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About onlyonejourney

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. onlyonejourney

    Gun play awkwardness

    Yep. A guy ran up behind me near the exit and dumped a whole drum mag at me but I just moved around a bunch until the timer ran out. Lol Its early access sure. Hopefully they are tweaking. I'm sure they are. I should have died, even an unskilled person IRL with a drum mag 9mm carbine should have hit me.
  2. onlyonejourney

    Gun play awkwardness

    3rd person is and is not accurate at specific distances based on the weapon type. U can test this on the range. 1st person is pretty accurate but the gun sway makes it clunky and is a little odd. I understand gun sway is meant to feel realistic but I run rifles alot as a hobby/job and I am on target very fast with very little "sway". I think games can do away with most of that. Sway is actually not that realistic.
  3. onlyonejourney

    Praise & Ideas

    I also really love prone. Same arma mechanics.. u can roll over on your side or on your back..its great
  4. onlyonejourney

    Praise & Ideas

    Btw. The game runs very smooth for early release and I would think it could handle larger maps etc
  5. onlyonejourney

    Praise & Ideas

    Love the game. I could play it just like it is for a while. (Besides obvious bugs already reported) Concern: Too quick on gameplay, doesn't feel like "survival/gathering"..more run and gun and get out. Idea 1: make the map 2x as big and add a 2nd airdrop, but the 2nd airdrop should be later, not at the same time. Increase max players up by maybe 2-5..or leave the same. Idea 2: seems to me the airdrop pretty much is end game. If someone takes it the game is over(radiation).. please allow more time after the drop for more looting and possible interaction with leftover players. Maybe by 5-10min?
  6. onlyonejourney

    People teaming up and no gamertags to report

    If solo is intended.. I'd be curious as to the solution. Too easy to team up unless servers are as random has pubg. Which that could be the solution I guess.
  7. onlyonejourney

    People teaming up and no gamertags to report

    I guess u have no imagination.. and who expects us to play solo? If I came across a friendly and we teamed, what's wrong with that? I do get your point but still.
  8. onlyonejourney

    Excitement thread

    People are also not checking spam folders..some have found them there. Just a heads up
  9. onlyonejourney

    People teaming up and no gamertags to report

    I really dont see any issue with teaming up.. wants the problem? This could and would happen with irl situations
  10. onlyonejourney

    To short.

    I've created a few gun blueprints already and most all consumables. That way u can craft an item if u completely run out. Let's say u go into combat with your favorite rifle, without a blueprint u lose it forever.
  11. onlyonejourney

    To short.

    Crates are a good way to get blueprints.. it's basically just a faster way. U can slowly get blueprints otherwise , it just takes longer. So I dont think crates are the only route to the good guns.. for example I have an AR & AK(2) a few more and I should have a blueprint.. but a crate may give me an instant blue
  12. onlyonejourney

    Combat Leaving

    I'm pretty conflicted on this.. the game forces you to funnel to an exit point at which people WILL eventually camp. Its exactly like spawn camping. I think maybe it should be done differently but calling it combat logging is funny bc it's at the very exit point of the map. Consider this: (or spark thoughts) When a player enters the exit zone, he has 3-5sec before he is disarmed, unable to fight and also unable to be hurt. This solves a few things, u cant come and go from the exit as u wish to exploit it and players can't sit on a nearby hill and lob rounds into the zone.
  13. Asuseroako, You still working on Arma3 Flashpoint? Excuse me, Im just super anxious for it. thx!
  14. onlyonejourney

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    @warjager. Enable opfor(opposing team) Commander and at least 2+ AI teams. Also give them plenty of money(parameters) so they can get started. This is the only way I ever see them in reasonable time. I play blufor commander/no AI teams against opfor commander+2 AI teams- on stratis. Altis will probably need like 3 or 4 teams minimum.. don't over kill with teams unless you have some enable on yourside or prepare to be raped. If they don't have plenty of starting money, you will wait a long time for opfor to acquire enough to really see action
  15. onlyonejourney

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    @benny I can die happy now! super thx