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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Development branch of Aegis received an update!




    • Added: Carrier Lite / Rig (Sand)

    • Added: Rangemaster Belt (Black)

    • Added: Rangemaster Belt (Brown)

    • Added: Rangemaster Belt (Coyote)

    • Added: Rangemaster Belt (Khaki)

    • Added: Rangemaster Belt (Olive)

    • Added: Backpack slot versions of the Rangemaster Belt (variants)

    • Added: Rate-of-fire options for M134 miniguns

    • Fixed: The CAR-95-1 had an incorrect crosshair

    • Fixed: The SA80 LSW was missing its crosshair


    • Like 5

  2. I feel like they were a bit too excited to show off the customization options; I'll wait for a new trailer or two before I decide if I'm passing on this. Personally I don't care that there's women in the game. You can say it's historically innacurate (which it is, though she could be a British spy working with the resistance), but so is the Germans wearing Afrika Korps camo and carrying allied weapons on a Stalingrad map we'll inevitably see.


    Personally I'd rather have 2143 with similar mechanics to BF4.

  3. 7 hours ago, adidasv3 said:

    What an amazing mod, really appreciate all the efforts you guys put to expand on the 2035 setting. 


    I have some suggestions if you dont mind:


    - Csat grey hex camo(found on aircraft)for air force pilots/ground personnel

    - Csat blue hex camo(found on aircraft)for naval/maritime crew/personnel

    - Darken the nato us mtp camo to match real life scorpion ocp camo

    - US4CES camo? 

    - marpat woodland camo? Aor 1 and 2 camos? 

    - Add helmet cameras and headsets to ballistic mandible helmet variants

    - New nato combat vest rigs that have consistent mag pouches. The grenadier/heavy rigs have pouches that only hold mx series 6.5 caseless mags, while carrier lite/rigs have pouches that hold 5.56 mags.

    - Additional vest/rig variants to hold spmg pouches and marksman rifle mags? 

    - any plans to create exosuits and helmets? 

    - Lastly is it possible to add foregrips to spar16 and spar17? 

    1. This is potentially possible but no promises

    2. I feel like urban can already be used for this purpose

    3. NATO MTP is based off Multicam, not OCP

    4. Not sure

    5. AOR is gross. MARPAT will probably show up in a separate project ;)

    6. Can't sadly

    7. Can't sadly

    8. Can't sadly

    9. Maybe in the distant future

    10. Can't sadly

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  4. 5 hours ago, Ex3B said:

    I don't know how a single mission would showcase everything, from shotguns to F-35s, but there are certainly missions which would make use of these assets.


    It wouldn't be hard at all to make a simple Jets showcase-style mission for the F-38. The missions I've made with the F-35 make use of one other (slightly tweaked) addon (the Atlast LHD+ addon, not the one in CUP, the older Atlas plus one needs a bit of tweaking to not screw up certain weapons in the current version), or simpyl have it spawn in midair and have the mission complete by flying off the edge of the map (representing flying back to an offshore carrier).


    It could be fairly easy to have some mission with F-35s operating from some forward base with a field but no proper runway, some nato Moras/Gorgons/Striders, and infantry  with the new weapons, but it would seem to me that the mission would really only showcase some of it, and the rest would just be window dressing in the background (with what the window dressing is depending on if the mission focuses on the infantry, the armor, or the jets at the FOB)....


    On another note, since the mod is being split into parts, might there be just a separate mod for addons vs tweaks/modifications of existing assets? I unload the mod for various purposes (like playing online with others), and its relatively easy to keep track of what is vanilla vs what is in the mod and how the stuff added by the mod behaves.

    - but its not easy to keep track of how vanilla assets behave with/without the mod. Changes to weapon loadout/magazines of vehicles isn't too bad, but knowing that there are tweaks to the behavior of vanilla weapons and vehicles makes me wonder what has changed (dispersion? damage? bullet drag? muzzle velocity? etc), and when I think of a weapon and approximately how well it has worked in the past in various situations, I become unsure if those situations were in vanilla/Aegis, and if it will still work like that on the other.

    Basically, to me there is a lot of value in knowing that vanilla assets behave the same with and without the mod.

    I still want the .50 cal NATO sniper rifles, the bullpup shotguns, the new vehicle textures, new vehicles etc


    Aegis doesn't touch performance of vanilla weapons for the most part. Most changes are magazine size related or attachments related.


