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Everything posted by T6_Gtr

  1. T6_Gtr

    No Women=Disturbing

    You got it all wrong... They are all in the kitchen making sammiches.
  2. T6_Gtr

    Close Air Support - Day 2

    Great mission, awesome work. I've only had two issues with it, sometimes when a gunner the AI pilot might not move to the designated location (point on the map or by scrolling and point) and when trying to change up the chopper (from little bird to blackfoot or blackfoot to ka60) the AI pilot might freeze up and not board the vehicle. Maybe it just glitched for me for a little bit, but I will experiment with it more so!
  3. ACE + ACRE, call it a day.
  4. T6_Gtr

    Buildings are too weak

    I wish that the building damage system from Battlefield 3 (or even 4) could be integrated into A3. 50 cal will take down a wall of a building with ease, so will an RPG but not an entire building. It seems like it is either a JDAM on a building or NO damage (well minus broken windows). lol
  5. It is indeed the revive/respawn script. Had the same issue on the public server but wait for the scripts to be updated by the author and it will be good to go. Keep in mind that IF you are running dev branch, you might never get an update till the game is out.
  6. T6_Gtr

    Helicopter miniguns issues

    Actually, they are VERY accurate (Obviously not as accurate as a sniper rifle... but for it being a minigun and used to just annihilate and suppress the hell out of targets). You just need practice and a rudder pedal. Once you get the side slip and funnel going over a target, you just need to counter the side slip with your rudder pedals (or flight stick with yaw movement which I am terrible at). To make it easier to understand, use the X and C keys while shooting so you will be spraying left and right on the targets. I mentioned the X and C keys to give you the idea of what I am trying to say, if you use the keyboard for yaw you are going to have a bad time... Rudders and trackir makes flying night and day, for the better.
  7. T6_Gtr

    Helicopters change lately

    Keep in mind in this reply that I use trackir as well as saitek rudder peddals. As for orbiting the AO, nothing has really changed and for the funnel maneuver to me it feels like more lift is required to do it but its nothing to really "complain" about it.
  8. T6_Gtr

    Arma 3 Trial

    In all honestly, if you liked Arma 2... You won't be disappointed in Arma 3. Gameplay is much smoother, the only problem you might have with Arma 3 is the lack of content but with mods and a good community of multiplayer you will be fine!
  9. T6_Gtr

    To Steam or Not To Steam

    This past 2 days, ive actually been only getting "steam workshop" versions of a mission from armaholic. I hope mission makers will offer both downloads AND workshop link.
  10. T6_Gtr

    We need more torque

    I do agree with Beagle when it comes to vehicles with wheels. They need better "off road" tires however not the tracked. Tracked vehicles do need more torque.
  11. In all honesty, I dont think it would matter that much depending on the card. I have a HD7950 3gb SINGLE card and am running everything on ultra with 50+ fps. I do have a core i7 3.5 with 32gb ram to go with that.
  12. What's funny is that the community is what makes this game a game. Meaning, people take the BIS made game and build on top of it. I cannot confirm however, from ACE 2 in Arma 2... There will be MANY vehicles out there. As for fixed wing and rotary... Addons... the F16 and the F22 in arma 2 were amazing and we have used them along with ACE non stop. So... who cares if BIS is releasing only 1 fixed wing. Anyone not remember how many vehicles were in Arma 2 when it came out? Now there are 4 DLC MADE BY BIS out there let alone thousands of addons made by community...
  13. Great mission, a couple of my buddies are loving it! A few suggestions, the vehicle supply doesnt really work also, could we add a REARM spot for vehicles?
  14. Beside the server name, the circle: What color is it? If it is red you cannot join anyways, orange is "maybe" and green is a go. Since you are running the dev build, that might be your problem joining/crashing your game. There are quite a few servers that run the "stable" version instead of the dev build thus it might be causing some problems. Keep in mind that the dev build has updates on it all the time and the companies/people running the server wont be able to catch up to the updates.
  15. T6_Gtr

    divers are useless in most scenarios

    One word: MODS. AI divers are somewhat useless, I agree to it however player divers are extremely useful. They can peak their head out of the water, plant charges on the AA or even lase a target from the water while you take it out from far away... Also, when it comes to the good old AI, Zeus AI is there as a mod and its fantastic.
  16. The dev blog can be found here . It is the direct link to the dev blog. I am assuming the campaign will be shorter than arma 2 but longer than OA. Why do I say that? Well, they are are focused on "quality over quantity". Frankly, do NOT forget that you can actually play each campaign in 4 different roles when you COOP. Sad to say, ive actually never touched the COOP campaign till last week... And it is a NEW experience for me. I hope there will be 4 different roles (at least) in Arma 3 campaign so we can enjoy it even more. For example: First couple of missions in OA you can be an AH64 pilot and provide cover/cas for your buddies down on the ground. I love flying and thats what I do best and it has been hella fun for us. Especially since we all belong to a realism unit, we use our tactics ;)
  17. Instead of a mod, this should be in game already. In arma 2 ace covered this so and ace is planing on to be out for arma 3 around 1.13 patch (as they said so and will covered current and futuristic content) so might just wait for ACE to come out and we will have the top down feature. Just like the Hellfire missiles.
  18. Been trying to flip the tracked APC's by going full speed over very small rocks as we all know that would happen in Arma 2 but nothing so far so its a good thing.
  19. Win 7 64b Core i7 3.5ghz 32gb ram AMD 7900 3gb I have a crappy HDD but will upgrade to an SSD soon enough to install windows + steam + programs on and keep the HDD for music/files etc.
  20. Fantastic mod. It seems to be working when it comes to spawning however, I seem to be having a problem (within the showcases) using the spawned vehicles. I tried "unlock" character as well as the vehicle. It says it is unlocked but wont let me see any of the seats. Any plans on adding support options? As in, artillery/cas/tanks/apc support? Perhaps when we receive the actual version. I love completing the campaigns with no help what so ever but after you do that once or twice it can get boring... (I used loki lost keys in arma 2). Rolling in with an a tank or Apache is hella fun lol.
  21. I'm looking for a CMT time zoned clan that is semi-serious and does PVE (player versus environment, coop/dom) to join for Arma 3. I've done the whole balls to the wall realism unit before and gotten to rank SSgt with command of 3 fire teams then switched of to be a pilot in Arma 2 OA (Wo1) for transport a little bit but then was in CAS - Heli and Airplane (mainly A10, some Harrier action but it was boring as some dude just lazes the target and you click a button... a tad boring). Just looking to have fun but also the key being TEAMWORK. You don't have to salute everyone and be in a realism unit to have fun. You still can, dont get me wrong but I've been there done that. So now... I am looking for a clan that is ORGANIZED, uses tactics, has high situational awareness and still does the whole realism without the strict rules of realism. Feel free to PM with your clan info and I can actually officially apply via the website.