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Everything posted by speedydagonzales

  1. thx t-800a! I cant find this entry so i have leave my dirty version. Only changed the classnames of cup to the rhs ones because i dont know where to change the enemy faction. I sent you the mission via pm. for the rhs stuff. And I found out why i cant play without the cup addons, because in the "mission_folder\config\cfgRandomMissions.hpp" file is a classname left from cup for the helipilot whiteslist, so problem solved.
  2. Hi T-800a i really like your missions and its fits perfect for my re-entry into arma3. How the Ki perform and the missions itself perfect for a round after work with his friends. So i have customized your missions with own faction rhs russia against rhs east miltia and some ace features on the map mske(hail to Hotzenplotz ;) ). Where can i change the playerfaction and the ki faction ? (East vs Indep) I have changed the rewards to fit rhs russia, changed the player units on the map and changed the vehicles but when i want to join with no cup vehicles/weapons/units i cant join because he needs the addons. I have deleted all from cup because i like the mission more with rhs but i need the non used cup addons for joining the mission, how can get rid of cup/units/weapons/vehicles ? In the mission sqm is no addon from cup left. My last question can i add more missions locations to your mske mission, i want to place some missions locations on the other islands. I pressed f5 for town then f9 for export and i have the killzone addons .dll in the missionfolder. But what then, it searches for waypoints or something on the maps but nothing more, mayby you can explain this for a noob like me ? Where goes the file with the location and do i only have to add this data i get out there to your mske locations layout file ? Otherwise no problem i`m happy with the mission anyway.