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Everything posted by Thales

  1. Thales

    Can't Complete First Small Rover Mission

    I see it now. Both missions are suitable for medium rover, not the small one. There are some ground analysis and it cannot be done with small rover without robotic arm. Rewards were wrongly set and I adjusted it. I'll see if there can be done something more not to show small rover as a possible vehicle for these missions.
  2. Thales

    Can't Complete First Small Rover Mission

    Hello, FutureMartian! Can you send me ref. number of that mission? I'll check it asap. ;-)
  3. Thales

    3rd Person and Vehicle Editor Camera Error

    Hi, sorry for not replying for some time. We had lot of work with latest update. Dram knows about your problem and he's trying to find some solution. ;-)
  4. Yes, we are aware of that and there was a great discussion on adding this map and how it should look. In the end we agreed it will be more satisfying experience if we use unrealistically dense field of asteroids where players have to maneuver more. Thanks to early access we can change or adjust that if players won't like actual state (but we hope you will like it in the form we show :)).
  5. Yes, we know about this and we're still tweaking it. In the future there will be option where you can choose the time of tracks fading but now our higher priority is to repair bugs and add more stuff. ;-)
  6. Thales

    Potential features to be added.

    At the moment you can test all vehicles in Mars yard. You can access it through the Lab. Speaking of the second point we're already working on a system how to get some money in case of landing or other disaster.
  7. Thales

    Potential features to be added.

    Good news for you! Just restart your Steam and when you click on "Play" button next time you can choose if you want to start the game in normal mode or "never-freeze" mode. Enjoy the surfing! ;-)
  8. Thales

    Potential features to be added.

    Interesting idea but I'm afraid that the form of a mini-game won't be the best for a realistic simulator. Anyway this feature is on our list and we'll discuss if we'll find some good way how to implement it. We're working on manual landing option but it's still work in progress. Not exactly a minimap as you know it from other games (for example RTS) but will be added. ;-) We'd love to make some more advanced missions with human crew, more planet exploration etc. but currently that's too big goal. First we have to finish and polish everything in the rover simulator and then we'll see. ;-) At the moment there is no plan to implement multiplayer - again, this goal is currently too big. Work in progress.
  9. Current look of time skip option is still work in progress and will be changed to something more user-friendly.
  10. Nice idea! Can you please write it to our feedback tracker to ensure we won't forget about this one? Thanks. :)
  11. Thales

    batteries and solar panels

    This feature will be added soon but just now it's not working properly - batteries don't recharge if you're not on the map or if you skip time. It's also the reason why are rovers fully functional even if they have drained batteries. Long story short - it's currently work in progress. Those are interesting ideas. Please write them to our feedback tracker so we won't forget to look at it.
  12. Thales

    Display Vehicle Attitude In HUD

    Interesting idea, can you please write it down and send to our feedback tracker? Just to make sure we're going to look what we can do about it. ;-)
  13. Thales

    Take On Mars Troubleshooting

    If you have problems with your sky crane - it descends too slowly or climbs - try to change the physics simulation settings which can be found in the second folder of options menu.
  14. Yes, you actually can do that. If you want to spawn vehicle in the landing sequence simply move to the place where you want the vehicle to land and than look straight to the sky. With view set like this simply choose Vehicles - Create at cursor. Vehicle will spawn in high as you can see it in campaign mode and when you start game it'll begin with landing sequence (releasing heat shield etc.).
  15. Of course there are ways how to get money and tech levels but it's not optimal solution. Please write this as a suggestion to our feedback tracker and we'll see what we can do about it. :-)
  16. There are two ways how to do it. If you are in control room and open map of Mars before you send some preset you can modify it. The second way is to go to the Lab from the control room. There you can build your own lander or rover from scratch. Only limitation here is your current tech level (you need to unlock those by completing missions) and money.
  17. We know there are grammar and spelling mistakes. Texts are not complete and therefore there was no proof reading yet. Thanks for offering your help! ;-)
  18. It was just a minor tweak in achievements as you can see in this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160423-Suggestion-on-making-two-achievements-secret-before-the-final-release-version Every future update of ingame content will include changelog. ;-)
  19. Exactly as you said - recharging of batteries is currently work in progress and it is better to have operational rovers with depleted batteries than useless rovers which have to wait a long time to recharge. In missions where there is nothing else to do on the map it could be quite frustrating. Anyway it'll be fixed soon. ;-)
  20. There is a huge space for community content. At the moment there is an ingame editor where you can make your own scenarios or maybe whole new campaigns. In the future we will give you even more tools to play with. ;-)