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Everything posted by revv

  1. Hello all I am having an issue after making my own Warlords mission suddenly I cannot host any mp game. As soon as I choose host new from the server browser, put in a name and check allow upnp then hit start it crashes. I can't even choose a mission file or anything else. Was working fine until today and am at a total loss as to what is causing this. The Arma 3 crash error I get is: Include file A3\Missions_F_Warlords\cfgMissionParams.inc not found. Any ideas? *Edit: FIXED by removing the #include line in the description.ext which the dev said to put in for editing parameters from lobby.
  2. No Idea it was working then suddenly wasn't, Warlords is part of the vanilla game now so if it isn't there I don't know why it wouldn't be. Yeah there was an include in the description ext for Warlords to allow users to edit the parameters from the lobby. Was working then suddenly didn't and after removing that line it seems fine again. Strange since Warlords only just came out and the dev said to put it in there.
  3. If you use CBA you can indeed change it, check here: https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/Name-Groups-in-Lobby
  4. Okay I think I got it working but how do I make it so I can load HUMV's into the c-130 and into the trucks, I tried changing the cargo capacity near the top of the script but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks by the way!
  5. I know this is an old script now but has anyone got a working version that has RHS support? I've been pulling my hair out trying to get it working but to no avail.
  6. revv

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Hi would you be able to share the bat file you use to run the headless client? If you got it working from dedicated windows to dedicated windows that's what I am trying to do :)
  7. revv

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Hi I hope someone can help me with this issue as I've just spent ~8hrs banging my head against the wall trying to get this to work lol. I have a server running on a dedicated machine and another machine set up as a headless client I've gone through every tutorial/guide I could find and as far as I can see it's all set up correctly BUT when I run the HC the window just says "dedicated client created" and then nothing happens. It doesn't connect or do anything. Here is the bat file I use to run the HC: start /min "" "C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server_x64.exe" -client -connect= -port=2302 -password=***** -profile="C:\Users\damie\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\headlessclient\headlessclient.Arma3Profile" -mod=@CBA_A3;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@ace;@ACE_Compat_-_RHS_Armed_Forces_of_the_Russian_Federation;@ACE_Compat_-_RHS_United_States_Armed_Forces;@Advanced_Rappelling;@Advanced_Towing;@Advanced_Urban_Rappelling;@3CB_BAF_Equipment;@3CB_BAF_Units;@3CB_BAF_Units_(ACE_compatibility);@3CB_BAF_Units_(RHS_compatibility);@3CB_BAF_Vehicles;@3CB_BAF_Vehicles_(Servicing_extension);@3CB_BAF_Weapons;@3CB_BAF_Weapons_(ACE_compatibility);@ACE_Compat_-_RHS-_GREF;@ALiVE;@ACEX;@CUP_ACE3_Compatibility_Addon_-_Terrains;@CUP_Terrains_-_Core;@CUP_Terrains_-_CWA;@CUP_Terrains_-_Maps;@FA-18_Super_Hornet;@G.O.S_Leskovets;@Project_OPFOR;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF;@TAC_VESTS;@TF_Snow_Storm_Menu;@TRYK_[TRYK's_Multi-play_Uniforms];@VSM_All-In-One_Collection;@Winter_2035;@ZEC_-_Zeus_and_Eden_Templates_-_Building_Compositions;@ZECCUP_-_Zeus_and_Eden_Templates_for_CUP_Terrains;@Spyder_Addons I'm using TADST to run the server and I have the HC check box ticked with the IP for the HC machine listed. I checked the rpt file and there's no errors of any kind. Any help would be appreciated and let me know if you can help but need more info, thanks!
  8. As the title says I am trying to do a check if a trigger area is completely empty before spawning an object via an addAction. Here is the addAction on an object: this allowDamage false; this enableSimulation disable; this addAction ["Get Wheel","scripts\boxWheel.sqf"]; and here is the script: wheelBox = [getPos boxSpawn,0,"ACE_Wheel",WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; the name of my trigger is: boxTrigger_01 How do I set it to check if the trigger area is completely empty before executing the addAction/script?
