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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Nightmare515' date=' would you be so kind to consider adding the scrim camouflaged helmet with classname: "H_HelmetB_camo" as default helmet to your British units?

    I feel it may give them their own unique identity on the battlefield, whilst in the meantime we're talking about a vanilla Nato helmet as found in game, being BIS-made.

    Ofcourse, feel free to decline, but I'm hoping you would implement this minor (scripted) change, where it has a rather big influence on their appearances.

    It could serve for even better instantly recognizing on who's who so to speak. (By default U.S. Nato troops don't wear scrim, and CSAT doesn't have Scrimmed helmets at all.)

    But thank you for all that you've done so far, it sure is impressive and usefull. :D[/quote']

    I actually will be adding a Scrim helmet (Which the units with the plain combat helmets will use.)

    However, I have to decline using the H_HelmetB_Camo. Personally, I think it looks bad.

    can anyone help me out with the backpack class name for the pack carried by AT, EXPLO and PARAMEDIC recon units???? Thanks in advance

    Crap, I should put up the Classnames soon. Wait a bit and they'll be up!

  2. As seen in multiple Screenshots, in fact, there is a screenshot of one on ArmA3.com, there was a Slammer that had a Mk30 HMG mounted on the turret, and ERA plating. Will we ever be seeing this awesomeness in a future update?

    Does anyone know? Moderators? Developers? I must ask, what happened to that variation?

  3. Any chance you'll be adding the Jackal to this?

    No chance at all.

    That would require porting etc, I don't think nightmare does this or if it would fit with the "Future" feeling of the mod.

    Not only that, I don't really want to use custom models, however, we will most likely see some custom weapons for the lads in the future. And regarding CTRG, I will be making TEMPORARILY unusable Maritime variations of the main infantry for naval equipment.

    ---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

    Images for the new Maritime forces:



  4. I reckon we need to remember that this BAF is part of a fictional operation. Im sure that Nightmare has no intention to make a realistic representation of current day British troops, rather what he wants for the British to look like in his Operation Aegean Shield campaign. I believe kiory is working on a full current-day realistic BAF mod.


    Also updated the OP with some screenshots.

    ---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------

    Just a heads up, I will be taking a break with this after version 2.0.

    I've thought about making a EU Battlegroup (Based off of the EFEC from Endwar and the ECA from ROTR).
