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Everything posted by RegEdit

  1. You can try this, not sure if it’ll help though. <p align="center"><img src="image.jpg"></p>
  2. Try to replace “this†with “officerâ€. If it won’t help, you can also try to call officersetup.sqf from init.sqf.
  3. Did you mean this? _walls = [wall1,wall2,wall3]; { _x setDir 90; } forEach _walls;
  4. RegEdit

    pick random sound

    You have to define all sounds that you’ll need and then select random one in a script. _sounds = ["sound1","sound2","sound3"]; playSound (_sounds select ([0,(count _sounds)-1] call BIS_fnc_randomInt));
  5. Replace all your code with mine, not only forEach, and this should work.
  6. Maybe not the best solution, but you can check current player’s task in a loop and change it when you need, like this: currentTask = "task1"; while {true} do { if (player call BIS_fnc_taskCurrent != currentTask) then { currentTask call BIS_fnc_taskSetCurrent; }; sleep 3; };
  7. Yes, I think so. Try this: _houseList = getMarkerPos "Cache1_marker" nearObjects ["House",25]; _c = 0; while {format ["%1", _x buildingPos _c] != "[0,0,0]"} do { _c = _c + 1; }; if (_c > 0) then { _ranNum = floor (random _c); _crate = "Box_East_Wps_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _crate setPos ((_houseList select ([0,(count _houseList)-1] call BIS_fnc_randomInt)) buildingPos _ranNum); };
  8. I think markers isn’t the most accurate method. You’ll need to get into the building on foot and then save your coordinates. Paste this in a separate file and call it, for example, pos.sqf: copyToClipboard str getPos _this Then when you need to get your position, call it with: player call compile loadFile "pos.sqf"; Coordinates will be copied to your clipboard. When you have enough coordinates, you can use following code: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; coords = [ [coordinates 1], [coordinates 2], [coordinates 3] ]; "Box_NATO_Wps_F" createVehicle (coords select ([0,(count coords)-1] call BIS_fnc_randomInt));
  9. Well, you can create new task after current is completed. I don’t think you can somehow prevent player from doing this.
  10. RegEdit

    addAction string formatting

    You right, it won’t work, correct variant is: _this addAction [format ["Move to %1",_var],"move.sqf"] In this case your variable must be probably string.
  11. RegEdit

    Vest item problem

    There are no "V_PlateCarrier1_cbr" in current version. You can use "V_PlateCarrier1_blk" or "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr" instead.
  12. Just open whatever you use to edit scripts and press Ctrl + V after script execution. You can only copy something to clipboard, but can’t save to file, so script will be looking like this: _pos = getPos player; _msg = format ["[%1,[%2,%3,%4]]",direction player,_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_pos select 2]; hint _msg; copyToClipboard _msg;
  13. You can’t run .sqf scripts with exec command, you need to use execVM. Try this: _handle = player execVM "office.sqf" Also, I’m not sure that such action as “ease†exists, so office.sqf then will be looking like this: _this action ["salute",_this]; sleep 3; _this action ["salute",_this];
  14. RegEdit

    edit field manual

    Yeah, maybe I’m wrong, but it seems that you can’t create topics for custom hints, because there is already a topic called <mission> for your mission’s hints, so you have to create single hints and put them in HintMainClass.
  15. RegEdit

    edit field manual

    Yes, it is. You just need to add advanced hint in your Description.ext: class CfgHints { class HintMainClass { displayName = "Hint Main Class"; class HintClass { displayName = "Hint Class"; description = "Your hint description."; image = "\a3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\hints\Miss_icon_ca.paa"; tip = "Tip that shows in the bottom of the hint."; }; }; }; Use %1%2Your text in description to add bulleted list item, and %3Your text%4 to make blue highlighted text.
  16. Alright, I got it. Better use dedicated server to test scripts when they’re almost done. Thanks all for your answers.
  17. Hello. Recently I setup a dedicated server on my PC to test MP scripts/missions. And I have two questions: When I edit some script in a mission (init.sqf, for example), that is already loaded on the server, and then press “saveâ€, Notepad++ says that this file is already opened in another program, i.e. in ArmA server executable. Because of that I have to reboot the whole server or make copy of a mission in MPMissions folder. Is there any more convenient method to edit scripts when mission on a server is already loaded? Can debug console be somehow accessed on a dedicated server? It works fine with a “enableDebugConsole = 1;†setting in Description.ext on a server that hosted from game, but it doesn’t show up on a dedicated, even if I’m logged in as admin. Thanks in advance.
  18. Faces: AfricanHead_01 AfricanHead_02 AfricanHead_03 AsianHead_A3_01 AsianHead_A3_02 AsianHead_A3_03 Custom Default GreekHead_A3_01 GreekHead_A3_02 GreekHead_A3_03 GreekHead_A3_04 GreekHead_A3_05 GreekHead_A3_06 GreekHead_A3_07 GreekHead_A3_08 GreekHead_A3_09 NATOHead_01 Nikos PersianHead_A3_01 PersianHead_A3_02 PersianHead_A3_03 WhiteHead_02 WhiteHead_03 WhiteHead_04 WhiteHead_05 WhiteHead_06 WhiteHead_07 WhiteHead_08 WhiteHead_09 WhiteHead_10 WhiteHead_11 WhiteHead_12 WhiteHead_13 WhiteHead_14 WhiteHead_15 Voices: Base ENG Male00ENG Male00TK Male01ENG Male01TK Male02ENG Male02TK Male03ENG Male03TK Male04ENG Male04TK NoVoice TK