  9. similar but his is more specific I just want to check for any or all objects/vehicles, thanks though!
  10. I have a crate with the addAction to spawn the wheel just a meter or two away and there's another crate which does the same for tracks, I don't really want to delete anything just check if it's clear
  11. No the issue is I click the addAction to spawn a wheel on the pad then click it again and it spawns into the first one which results in a wheel flying up to the sky. I just need to check if either the pad or trigger area are clear of all objects then spawn i, if not clear maybe show a hint
  12. Hello I am using the Enemy Occupation System by BangaBob so my enemy units are spawned dynamically and was wondering how I can detect each time a player has killed an opfor. Kill counter doesn't do the job as it seems it doesn't always detect a kill. Tested this all morning with a friend and after getting many kills it only showed about 4. Double checked each time and it was not detecting each kill. Anyway back on to topic so I have a currency system in place and I want players to get paid for each enemy kill but I can't work out the detection method. Any help appreciated. So I was advised to changed the topic title instead of making a new one, I worked out how to detect if player killed an enemy but I am still having trouble attaching the script to a dynamically spawned unit from EOS. JShock suggested using addMissionEventHandler but I could not work it out. Any help appreciated. In the EOS folder I found a script where apparently you can add custom code to units it spawns: setSkill.sqf _grp=(_this select 0); _skillArray=(_this select 1); _skillset = server getvariable _skillArray; { _unit = _x; { _skillvalue = (_skillset select _forEachIndex) + (random 0.2) - (random 0.2); _unit setSkill [_x,_skillvalue]; } forEach ['aimingAccuracy','aimingShake','aimingSpeed','spotDistance','spotTime','courage','reloadSpeed','commanding','general']; if (EOS_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER != 1) then {_unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";_unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_damage = (_this select 2)*EOS_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER;_damage}];}; if (EOS_KILLCOUNTER) then {_unit addEventHandler ["killed", "null=[] execVM ""eos\functions\EOS_KillCounter.sqf"""]}; // ADD CUSTOM SCRIPTS TO UNIT HERE _unit addEventHandler ["killed", null=[_this select 0, _this select 1] execVM "scripts\killed.sqf"]; } forEach (units _grp); Line 15 is my custom bit but I can't get it to do anything, no errors come up it just does nothing. The other file: killed.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; /* ----- Payout for killing enemy ----- */ if ((isPlayer _killer) && (side _unit == EAST)) then { [1200,0] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; player sideChat format ["Paydirt +1200 %1",(name player)]; }; Someone mentioned I'm not passing some needed info to the script, I think they mean maybe the [_this select 0,_this select 1] I just put it in and am testing now, will report back with findings but in the meantime if anyone can help me work it out I would appreciate it.
  13. Try messaging Bangabob he is pretty good with this stuff
  14. Sorry to bring up an old thread but I'm having the same issue and the fix posted did not work for me, I have in my: initPlayerLocal.sqf //if ((typeOf player) == "B_T_Engineer_F") then // { player synchronizeObjectsAdd [requestor]; BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE; // }; Have also tried this: if ((typeOf player) == "B_T_Engineer_F") then { player synchronizeObjectsAdd [requestor]; BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE; }; No luck and before it was working for the first person to join the server but now nobody has access to the supports, any help?
