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Everything posted by Lapsa

  1. Lapsa

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    1. Make it more durable. Otherwise - landing is kind a too slow. It breaks apart if it hits the ground at 10 km/h. 2. PIP would be awesome. I would like it to be in similar small windows as GPS is. Would be nice if it were possible to quickly switch to piloting UAV with a hotkey. That would make them really valuable in more intense and faster paced combats. 3. I don't understand how they can be refueled. Now I think I do - someone wrote here that it has to be placed in a backpack. Seems kind a too magical. 4. I still don't understand how that laser thing works. Specifically - what happens once i mark the target. Obviously - that's just my ignorance, but I think it would be nice if game somehow guided through these mechanics bit more clearly.
  2. AI is fairly dumb. Once I figured out that close combat is like mission impossible and that M320 LRR .408 + SOS at ~>800m distance picks them up like berries with close to none retaliation - I lost any interest to play against it. I do only when I want to practice sniping moving targets and even that gets boring fast cause of predictability. Anyway - I don't really care about AI. Multiplayer it's all about.