour mission would be so damn awesome!). However, it looks very immersive, it is perfect for the setting. Also no issues with fps. I have 60fps, in cities it goes down to something like 45, nothing which bugs me. The issues seem to be caused by 32bit, aren't they? I wonder why so many here are even using 32bit. :p
  4. soapsurfer

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Oh dear, I'm so damn hyped by this topic! Downloaded when I was at work and it's at 97% now. The pictures look so good. Hopefully I wont have the low FPS issues but we'll see (at least I'm on 64bit and have a SSD). I already chose one of the Armory missions for my first test. :) Edit: Not today. When the 100% were hit it started at 0% again - with 2.1G pending. I'm really beginning to hate Steam with its problems when a new update gets staged while you are downloading... Crying right now.