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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. This episode was pretty short and disappointing, the storyline was stupid:

    -An earthquake device! BIS scrapped the railgun but added an earthquake device instead? Makes no sense

    -If you end up helping miller, he just screws you without explaining anything but the fact it's an earthquake device. Why is there no closure?

    -How did british intelligence know about the device while the US didn't, plus they essentially fucked the US/Nato by creating a second CSAT invasion. Why did they not tell the US about it and spare the losses of many

    NATO servicemen due to the second invasion.

    -For such an important device the protection for it was shoddy. Most of the CSAT soldiers in the base were killed(by who? James was in a checkpoint far away, no way he could have ramboed and killed them all)

    -How did NATO not even notice a biodome or an existing and obvious CSAT base within its captured territory.

    Well, it was nice of BIS to add the big submarine to the game, it's clear that it bigger purposes before the whole campaign/story direction shifted.

    Where do you find the Sub?!

  2. I'm kind of confused. I may have mixed up different baf addons. The last one I got had about 6 or 7 pbos. This last one only has 1 or 2. I think it's the same mod. If so, which am I supposed to keep? When I said u.s. camo, the camo I mean looks like the u.s. army one before multicam. The one that didn't blend with anything. Is it similar?

    I combined all the PBOs into one and a few other things because, A. It's easier to manage, and B. Zues compatibility. Also yeah the SAS used to have variants and I may add those back in later.

  3. New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


    We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

    This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

    When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

    Hey remove the NATO & CSAT SF requirement, it's not needed anymore.

    ---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ----------

    Just a SITREP, I may postpone further work to work on a "just for fun" mod.

  4. Very nice, will update now.

    Any chance of the AAS Tank (KUMA?) being added?

    Always thought the Slammer was a bit of a light tank compared with a MBT.

    The Kuma reminds me a little of the Chally or at least a next gen MBT?

    Keep up the great work.


    I'm not so sure on the Kuma, sorry. I've asked Yoshi if I can use his Challenger 2 but he hasn't replied.

    ---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

    Update 2.2.1:

    Unfinished, Hotfix is coming later.



    - Added Survivor and Rifleman (unarmed) units.

    - Removed NATO & CSAT SF requirement.

    - Modified helmet textures.



  5. Are there any pictures? And when you say "warrior" retexture, do you mean the Mora? And can't it be retextured already?

    Pictures aren't really necessary, this is just a small config but sure I'll do some when I get around to it.

    Warrior, Mora, whatever. :P It can be but it's proxies can't be retexed.

  6. I was looking for this thread earlier today, so I guess it was good timing. I was actually impressed with the soldier retextures and air. The only thing I thought was odd was that some guys had U.S. Army uniforms. I'm curious why you had a few units with those? Isn't there a mod with British weapons? Anyway this is one of the few soldier addons I will keep around. Excellent. Well, unless the retextures you mention are still good, as I think they will be. Thank you

    Thanks. What units wear US stuff?

    If you mean the model, yeah they're supposed to wear the Crye gear. Also, there is a BAF weapon mod by Kiory, but I'm waiting for him to release the GL version. I also need an L85A2 RIS so MXs will do for now. :D

  7. If so, it isn't precisely said it would be released tomorrow, or ?

    3 Reasons why I assume it's coming tomorrow:

    1. Changelog

    2. They usually release on dev a week before stable release.

    3. They have a trend for releasing on thursday.



    SF added to both NATO and CSAT.



    Signed with a BIKey.

    Included files:



    In the editor you can find these under: BLUFOR/OPFOR > NATO/CSAT > Men (Special Forces)

    Known issues:

    Credits & Thanks:

    Bohemia Interactive - Original content and files.



    - First release


    - Arma 3 Development Branch


  9. The screenshot that was linked earlier doesn't do the A-164 justice. If you scroll down this page, they have a full body screenshot of it, it looks like what they did with the Ghosthawk, just take the old design for the aircraft and make it look more stealthy/futuristic (The screenshot also shows a nice view of the new Ghost Hotel...)


    Then again the Stealth Hawk was a real design.