    31 minutes ago, 6osbo said:

    Two things. 1) would it be possible to make your modded camouflaged helmets be compatible with Mr Sanchez's Head Lamp mod? I love your camouflaged helmets but i cant use the helmet light, and being able to use the helmet light on your camouflaged helmets would be gnarly. 2) would it also be possible to add the attachments (battery on top, LED light on side, whatever else is on the other side of the helmet from the LED) which are on the ECH and LPH onto the Special Combat Helmets? You took off those attachments from the LPH to make the Low Profile Helmet so would it also be possible to add those helmet attachments onto the SCH?


    1. Sorry, I've got no plans to do compatibility for anything beyond ALiVE, CBA, and ACE. The community is free to make their own patches of course.

    2. I can't modify official models, I'm afraid.

    • Like 2

  5. 4 hours ago, kerozen said:

    Does anyone know where i can get the .as and .smdi of the AAF Officer suit?


     Uniform class name: U_I_OfficerUniform

    hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\data\suitpack_soldier_indep_co.paa"};


    The texture is there but i can't find the .as and .smdi anywhere



    There is no AS but you can find the SMDI in: a3\characters_f_beta\indep\data\officer_spc_smdi.paa

    • Thanks 1

  6. 1 hour ago, Zakuaz said:

    Sounds awesome Night515, does this mean an assets share that is transparent to us the users or are we going to see some big ass merger at some point?


    BTW I swear I posted over the weekend asking if those Tempest retextures are in Aegis live atm?  I searched for them but no dice...


    They'll remain separate, but some assets will be shared (with a few differences of course). Also the Tempest retextures are currently removed; I plan on potentially redoing them.

    • Like 3

  7. 2 hours ago, Igor Nikolaev said:

    Can't load my mission cause the addon with P99 is missing. Also, made a freaking mistake trying to delete the addon from the binarized mission file ruining the scenario entirely


    Sorry. I forgot to make a reverse compatibility patch for that.


    It's best not to save missions binarized while you're working in them.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Zakuaz said:

    More Gorgon skins, you can not go wrong with options! Will my Coaxial work now or do I still need to shoot Zombies with the 30mm?


    I'd like to see a Gorgon with cage and net all matched to something fitting for Chernarus Redux =)


    The coaxial should work.

    • Like 1

  9. Just now, Electricleash said:

    Only experienced this twice (Using Windows 10) it's hard to reproduce, not sure I can suggest a definite repro.

    I think one time I was Alt-Tabbing from the editor and the other time from the main menu, but I've been Tabbing back and forth numerous times while working on configs over the last week and haven't had an issue.

    I wonder if it's something not specifically related to ARMA and maybe a Win10/steam issue...


    Signing in and out of your windows account/shutting down PC does seems to be the only way to fix it.


    I could actually fix it by using Ctrl + Alt + Delete and opening task manager, prrssing Alt + Windows, then dragging Arma 3 onto a different desktop. Then I just shut it down with task manager.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 1 hour ago, teabagginpeople said:

    Has anyone been looking into the severe crashing happening on stable when you alt tab 3 or more times.


    I mean I have to sign out of my pc to stop it. 


    first seen reported by Darksideoffical.


    playing mp, using sound mods will try get solid repro on vanilla.


    I'm also getting something similar.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ex3B said:

    Awww yishh...

    I was thinking about asking about the possibility of adjusting the cockpit of the F-38, and had taken some pics of it relative to the F-181 for use when making suggestions. I'll take a look at the new cockpit now....

    So, I was thinking that it is too short, it would be nice to be able to move one's head back more and still be able to look behind. Look how much closer the instrument panel is to the pilot compared to the F-181. Any chance of lengthening the cockpit?


    I was also thinking that CSAT could use the new Zamak, although it was easy enough to do in the editor with the set texture command, this didn't really help for the rear section.


    Also, a NATO Pacific Nyx seems like it could go in right away.