  15. EOS (Enemy Occupation System) by BangaBob, I use it in my mission and it works great! Totally customizable too if you want to use modded units or whatever: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/144150-enemy-occupation-system-eos/
  16. Hello, I am trying to make an ammo crate spawn at a random marker position and Im having trouble. I want my missions to run on repeat as I have a selector picking a random mission from a list so I dont want to crate spawning at server start. This is what I have so far: init.sqf // Tasks fnc_miss_array = []; fnc_miss_array pushBack (compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission_1.sqf"); fnc_miss_array pushBack (compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission_2.sqf"); fnc_miss_array pushBack (compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission_3.sqf"); fnc_miss_array pushBack (compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission_4.sqf"); Then for the moment (while I decide how to execute the mission selector) I have an object with an addAction executing the initMissions.sqf: [] call (selectRandom fnc_miss_array); The mission_1.sqf: switch (side player) do { case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*CHANGE ME*", "*debug 1*"]]; //Task1 - COMMENT task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Mission 1"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["This is mission 1 description","Find Cache","Search"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "cache_1"); task_1 setTaskState "Assigned"; player setCurrentTask task_1; //Task2 - COMMENT task_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Exfil"]; task_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Leave area.","Exfiltrate","Exfil"]; task_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "cache_3"); task_2 setTaskState "created"; }; case EAST: // OPFOR briefing goes here { }; case RESISTANCE: // RESISTANCE/INDEPENDENT briefing goes here { }; case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here { }; }; I tried putting: "scripts\cache_A.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM",2]; at the start of the mission_1.sqf but it doesn't work. To recap Im trying to get the ammo crate to spawn when the mission_1 tasks are assigned. EDIT: I should also mention this will be run on a server so it needs to be JIP friendly and the markers I have placed are: cache_1, cache_2, cache_3 EDIT*: SOLVED By placing "scripts\cache_A.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM",2]; At the start of the initMissions.sqf it ran the cache_A.sqf and it spawned the crate!
  17. I might also add that it does not need the public variable "ammocrate1" near the top it was an old piece of code and I just forgot to remove it
  18. Hey guys and gals really sorry for the late reply I was offline for a while, I did eventually get this working pretty good and Serena's script looks much cleaner than mine but anyway here is what I ended up with if anyone was still needing help on this: initPlayerLocal.sqf params["_player","_jip","_killer","_victim"]; /* ----- PDW ----- */ call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; pdw = ["new","profile"] call OO_PDW; /* ----- End PDW ----- */ /* ----- If not first time join, restore gear else set initial loadout ----- */ private "_session"; _session = profileNamespace getVariable "DMP_FirstJoin"; if(!isNil "_session") then { ["clearInventory",_player] call pdw; ["loadPlayer",_player] call pdw; ["loadInventory",[(name _player),_player]] call pdw; [] call Bank_fnc_loadAccount; hint format["Welcome back %1",profileName]; } else { profileNamespace setVariable["DMP_FirstJoin",true]; saveProfileNamespace; null=[] execVM "scripts\kitBag.sqf"; _player setVariable["HG_myCash",35000]; [] call Bank_fnc_saveAccount; hint format["Welcome %1, first time setup has been successfully completed",profileName]; }; /* ---------- */ /* ----- Briefing ----- */ player createDiaryRecord ["Black Talons", ["Ronin", "Welcome to Black Talon's Ronin."]]; player createDiaryRecord ["Credits", ["Made by:", "Dampiirâ„¢<br />Website: http://black-talons.enjin.com/<br />Teamspeak: blacktalons.enjinvoice.com"]]; /* ---------- */ /* ----- JIP Stuff ----- */ if(_jip) then { [] execVM "scripts\JIPhandle.sqf"; }; /* ---------- */ /* ----- Spawn a thread to give cash to player every 5 minutes ----- */ [] spawn { while {true} do { uiSleep 300; [1000,0] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; hint