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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. SITREP 00004:

    With a lot of stuff done with the BAF, and only a Merlin to go, I am happy to announce that the BAF along with NATO will be out soon. Anyways, to the point of this SITREP, I've been working on a new backstory including China and what not. China will be present in the mod as the CSAT Special forces.

    I plan for the Chinese SF to use a brand new camouflage pattern, either a digital camo, or CSAT camo in the color palatte of the digital camo (Grey, Black, Brown, Green).

    And finally, I'm going to start the Fighters of Altis soon, just be patient. Please check the first post often as I will be modifying it often.


    http://i.imgur.com/7WvrU7s.jpg (197 kB)

    http://i.imgur.com/worDTwC.jpg (216 kB)

    CSAT Chengdu SF are mostly finished, using the Chinese Type 04 digital camouflage and CSAT Hex.

  2. Patria is indeed in the competition for USMC's MPC project. http://www.armyrecognition.com/us_army_wheeled_and_armoured_vehicle_uk/havoc_apc_8x8_modular_armoured_personnel_carrier_vehicle_technical_data_sheet_specifications_picture.html

    The Namer was also tested by the US Army sometime in 2012 however it was said that it will need to undergo significant redesign to meet requirements. http://www.dodbuzz.com/2013/04/04/army-industry-slam-cbos-scathing-gcv-report/

    And the Merkava tank, there is just no way the US Army will be looking at anything else for the moment other than the Abrams as its still a very solid piece of machinery and will be for quite sometime, with upgrades and added kits.

    As for Anti-Air, I believe the US Army are more than happy to keep the Avengers and Linebackers working as a forward mobile AA unit for quite sometime too until the need for a new one arises.

    Well do remember that NATO forces are mostly composed of Drafts and are accompanied with Lend-Lease equipment.

    SITREP 00003:

    Currently I am taking a break from working on the mod but I will discuss what I plan to do:

    I'm going to focus on the infantry first, working on the British and the regular NATO forces. I will also include a helmet pack including multiple custom helmet paintings. After doing a rough version of the infantry, I will focus on the vehicles and such. Once I think it's ready, I will polish it and release. I'm considering launching a Beta for anyone who wants to test. After the polishing phase, the work on the campaign will begin.

  3. So I got an idea from the freezing cold weather in Texas. This is is more visual but could also affect gameplay.

    It's to take the times of the year into mind. For instance, in Winter, the breathe of players would be seen (like in DayZ). Another thing would be snow/ice stuff falling if precipitation is set. Though I don't know that the weather on limnos is like, Texas is further south than Limnos and we rarely get snow (though were getting a bit Early Feb).

    And for summer, you could become fatigued faster (but only a little faster). Maybe even incorporate hydration packs to help with fatigue?

    Anyways, it's just an idea, but I do think something similar should be added to add difference with the seasons.

  4. Once you launch Stage 3 of the campaign and get what you want done, I would recommend releasing a pack to the public (or possibly even now for MANW ;)) including templates for some of the stuff like vehicles and clothing. It'd help modders with retextures. From all the different textures of the same unit I've seen (Panther is a good example), they all look the same. Ex. Same grime, same accessories. I honestly hope you do this at least for some of the harder to retexture vehicles (like the AAF vehicles). It's of course up to you but I bet a lot of modders would appreciate it. :D

  5. Noticed something with the Cheetah: http://i.imgur.com/O2xUsDO.jpg

    Muzzle flashes are permanently there and I can't turn the turret. Oh and just a wild guess, the Multiplayer "thing" are military doges because I remember "dog protocol" in the dev changelog.

    No ambient civilians or vehicles modules? Not even ambient animals? :( I would've expected to see them by now, I mean think about how good they would be for people making missions.

    EDIT: That error with the cheetah is occuring on all of the panthers. The wheels don't move either.

  6. NATO is actually more than europe it has america and canada with it, its actually a mix logic BI used for this, but i will say they lean to American gear A LOT

    US Jets (supposedly the F-35 will be the Jet)

    US VTOL (Osprey)

    US Recon Chopper (RAH-66 Commanche)

    US uniform (USMC FROG uniform with british MTP)

    US helmet (ACH with plastic all over it for rails)

    US MRAP (OshKosh M-ATV)

    US UGV (Crusher UGV)

    The US practically has everything that is in the NATO faction here is what they dont have

    Israeli Tank (Merkava Mk4)

    Israeli Tracked APC (Namer)

    Israeli AA (Namer with AA turret)

    Finnish APC (Patria AMV)

    So yea if you want this to be more realistic you may need help with custom stuff but reskins are ok too, they drive most mods out there.

    Patria AMV is being tested by the USMC designated Havoc. The Namer was also tested by the US at some point.

  7. zGuba, I have a question: Will BIS be adding the TUSK Slammer to the game, and if they may or may not, what is the problem holding you guys back from adding it? There is a lot of cut content I've seen that would've been great additions to the game, like the NEMO Mortar and the TUSK.

