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Everything posted by gagi2

  1. gagi2

    1.64 bugs/issues

    the thing with the markers is this... if you disable the drawing on the map with this line in your server.cfg -> drawingInMap = 0; it will also disable the ability to put markers on the map... also serverside... another thing is putting statisticsEnabled = 0; in your server.cfg doesnt do anything on some servers while it works on some others... reliability = 0 it works on my testserver but not on my publicserver... where everything is equal in files and cfg etc
  2. gagi2

    1.64 Feedback

    its not broken... it only has a new function now...
  3. i wonder if its possible to show us a live stream of whats going on right now on the server... or maybe with a slight delay...(5 secs? maybe) could help admins in some cases if they arent on the server and need to check out if someone is trolling around in any way
  4. why are there still errors like that on almost every custommap? im using CUP Terrains-Full 1.2.0
  5. also there is no nice animation when putting the flag back on the pole... its just put back on the top instantly....
  6. an infraction... for what? it was a simple question... not more... not less.. are you abusing your mod powers here? ^^ sometimes some people take shit way too serious...
  7. so... is it coming soon? or should you change the name to 2027 instead?
  8. since we got so many new changes to these cfgs i have lost track completely... tried some changes... didnt work... whenever you start a new server from scratch you should get a default cfg... but this default cfg which is created has only a few lines and nothing about these changes to find... maybe someone who has a complete cfg for this could share it or BIS could provide us with this stuff... would be very helpful i guess...
  9. well... exactly what im looking for... especially the webinterface looks nice...
  10. ok i have put it in the initPlayerLocal.sqf now it works... maybe it was done to early? is this one of these functions which needs to be executed after the mission is fully started? like enableEnvironment for example? killzone_kid.... you are the man... like always ^^
  11. hey guys... we are now able to set what way of communication (text or voice) in which channel is allowed or forbidden... but why is there still no way to disable the group channel completely? if you disable all channels the group channel still is enabled... also we need some way to disable the von voicechat in the lobby... from time to time there are some screaming kids on the server which wouldnt just shut their mouths... and you cant even mute them while you are in the lobby... and since you also cant set the time for how long it takes until the round starts you have to hear their precious voices for 90 seconds max i wonder if there is a way already to make them shut up (except kick/ban) or if there ever will be made some improvements in this case... regards
  12. this way you can only disable it completely... you can disable different channels within description.ext or init.sqf with the right method.. but not the group channel... and also no way to disable it in the lobby...
  13. tried that in init.sqf but didnt work...
  14. problem is... you still can open it when you are dead... and it stays open when you respawn... and then you cant close it anymore because the key is blocked... had this problem on our koth server lately... i have removed it again for now... maybe someone has a solution for that...
  15. gagi2


    if you want to show some image located in your missionfile with drawicon3d you need to do it this way in your init (or somewhere else) _descExtPath = str missionConfigFile; currMissionDir = compileFinal str (_descExtPath select [0, count _descExtPath - 15]); and then the path to your image is like this call currMissionDir + "folderinyourmissionfile\yourimage.paa"
  16. i dont know what you complain about the icons still work like before... we have it in our koth mission the same way and it still works... only problem some players have from time to time is they dont see the marker of single individual teammates... we couldnt reproduce this yet.... so we dont know what causes this...
  17. i dont know what you complain about the icons still work like before... we have it in our koth mission the same way and it still works... only problem some players have from time to time is they dont see the marker of single individual teammates... we couldnt reproduce this yet.... so we dont know what causes this...
  18. hi&hello... we have following situation... when a player disconnects when the mission loads an ai is left behind standing around as replacement for him we already have disabledAI = 1; in description.ext and we also added this handleDisconnect = { _unit = _this select 0; _containers = nearestObjects[_unit,["WeaponHolderSimulated"],5]; {deleteVehicle _x;} foreach _containers; deleteVehicle _unit; }; addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{_this call handleDisconnect; false}]; }; in initServer.sqf serverside but these pesky ai still stands around sometimes... do we miss something? is there any other way to do this? why is this arma code so unreliable most of the time? regards
  19. well... ask the right people the right questions and they will answer... doesnt mean that you will like what they say... thats another story...
  20. so you assume we can help when the ones which got them cant/wont? you should ask first... and then assume whatever you like... when you got an answer...
  21. why dont you ask them where they got them
  22. there is nothing like you have to click on a button when the server is missing a script... it just logs it and continues... i personally wouldnt run any server with -noLogs at all as they are essential to inform us (serveradmins) about whats going on...
  23. its live he says... its FUCKING AWESOME i say... ^^ only too bad we cant put the animations in the missionfile so the players wouldnt have to install it clientside... maybe BIS improves their own animation set with this stuff... in 2 years of running a king of the hill server (non-samatra) i have learned to make everything bullet(idiot)proof and make it as simple as it can get for the players ^^
  24. gagi2

    Silent Map Converter

    any chance to make this wonderful tool compatible with 3den created maps with the latest format?
  25. hey matt... i hope i can see some nice tanoa police hq and prisons and stuff like you have made for australia soon ^^