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Everything posted by GrKl30

  1. Ok, thanks applied the two solutions you proposed. Will do some more tests later with friend. About Zeus, yes, currently Zeus possibility is there, more for testing purpose on the mission then for real use of Zeus. Even if no one is playing Zeus I sometimes had these issues for God
  2. Hello Psycho, First of all, thanks for this awsome script, it seems to be the only one arround I found giving the ability to use the respawn menu from ARMA and create new respawn via script. I also experience some bugs: sometimes the random GOD mode bug, sometimes not beeing able to revive a guy that is down and has the countdown If sending you a copy of my (in development) mission, I can send it to you. also, the log is showing an error on the start of the mission on your init.sqf: {[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS> Error position: <_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS> Error Undefined variable in expression: _x File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\init.sqf, line 17 Error in expression <(TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5]; > Error position: <p1,p2,p3,p4,p5]; > Error Undefined variable in expression: p1 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\init.sqf, line 17 If I can help in any way, feel free to ask Bests, Garlik / GrKl30 EDIT: actually, seeing AI oppfor reaction on a friend currently beeing in this godmode: AI not attacking him untill he fires at them so I wonder if the problem could simply be that after having respawned (or beeing revived?) the game still think he is in this 'half dead' status (the one you have while waiting for revive) dont know if this could point in the correct direction... nore if I made this clear :( SECOND EDIT: ok, actually, after some other tests, it seems JIP players have godmode friend was not JIP, not godmode, disconnected, reconnected (so is now becoming JIP) and is now god hope this can help
  3. Hello all, I am learning to script for Arma3 by creating my first Arma scripts. Here is what I would like to do in my 'spawn.sqf' script: 1: If previous mission is completed (if (taskComplete)) -1A: send a hint for confirmation -1B: in this case delete the marker and mark the task as succeeded 2: If server: -2A: find randomly a new task (city) and assign the 'cityPos' (position) variable to it -2B: create a new trigger and configure it so that when activated it launches: "format["[true] execVM ""spawn.sqf"""]" 3: All (players & server): -3A: create a new task and configure it -3B: create a marker on the map and configure it So in my mission, I set the first trigger manually to launch on activation: "this = [false] execVM "spawn.sqf"" this works properly, all runs fine on clients & on the server my problem is with the triggers created from the script (2B), it is launched correctly on the server, but it seems to me that the clients do not execute the 'spawn.sqf' script as requested. I placed a few hints in it, and can thus confirm it Is this normal? If so, what should I do so that the script is correctly launched on clients + servers? here is the 'spawn.sqf': taskComplete = _this select 0; sleep 1; //wait load.sqf to load hint format ["taskComplete?: %1",taskComplete]; sleep 5; if (taskComplete) then { hint "task completed!"; task setTaskState "Succeeded"; sleep 5; player removeSimpleTask task; deleteMarker "marker"; sleep 2; }; if (isServer) then { // find new city cityName = city call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; publicVariable "cityName"; city = city - [cityName]; if (cityName == "Agia Marina") then { cityPos = getMarkerPos "AgiaMarina"; publicVariable "cityPos"; }; if (cityName == "Girna") then { cityPos = getMarkerPos "Girna"; publicVariable "cityPos"; }; //create the trigger and winning conditions trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", cityPos]; trigger setTriggerArea[300,300,0,false]; trigger setTriggerActivation["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false]; trigger setTriggerStatements["this", "nul = [true] execVM ""spawn.sqf"";", ""]; }; sleep 1; //create a task task = player createSimpleTask ["task"]; task setSimpleTaskDestination cityPos; task setSimpleTaskDescription [format ["You must kill all enemies in %1",cityName],format ["Free %1",cityName],format ["Free %1",cityName]]; task setTaskState "Created"; //add a marker on the map marker = createMarker ["marker", (cityPos)]; marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; marker setMarkerSize [300, 300]; "marker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; hint format ["cityName is: %1\ncityPos is: %2",cityName,cityPos]; /* sleep 10; // this part works... so code written above seems good to me hint "task completed!"; task setTaskState "Succeeded"; deleteMarker "marker"; */ Thank you for any help possible
  4. Ok, Lala, actually I'm going to have to hug you ;-) this: [[[false], "spawn.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; indeed resolves my problem, I just was not supposed to add it in the "on Act." field of my trigger (as I written above), this does not work. I had to make my script launch that line from the server to apply it on all clients (and server, so I had to use if (!isServer) to prevent it running it too) so problem resolved, thanks a lot Lala14!
  5. Thx Lala for helping, currently I just replaced: trigger setTriggerStatements["this", "nul = [1] execVM ""spawn.sqf"";", ""]; by: trigger setTriggerStatements["this", "[[[1], "spawn.sqf"],BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;, ""]; was this what you ment? I am not able to make this work currently, but I think this is because your propose to 'spawn' with 'BIS_fnc_MP'. If I am correct I must then preprocess the 'spawn.sqf' script. But having never preprocessed scripts, I do not quite understand how and were this should be done. Could you help on this too?
  6. GrKl30

    =BTC= Revive

    Thanks for the reply djotacon. But this is the thing, could I not just configure BTC differently: When the player clicks on 'Respawn', you get to the normal Arma3 multiplayer respawn menu and not automaticly to the marker 'respawn_west' Or are you aware of any other revive script doing this? I really just need the revive option, I do not want to change the respawn way of working
  7. GrKl30

    =BTC= Revive

    Hello All! I've been searching all day, but I am not able to make this work as I would like: I would like to use this script only for the revive option, and keep the 'Respawn' button. But I would like the respawn not on the marker, but on the editor multiplayer respawn module, or even on the new "Zeus" respawn point. The reason I would like this is because using this script I am not able to move the marker with "Zeus" but I woul need to do so. And no, the mobile spawn is not a solution for me ;-) Thank you for any help possible
  8. Thanks to Kibot for this great Mission! Simple & effective mission with indeed a good replayability and Thanks to BigShot for the great work adding a lot of nice features (even if I will only be testing this tonight :o ) BigShot: could I propose to you to create a new Thread concerning your modified version? On the original post of that thread, it would be a lot easier to read all the updates you've done. Reading 95pages of posts to see what has been done is a bit long :D Porting this to dedicated servers would be great, even if I understand this could be a lot of work Thanks again!