format["%1 Paycheck! +$1000",profileName]; }; }; /* ---------- */ /* ----- Spawn a thread to save gear every 60 seconds ----- */ [] spawn { while {true} do { uiSleep 60; ["savePlayer",player] call pdw; ["saveInventory",[(name player),player]] call pdw; }; }; /* ---------- */ if (hasinterface) then { waitUntil {!isnull _player}; _player enableStamina false; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {player enableStamina false}]; }; I posted this to show how it handles JIP players and I should mention this runs on a dedicated server so I don't know if it would work being hosted locally. So if a player is JIP it runs the: JIPhandle.sqf if(!isNil "missionStatus") then { switch(missionStatus) do { case 11: {execVM "scripts\mission_1.sqf"; hint "M1"}; case 12: {execVM "scripts\mission_2.sqf"; hint "M2"}; case 13: {execVM "scripts\mission_5.sqf"; hint "M3"}; case 14: {execVM "scripts\mission_4.sqf"; hint "M4"}; case 15: {execVM "scripts\mission_5.sqf"; hint "M5"}; default{hint "Mission Load Failed, Relog!"}; } }; Now for the meat and potatoes of the thread, spawning the object in: // Set mission status for JIP missionStatus = 11; // Code that actually sends this out to other players. publicVariable "missionStatus"; publicVariable "ammocrate1"; [WEST, ["tsk1"], ["Find and destroy the stolen weapon cache!", "Search and Destroy", "Destroy"], [objNull], 1, 2, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; sleep 1; if(!isServer) exitWith{}; _mkr_array = ["tsk_1_1","tsk_1_2","tsk_1_3"]; _mkr_position = getmarkerpos (_mkr_array select floor (random (count _mkr_array))); // Create marker at the location _marker = createMarker ["cache_A", _mkr_position]; _marker setMarkerType "hd_destroy"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerText "Find Cache"; sleep 1; // Create weapon cache near marker _ammocrate1 = createVehicle ["B_supplyCrate_F", getMarkerPos "cache_A", [], 20, "NONE"]; sleep 2; waitUntil {sleep 0.1; !alive _ammocrate1}; ["tsk1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; deleteMarker "cache_A"; sleep 1; [10000,0] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubCash",-2,false]; ["tsk1", WEST] spawn BIS_fnc_deleteTask; sleep 3; "scripts\initMissions.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM",2]; You will notice on line 27 is the actual spawning of the object! Again sorry for the really late reply and hope this helps someone!
  19. Hey peoples really sorry for the late reply but was offline for a while and just started to get back into this again! So after playing around for the last few days I got it all working perfect! If you are using EOS to spawn enemies like I am then look in the EOS folders you will see the structure like this: eos\functions In the functions folder there is a file called setSkill.sqf and right down on line 13 it adds an event handler to spawned units for his kill counter script, I hooked into this and changed some code. The EOS_KILLCOUNTER.sqf is in the same folder (functions) I changed the code in there to this: private ["_eosKills"]; _eosKills=server getvariable "EOSkillCounter"; if (isnil "_eosKills") then {_eosKills=0;}else{ _eosKills=server getvariable "EOSkillCounter"; }; _eosKills=_eosKills + 1; server setvariable ["EOSkillCounter",_eosKills,true]; [250,0] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubCash",player,false]; hint format["%1 Paydirt! +$1000",profileName]; I changed the code from line 11 and down so instead of it adding and displaying a kill counter it pays out for kills using the currency system I am using. Again sorry for the late reply and I hope this helps someone!
  20. After further investigation I found in the server log: A Nil object passed as a target to RemoteExec (Call) 'scripts\killed.sqf'
  21. Ok so I have tried remoteExec, remoteExecCall and addMPEventHandler. None worked so I am stumped on this. This is the last one I tried: setSkill.sqf _unit addEventHandler ["killed", {null=[_this select 0, _this select 1] remoteExec ["scripts\killed.sqf", player, false]}]; Any help would be great!
  22. Ok so should I use remoteExec or remoteExecCall? I was also thinking addMPeventHandler?
  23. Oh and my killed.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; /* ----- Payout for killing enemy ----- */ if ((isPlayer _killer) && (side _unit == EAST)) then { [1200,0] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; player sideChat format ["Paydirt +1000 %1",(name player)]; };