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Posts posted by pleasant

  1. On 7/29/2017 at 10:08 AM, stburr91 said:

    I agree that the power curve is too sensitive, especially if you are using a keyboard, and mouse, as you can only adjust the throttle in increments of 3%-5%. 


    I've played around with the VTOLs, and the flight characteristics are odd to say the least, if not outright very unrealistic. The flights characteristics are too unpredictable, you can gain altitude without raising the throttle when you stop forward flight (completely unrealistic), and the slightest misadjustment with the throttle (way to easy to do with a keyboard, and mouse), and you drop like a rock. 


    As the OP stated, with such a small percentage of throttle being the difference between gaining altitude, and dropping like a rock, that is a problem. Now add to the fact that many people only use a keyboard, and mouse, where you can only adjust the throttle in increments of 3%-5%, and you have a serious issue, one that should be addressed. 

    100% Agreed!

  2. On 7/23/2017 at 10:17 AM, Imperator[TFD] said:


    Zero issues here with landing either VTOL anywhere.

    Listen carefully to the part where I discuss the 'nose drop' at roughly 140 speed.  Pay attention to that and you'll be set.

    While I'm sure you meant no disrespect, to be honest I find this comment a bit patronizing. Posting a tutorial and telling someone who has been playing the game since Armed Assualt to "pay attention" is not why I started this thread. I am well versed on "how" to fly a VTOL aircraft in Arma. I created this thread as a result of my frustration following literally hundreds of hours of attempting to compensate for a broken throttle dynamic.


    None the less, thank you for taking the time to respond. 

    • Like 1

  3. On 7/31/2017 at 1:27 PM, Khazul66 said:

    The problem with VTOLs is partly what prompted my post about per vehicle type joystick/throttle control sensitivity setup above. With everything setup for reasonable landing of a helo, I find that the tiniest movement of the throttle when landing a blackfish is enough for it to plummet to the ground from a stable hover only a few meters up with enough downward velocity to explode on impact.


    TBH - I find landing with mouse/keyboard far easier than landing with a HOTAS (for helos and vtols) unless I stick to only flying one specific aircraft, never mind flying one one minute and another the next as I find the throttle control is more often than not just far too coarse in region you need for precise vertical decent rate control. I just hate flying with mouse keyboard in first person view and find the cam in 3rd person struggles to track around hard turns.


    Perhaps with several months of practice - I will get used to it, but in its current state, it just feels somewhat unnatural.

    100% Agreed.

  4. On 7/23/2017 at 8:37 AM, teabagginpeople said:

    I can land it on a dime using mouse and keyboard. 


    But still have to agree Power curve  feels off. 

    I too can land on a dime. But only after a considerable struggle with a broken throttle. Try this; land on that dime while taking small arms fire from several locations near the aircraft. 

  5. On 7/22/2017 at 2:12 PM, joostsidy said:

    Although the power curve is indeed odd in auto-vectoring mode, you should not fly the VTOL in auto vectoring mode. Use the controls you have bound to flaps to control the direction of thrust on approach to landing (or all the time).


    This is much more closer to how VTOLS are supposed to be controlled. With a couple of hours practice you'll be able to land the Y32 on top of the inflatable assault boat if necessary.

    I have been aware of the flap settings controlling nacells since Hot Shot Mike released his port of the MV-22. 

  6. Dear Devs,


    Please do this:
    1. In the editor, place the USS Freedom anywhere in the ocean surrounding Altis.
    2. Place a Y32 Xi'an aircraft from the Jets DLC at Altis international.
    3. Using a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro joystick (the joystick used by roughly half of the community) with the analog throttle properly configured, attempt to fly the aircraft to the carrier and land.

    Hopefully this simple exercise will help you to realize, in it's current state, the power characteristics of not only the Y32, but all VTOL aircraft in ARMA are currently broken.

    I have now been practicing flying the VTOL aircraft for over a month. My joystick is properly configured and I have even incorporated my keyboard in an effort to control the throttle more accurately. It doesn't matter. When the difference between rapidly gaining altitude and dropping out the sky like a brick is 4% of the throttle the power settings for the VTOL aircraft in the game are not "challenging." They are broken.

  7. I have been running my custom port of Liberation for Lythium for about a month on a virtual server. After updating to the latest version of Jbad I was unable to start the server with Lythium in the mod line. Guessing an update for Lythium is in order..? Dialed back for now. Works fine using old version.

  8. On 5/19/2017 at 2:30 AM, flyinpenguin117 said:

    With the release of the Jets DLC, here's a couple things I'd like to see added to aircraft in the game:


    -Autopilots for orbit and leveling. This would help immensely for using the TGP, and man a gunship without a full crew. And speaking of the TGP...


    -Pitch indicator in addition to roll while using TGP. Kinda odd that its missing, but it needs it.


    -Have drone commands (and the hypothetical level/orbit autopilot) fly ASL instead of following the terrain. Pretty annoying trying to mark targets and getting lurched around and the camera flipped over because the UAV is following mountains 1500 meters below.


    -Implement dynamic loadouts outside the editor and scripting. At least put it in Zeus. And speaking of Zeus...


    -Expand waypoints for aircraft in Zeus. Loiter commands in particular would be nice.


    I second all of this. Especially some form of auto-pilot. Even if it is just a basic "attempt to hold current airspeed, heading and altitude."

    Also an additional level of zoom in the Black Wasp TGP.

    As it stands the aircraft is well within range of AA assets long before it is able to effectively target enemy infantry.

    While this may be contribute to "balanced" play in theory. In practice it means the aircraft will almost always take damage, or be destroyed outright.
    Having flown the Black Wasp in several missions now, I can say with confidence, an additional level of zoom is desperately needed.

    • Like 1

  9. Mr J, I have been flying the "ADuke823's UH-1Y Venom" around Altis all weekend. I love this bird.


    The physics are perfect and the M2 hanging off the side is not only true to the real thing but incredibly lethal to tango's behind cover.


    Plus the sounds are awesome!


    All that said, may I humbly suggest/request adding ACE fast roping compatibility?


    This is the best Venom in the game right now as far as I'm concerned and addition of fast roping capability would be legendary.


    Thanks ahead for any response and any effort to this end.

    Also, thank you for your prolific creation of addons for the community on the whole. 

  10. On behalf of myself and a the Arma community thank you for all your hard work on this mod.


    It is fantastic!


    This is the kind of content that helps keep this game alive and growing.


    Three years after it's release troops in Arma 3 can finally be transported to rooftops and high cliffs without stranding them.


    You sir have literally changed the game. Again, thank you.

    • Like 6

  11. I am having this issue and players dying instantly on respawn as well. I am positive it is an error caused by the EDEN editor. As the only change made to this mission was converting to it to the 3d editor. That said, I am not sure what is causing it. I have noticed that when re-configuring squads in the 3d editor there is definitely a problem with the number assigning system as stated here.

  12. Wanted to add this in case Bohemia reads it. Specifically when editing a mission using Eden it's as though the squad callsigns are not being reset after deleting playable units. After twice deleting all of the units, the new callsigns when creating new units continued from where they had left off as though the old units were still existing. Instead of Alpha 1-1 the new units began at something like Kilo 1-3.