    Oh and for any BIS devs who know why, why are there so much unused Attachments? They would have been great additions too imho, like the Muzzle suppressors and some of the scopes.

    Anyways please answer, I am desperate to know why. It seems that you guys are cutting stuff for no reason at all.

  8. Man, never recognized that. I shoulda changed that for my addon! It's like an olive paint. Also, notice how the units, if I'm correct, were supposed to be Rangers or Special Forces. They've got that map on the arm. Nice. Go back and look at some older pics, and the uniform originally had British MTP I believe, as they got this texture and model from the BAF brits initially. You can still tell by the arms being the exact same. Oh, and the CSAT pants are the BAF brit pants. See? Even the uniforms really aren't original to Arma 3 lol. Borrowed :)

    I think that NATO were supposed to be a combination of European nations, hence the MTP you say, the Mk20, and the Fennek. :D

  9. Part of the reason I don't just give you my camo patterns is because of the similarities between your addons and mine. Obviously you're basing your addons off of mine. That said, I'm not sure Red Pegasus is the best choice (of course, it's your decision) unless they've got some advanced weapons stuff. Red Pegasus is the Iranian R&D Division (or something like that) like you said, but they aren't special forces. It's an engineering division of the Iranian Armed Forces led by GEN Ostad Attar (Ostad is like Dr. ). The special forces part of it was something I added, inspired by Ghost Recon Future Soldier. Just keep this in mind.

    Yeah I've been basing my addon off of yours a little. Red Pegasus isn't gonna be a faction, but rather a class like Men (Special Forces) in CSAT.

    Also, it doesn't make sense for a bunch of ex-AAF insurgents to call themselves the Fighters of Limnos. It's either that they are ex-HAF fighters of Limnos or they are ex-AAF fighters of Altis. Limnos does not exist in the current A3 storyline. It was never Limnos.

    Mostly Civilians and some Ex-HAF/AAF. I'm still working on this (hence it being under Addons & Mods: Discussion) and I haven't decided between Limnos or Altis so I'm really just mixing it atm.

    And what do you mean by platecarriers and helmets to resemble those done earlier by BIS for Operation Magnitude? Do you mean like pre-Alpha, 2011-2012? Were they different (IDK, I never noticed)?

    Yeah, Pre-Alpha there were screenshots of them with tan helmets and coyote brown vests. They also used Striders and Mk20s which I will not be carrying over.

    I'll be updating this later.

    http://info.gamenhalen.com/wp-content/gallery/arma-3-object/arma3_nato_soldier_fullgear.jpg (315 kB)

    http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ARMA-3.jpg (462 kB)

    SITREP 00002:

    I've nearly finished the NATO enhancement and UK expansion. I'm working on the Characters currently, and if you're wondering, here are the NATO characters that will be throughout the campaign:

    - Frost, Grenadier, member of CTRG (Protagonist)

    - Miller, Squad/Team Leader, member of CTRG

    - Northgate, Grenadier/AT Rifleman, member of CTRG

    - Radcliffe, Rifleman, member of CTRG

    - McKay, Autorifleman/Ammo Bearer, member of CTRG

    - James, Medic/Marksman, member of CTRG

    - Hardy, Engineer/Explosives Specialist, member of CTRG

    The campaign storyline will follow the CTRG team, along with 2 researchers (Cosmos and Paros).

  10. SITREP 00001:

    1. I'm working on a retexture for the US Counterpart of the NATO Deployment: http://i.imgur.com/vs2k1L3.jpg (226 kB)

    This retexture will modify the NATO Platecarriers and Helmets to resemble those done earlier by BIS for Operation Magnitude. This modification will be an optional PBO.

    2. I'm also redoing the Warrior's texture and I've changed the British textures greatly.

    3. Finally, I've decided to make a campaign similar to Operation Magnitude, featuring Red Pegasus and the Fighters of Limnos.

  11. Mediterranean Crisis - Operation Aegean Trident


    Tensions rise as NATO peacekeeping forces begin to leave The Republic of Altis: a strategic fault-line between crumbling European influence and a powerful, resurgent East. But when a key radar facility drops off the grid, a Mediterranean flashpoint risks escalating into global conflict.

    Caught up in a situation beyond their control, a botched withdrawal traps the men of Task Force Aegis and a clandestine group of UKSF operators in a fight for survival. With only a crippled local resistance to turn to, they must rapidly adapt to overcome an unforgiving environment and defeat a brutal enemy.


    British Armed Forces:

    Composed of drafts and lend-lease equipment, the BAF is a NATO member fighting alongside their American counterparts throughout Altis.

    Altis Locals:

    Influenced by CSAT and the AAF, civilians on Altis have taken arms to show their independence against NATO.


    "The Locals"



    "Morning Patrols"

    "Green Zone"

    "Blackfoot Down"
