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Everything posted by bull_a

  1. Another way of doing it (but would recommend the above method for a small list of objects). This method is best with scripts to return a list of objects in a trigger _trigger = someTrigger; _allObjects = [list of objects]; _objectsInTrigger = []; { if ([_trigger,_x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger) then { _objectsInTrigger pushBack _x; }; } forEach _allObjects; // return _objectsInTrigger; (Un-tested) Hope this is helpful
  2. I'm currently trying to get my head around a problem in the FSM editor. For me, the shortcut keys do not seem to be working! I have the FSM editor installed with the Arma 3 Tools Steam Package, and this is installed on my C:/ drive. To open the editor, I first run the tools package as an Administrator, then run the FSM Editor as an Administrator. With the FSM open I try to use the shortcut keys (e.g. F2 to create a new state, F3 to link the states) but the keys do not seem to be registered when pressed. I am now at a loss as to why this is happening. I verified the tools package multiple times, so I do not believe it was an issue with the download. Does anyone else have this problem, or is there a way to fix this? If you wish to view logs, dumps or system specs please ask :) Kinds Regards, Bull Update: There is also a ticket on the feedback tracker (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=25920)
  3. Scenario developer looking to help with the creation of new scenarios and game mechanics for non-profit. Skills: - Extensive knowledge of the SQF scripting language, and best practices - Extensive experience with Arma mission/scenario creation - Good knowledge of Arma terrain creation - Good knowledge of configuration files and addon creation (as well as best practice) - Extensive knowledge of Arma Graphical Interface design and development - Competent with graphical imaging software - Good knowledge of website application programming and development (PHP and ASP.NET) - Can work as part of team Requirements: - Communication to be in good, full English language - Flexible and reasonable time constraints in order to complete work - Small to medium sized projects - End users willing to help debug so as to improve performance and error handling - Non-profit and end users must adhere to licences (APL, APL-SA as well as own licence) Contact: - Please contact me via Private Message (make sure to include your timezone if you are not GMT) Kind regards, Bull
  4. First thing is to make sure your picture is in a resultion that is x2 (i.e. 512x512, 256x128 ...) You are looking for this attribute in the definition class: colorPicture[] = {1,1,1,1}; Make sure the RGBA value (this bit in the curly brackets) is set to white. Hope this helps, Bull
  5. What is needed: - A full copy of the definition classes and the dialog class. - A full outlook of the script file that is being call/executed.
  6. For others who may have the same problem, here is some information about scheduled and unscheduled environments: Call Spawn You can check if the script is in a scheduled enviroment by using the canSuspend command. Hope this helps, Bull
  7. bull_a

    Briefing/Task images

    Make sure your images are in .paa format and have a resolution that is in the ^2 scale (e.g. 256x256, 512x1024). This is best practise. Also it would be worth looking at the createDiaryRecord command. It has all the necessary info on the rages and atributes to use
  8. You can only have one at a time. The best way to go about structuring dialogs with lots of controls is with multiple ControlGroups (which are basically containers for controls). The only way I have managed to get two dialogs to be layered (where the bottom layer is inactive) is to create them using the following code: _nul = createDialog "RscDialog1"; ([] call BIS_fnc_displayMission) createDisplay "RscDialog2"; This will create a dialog "RscDialog1" and then another dialog "RscDialog2" on top of the first. Hope this helps, Bull
  9. There lies your problem
  10. Is your image resolution in the ^2 scale i.e. 256x256 or 1024x512 etc. Also where are you calling this command, is it in the Initialization field of the unit/object?
  11. I myself find that COBOL is very good at handling these sorts of functions. I have also recently been learning the ancient art of RPG and would love to help you write a mission in OS/400 with the QSQFLE syntax parser
  12. bull_a

    Task specific Icon

    The Task Type only works with the Config values in CfgTaskTypes, the documentation does (or used to) state that you can define your own. However, last time I checked the function file the lookup for MissionConfigFile was not there. Hopefully this will be extended in the future. Here are some values to use: "Attack","Defend","Move","1"..."9","A"...."Z". Hope this answers your question, Bull
  13. bull_a

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    DLC pack for Tanoa confirmed? APEX Anthems DLC? https://www.youtube.com/embed/NsmK-FMS1qY
  14. bull_a

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Nice that you have all that evidence to back up the statement you just made. BIS are one of the very few developers that listen to their community and provide the very best of services to them. After all, they are an independent studio so it is in their best interests to keep the community on their side. I'd be extremely surprised if BIS would release a development update then stop people from downloading it, so for me it is a Steam licencing issue (from past experiences with games like IL-2 Sturmovik - that had the same problem). Anyways, looks fantastic from what I've seen and heard so far. Can't wait to try this DEVELOPMENT release!
  15. bull_a

    Custom Ranks

    You cannot create ranks in the config.cpp file or in the mission description.ext. However, you can override the names and rank texture attributes of the existing ranks with a modification. If you want to create ranks I suggest you do the following: config.cpp CfgRanksCustom { class RankPrivate { rankPriority = 0; rankName = "Private"; rankNameShort = "Pvt."; rankTexture = "private.paa"; }; }; script.sqf _unit setVariable ["RankCustom","Private"]; Sorry to bring bad news, Bull
  16. If you were able to get the weapon containers e.g. "GroundWeaponHolder" after the unit died you could always apply a Take eventhandler to that container an run code that prevents a player taking items from that container
  17. Event handler is definitely the most robust way of doing this (and probably best practice!) What I would do is assign an mp killed event handler to all Ai units and then when the unit is killed generate an array of weapons they are carrying and a list of weapon holders around them. You can then remove these from the invetory and world respectively. AlThough these commands have global execution I would advise you to run the command on the server or the instance of which is the owner to the Ai unit you wish to handle If you would like some code ill be happy to provide you with it
  18. bull_a


    Good to see that some cross-engine tech that should be more better is making its way into arma 3. First the occluders, then the lighting configuration, now some more visual optimization tech!
  19. bull_a

    Countdown timer

    Simplest way is to use the BIS module Countdown. You define the countdown time and synchronize the module to a trigger. When the trigger activates, the module will initialize and start the countdown. You can also define an end of scenario screen using CfgDebriefings or pick from one of the predefined ones
  20. _nul = [] call _oncapturedStarted this will call the function
  21. sliderSetRange is a scripting command for use on UI controls with the type ST_SLIDER (or equivalent). There (currently) is not a way to force the scrollbar to a certain position/range. The only commands are the following: ctrlAutoScrollDelay ctrlAutoScrollRewind ctrlAutoScrollSpeed ctrlSetAutoScrollDelay ctrlSetAutoScrollRewind ctrlSetAutoScrollSpeed Hope that helps, Bull
  22. Yes, multiple people do: http://www.arma3-life.com/ http://forum.cityliferpg.com/ https://steamcommunity.com/groups/a3l
  23. Has anyone been able to retrieve the text that is displayed in a RscHTML control? My code so far: disableSerialization; // creates control _display = [] call BIS_fnc_displayMission; _control = _display ctrlCreate ["RscHTML",666]; _control ctrlSetPosition [0.1,0.1,0.5,0.5]; _control ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5]; _control ctrlCommit 0; _control htmlLoad "http://www.bistudio.com/newsfeed/arma3_news.php?build=main&language=English"; waitUntil {ctrlHTMLLoaded _control}; _text = ctrlText _control; hint _text; The above code returns an empty string. Bull
  24. bull_a

    Eden Feature Requests

    Ability to toggle UI scaling on/off. With the current version (1.59.135679) the UI seems to be scaled too high for the selected option