    A Nyx with Nato sand camo netting doesn't look too bad, but without the camo net, it doesn't really fit


    I tried various CSAT textures on the Nyx for something that would look good... didn't really find anything satisfactory. It seems the best stand is for CSAT pacific.. olive skin + a CSAT camo net texture


    Sidenote: I'm wondering if you have any plans to tweak the Nyx autocannon, the 20mm cannon doesn't seem to be able to do much that an HMG/GMG can't do, so its not feeling much more powerful than the MRAPs (but AAF can't airlift its MRAPs, but it can airlift the Nyx, so that seems fine I guess)


    Any plans for a pacific Gorgon skin? The Gorgon is preferable to the marshal in many ways, particularly since I learned how vulnerable the Marshal crew is to SAF from certain angles (7.62 and up from straight ahead can kill the driver, and from the turret sides can kill the gunner/commander)


    The F-38 cockpit bothers me somewhat too, but I'm not sure what I can do to change that. CSAT should have Zamak MRLs, too. Also, I probably won't change the Nyx's autocannon. Lastly, a olive camo Gorgon (along with a Mora, Strider, Nyx, and Kuma) will be part of the NATO European forces addon.

    • Like 2

  12. Heads up: Argo factions and the European forces are being moved into their own packages. These will take a small amount of time to finish up, please be patient.



    Russians live!


     • Added: Paramilitary faction
     • Added: Raven faction
     • Added: Russia faction
     • Added: AK-105 5.45 mm
     • Added: AK-107 5.45 mm (variants)
     • Added: PP-19 9 mm
     • Added: RPK-107 5.45 mm
     • Added: New apparel and equipment for Paramilitary, Raven, and Russian forces
     • Added: Honestly I didn't keep track of the rest so have fun exploring


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  13. Hello. Update. :)


    Russians are also going to dev version.


    Big boi changelog coming through BEEP BEEP


    Note: The project has been reevaluated and we're planning on heading in a new direction. As a result, a lot of the content has changed. Do not worry, most of the removed content will be moved into their own packages.


    Known issues:
     • Missing UI icons and editor previews
     • AAF Mk.7 helmet uses wrong model, this is a temporary placeholder
     • Ammoboxes have incorrect or missing items
     • F-38 Widowmaker is slightly nose-heavy
     • F-38 Widowmaker (Stealth)'s pylons don't hide
     • F-38 Widowmaker & C-192 Samson PhysX is currently off


    Hotfix is due soon for most of these issues.


     • Added: G17 9 mm (variants)
     • Added: L22 5.56 mm (variants)
     • Added: MAAWS Mk4 Mod 0 & Mod 1 (Black)
     • Added: Flare Tripwire
     • Added: Bergen Backpack (Black)
     • Added: Bergen Backpack (Sage)
     • Added: Hunting Backpack
     • Added: Cap (Khaki)
     • Added: Cap (MTP)
     • Added: Cigarette
     • Added: Shades (Yellow-Red)
     • Added: EOD Specialists & SF Machine Gunners
     • Added: Zamak MRL for CSAT, CSAT (African), & CSAT (Pacific)
     • Added: Zamak support variants for CSAT (African)
     • Added: AH-99 Blackfoot & CH-67 Huron for NATO (British)
     • Added: Utility drone liveries for CSAT (Pacific), NATO (British), & NATO (Pacific)
     • Added: RHIBs for AAF, CSAT, and NATO, along with new AAF and OPFOR  liveries
     • Added: Unarmed variants of the AMV-7 Marshall, MSE-3 Marid, & AFV-4 Gorgon
     • Added: New suppressed sounds for the Zafir & M320 LRR
     • Added: New sounds for the L85
     • Added: New sounds for the Small Boat
     • Added: Artwork for Arma 3 Aegis by Greenfist
     • Tweaked: Main menu music was changed
     • Tweaked: The loadouts of the CTRG faction were adjusted
     • Tweaked: The loadouts of the NATO, NATO (British), & NATO (Pacific) were adjusted
     • Tweaked: The loadouts of the AAF Special Forces were adjusted
     • Tweaked: The loadouts of the ION faction were adjusted
     • Tweaked: The loadouts of the CSAT & CSAT (Pacific) were adjusted
     • Tweaked: The loadouts of the Viper faction were adjusted
     • Tweaked: Special forces are issued sound suppressors
     • Tweaked: Spotters are issued TWS sniper sights
     • Tweaked: GMG ammo was increased from 48 rounds to 64 rounds; HMG ammo was increased from 100 rounds to 200 rounds
     • Tweaked: The F-38's flight model was adjusted slightly
     • Tweaked: The F-38's engine nozzle animates according to set throttle
     • Tweaked: The F-38's model was optimized
     • Tweaked: The F-38's cabin mesh and animations were altered to better resemble its real-life counterpart
     • Tweaked: CSAT's Buzzards can carry R73s and R77s; the F-38 can carry Mk82 bombs
     • Tweaked: Overhauled weapons for armored vehicles with the release of Tanks DLC
     • Tweaked: Groups were overhauled
     • Tweaked: Ammoboxes were overhauled
     • Tweaked: The Wipeout's gatling cannon ammunition count was increased from 1000 rounds to 1350 rounds
     • Tweaked: The Cheetah/Tigris's autocannons' fire-rate was reduced to a more realistic 550 rounds-per-minute
     • Tweaked: Range, accuracy, and weight values were tweaked for all weapons
     • Tweaked: Overhauled proxies, positioning, and configuration for all weapons
     • Tweaked: The AK-12 can now attach flash suppressors
     • Tweaked: The SPAR-16, SPAR-16S, SPAR-17, & LIM-85's textures were adjusted
     • Tweaked: Tweaked number of rounds, mass, names, and descriptions for several magazines
     • Fixed: Missing name for CTRG's urban marksman
     • Fixed: AAF special forces' weapons were missing
     • Fixed: Missing editor-placeable versions of the Mk20 olive variants
     • Fixed: F-38 dynamic loadout drop-down lists were out of order
     • Fixed: Several pistols appeared under primary weapons in the Eden/Zeus interface
     • Fixed: Shotguns's range was reduced
     • Fixed: The Mk17 Sniper's muzzle flash was incorrect in the 4th and 5th LOD
     • Fixed: Graphical error in 2nd LOD of the Warfare-50
     • Fixed: Off centered optics for the Warfare-50, Mk16, and Mk17
     • Fixed: Textures were missing for various weapons
     • Fixed: CSAT (African) faction's Grenadier was missing their weapon
     • Fixed: The Remote Designator for the NATO (British) faction had incorrect textures
     • Fixed: CTRG Sharpshooter had incompatible magazines
     • Fixed: Incorrect magazines for the MSE-3 Marid and UGV Saif
     • Fixed: Hole in the SA80 GL's tube mesh
     • Fixed: Hole in the SA80's receiver mesh
     • Fixed: SA80 GL's grenade was off-centered
     • Fixed: The F-38's entering and exiting sounds didn't play properly
     • Fixed: The F-38's gear indicator flickered while stowing the aircraft's gear
     • Fixed: The F-38's cluster loadout was missing its cluster bombs
     • Fixed: Incorrect display names for NATO (British) ammo boxes and cargo nets
     • Fixed: Pop-up error relating to a missing weapon when placing the CSAT (African) supply box
     • Fixed: Faulty CH-67 and UH-80 miniguns were replaced
     • Removed: PiP display in the C-192/I-150's cockpit; it is replaced with a static map
     • Removed: P99 9 mm (variants)
     • Removed: Model and configuration changes to the P07
     • Removed: Temporary sounds for the MX for testing purposes
     • Removed: Some content which has been moved into their own respective packages to keep the mod more concise and focused


    • Like 7

  14. Hello again. We are going to try and push an update tonight or sometime during the weekend to address issues since Tanks DLC.


    A lot has changed so beware, missions or saves may be broken. NATO (European) related stuff will be in a separate addon (missions using these should be fine).


    Our CBA compatibility patch unfortunately requires a little more time as for some reason we can't get any Apex weapons to accept suppressors.


    Lastly, a teaser for our "facelift":


    • Like 1

  15. Hello. Quick situation report. 


    We're currently in the process of polishing content and fixing bugs. I've spent the last few days overhauling groups, loadouts, and improving things like the SPAR textures. I've also overwritten ammo counts for certain magazines, so they will use vanilla classnames but have different names, ammo count, mass, et cetera. This affects the 4-five, CAR-95-1, CMR-76, Navid, SPAR-16S and SPMG, and should improve compatibility with things like ACE. RIP my OCD tho.


    For starters, I've darkened NATO's t-shirt so it isn't as blindingly bright:




    There are new textures for the NATO British Forces too (new textures for DDPM and DPM pants aren't finished yet):






    VISCOSITY is currently in the process of texturing the LAW:



    Headset in the facewear slot:



    A new facewear item allowing you to display your edginess and lack of concern for your and others' health. Cancer feature pending:



    A new magazine for the RPK-107:



    Urban infantry for the Russian army:



    Check out the development branch version of Aegis (it does not require the actual dev branch) which has almost all of these changes in effect. You can see change notes on the Steam page or on our discord. Bye for now!


    PS: opinions on tweaking all faces to slightly change skin tones and replace the bloodshot eyes?

    • Like 8