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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Sweet, are you plan to make custom model? like vest or backpack?

    I am planning on using AlexVestin's ACHs and SPCs.

    Will be looking forward to see some pic's... Will this be mainly re-textures of Spec Ops like AntoineFlemmings or will it be custom models...

    Especially looking forward to the legion and OGA...!

    Best of luck.

    Retextures and custom models, such as the Mk.7 Helmet. I'm also seeking to use AlexVestin's ACH and SPCs.

    KSK would be really nice, do you use arma standard weapons ? and good luck in your tests

    I will be using custom and standard weapons. Thanks.

    Thanks everyone for your support. :) I'll post some progress later concerning the Deltas and the SAS.

  2. I currently have my dudes configged to use black plate carriers because I like the protection and assorted gear (belt, drop pouches, etc.) Default CSAT uniforms (Skeletor suits) had body armor inside of them so the LBV is unarmored. The AAF platecarrier looks too primitive for Iran (a major power at this time) while I'm saving the tactical vest for pilots and crewmen (tanks and helicopters) as a lighter alternative.

    ---------- Post added at 19:02 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

    Unrelated update, but kitbags are here for patrol infantrymen.


    And, in a fit of productivity, I added Bergens.


    You should try using the Raven vest for their platecarriers.

  3. This mod is not dead, I'm currently working on it at limited pace due to school and testing.

    ---------- Post added at 07:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------

    This mod is not dead, I'm currently working on it at limited pace due to school and testing.

    http://i.imgur.com/FPu0XDq.jpg (520 kB)

    I made some (terrible) multicam, use it if you want, I'm not going to. A friend of mine on Steam has lended me a lot of camo so development should be faster for a lot of other nations. Spetsnaz will now have their own SURPAT camo and I may be making the following depending on time: JTF2, VDV, DEVGRU/ST6, and SBS. Lastly, the factions SOCOM and UKSF are SF themselves. SOCOM's regular troops are Rangers, while UKSF's regular troops are SFSG.

  4. Good news is that I managed to port the BAF helmet from A2 over with a minor change (put a battery pack on the back in case I want to power some bling-bling gizmos like GoPros) and it's working. Ish. Anyways, I named it the Penah Mk. I which means "shield" (or something close) in Farsi. I was going to name it Guardian but it sounded kind of weird when transliterated.

    Pics of its not-working-ness:


    And the rationale for using the BAF helmet was that A: It looks cool and B: Artistic license. Please don't try to complain that it isn't realistic. I am not in that sort of mood.

    When It does start working could we discuss a version for my mod? :)

  5. I saw that, but it seems, that those tiny parts are not placed on texture images, that are mentioned in vehicle config.

    I checked vehicle config and didnt find any other texture, other than Turret and MainBody textures:

    hiddenselections[] = {"Camo1", "Camo2"};

    hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"A3\armor_f_epb\apc_tracked_03\data\apc_tracked_03_ext_indp_co.paa", "a3\armor_f_epb\apc_tracked_03\data\apc_tracked_03_ext2_indp_co.paa"};

    It looks like Warrior takes those parts from other texture image, included in game, but not mentioned in config.

    That how it looks like:

    https://pp.vk.me/c618616/v618616978/1846/X4-KWuwvXk4.jpg (397 kB) (397 kB)

    Both textures are completely black.And vehicle still have those parts.

    If I`m wrong and there exist a way to fix that - please tell me.

    Thank you.

    Thank you!

    It`s been already presented at Massi`s "USSOCOM 75th Ranger, Navy SEALs DEVGRU and Delta Force" addon:


    Actually, after I saw Patria version for USMC I thought "Why not add Kuma as USMC tank", so it was source of Idea for me.

    So no, I would not make Patria retexture =)

    You CAN fix the Proxies. But you have to edit the model itself either through O2 or through Notepad++ or something.


    Joint Operations



    Planned Factions:


    • Australia
      - SASR
    • BAF
      - 16 Air Assault Regiment, 2 Paratrooper Battalion
    • France
      - RPIMa
    • Germany
      - KSK
    • Poland
      - GROM
    • SOCOM
      - Delta Force
      - DEVGRU
    • UKSF
      - SAS/SBS
      - SFSG
    • US
      - 82nd Airborne Division
    • CIA
      - OGA
    • China
      - Beijing SFU
    • Iran
      - Quds Force
      - Red Pegasus R&D Security Forces
    • Russia
      - GRU Spetsnaz

    Planned Ports:

    • US Backpack (A2 OA)
    • Humvee variants (A2 OA)
    • Chinook (A2 OA)
    • Jackal II variants (A2 BAF)
    • LAV-25/Piranha V (A2)
    • Mk.7 Helmet w/ Scrim variant (A2 BAF)

    That's only some of them, I also plan to bring over some weapons.

    Mods Used/Planned (currently):

    • Trixie's L86A2
    • Kiory's L85A2 (Requesting permission)
    • Yoshi's Challenger 2
    • Sakura Chan's MV22 and C130J Pack (Requesting permission)

    "*": Not yet determined.

    This addon will include my British Armed Forces.

  7. Mods: If this is in the wrong area please move it.

    I'm planning on starting work on a new project, and for that I've been wondering how to make Snakeskin camo, but I've never been able to make it. If anyone could tell me how that would be very appreciated.


    Thanks. :)

    (Also a step-by-step simple tutorial would be nice because I'm not the best texturer.)

  8. I don't mean proxies, I just mean should I keep them on the main model or separate them into smaller files?

    ---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:01 ----------

    This is what I've done with the files. The wheels are in pairs, but separated into smaller files. (Mainly so It's easier to texture later).


    This is the model split up into various files.


    Is this what you mean by leave them in the main model?

    You could've left the turret, the turret hatches and the gun in but oh well. :P

  9. Ah OK, so all i need to do is separate what moves on the tank, put it into a separate file, and then add it as a Proxy in oxygen? So Tracks are the only thing I can't make a proxy, so then if I had my main hull and turret as the base model, the rest can be added via proxies? these wold be details and the gun? am I right so far.
    I'd keep the tracks, the wheels, the body, the turret, and main gun and other larger details and turn smaller ones into proxies.

  10. The amount of content in ArmA 3 is disappointing, along with the amount of lazy copy-pasting. Also, some of the design choice is disgusting, but that is for another thread. Infantry is another thread too.


    Some things that bug me the most is how BIS just takes a chassis (Ex. Slammer), and pastes a turret on it (Ex. Scorcher/Sochor), and calls it unique. Personally I am fine with the Scorcher (though the name irks me because of how similar Scorcher is to Sochor and just sounds awkward) ,but the Sochor is unacceptable. It doesn't make sense at all for Iran/China/Whatever to use a NATO turret (or vise versa if I am wrong and the Scorcher/Sochor turret is real and actually is a eastern model). At the minimum, if you don't want to make a new chassis, at least put on a Msta turret or something Russian, but if you want to add more variety, model a completely new eastern arty unit.

    Rocket Artillery:

    Rocket artillery is disappointing as well. The Sandstorm is odd but I'm not going to bring that up yet, though I'd much rather prefer the M270 MLRS. At the minimum, add the Kamaz and Typhoon MLRS trucks, or add a new shiny Eastern MLRS to CSAT.


    Another disgusting thing with the vehicles. The Tigris is very strange using a British AAA turret, as well as a BTR-K chassis. I don't care if it's a port with a better texture, updated config, and some model changes to fit ArmA 3, but please BIS, put in a Tunguska or something. The Cheetah irks me too but it's not as major as the tigris. If anything I would suggest a Hunter Avenger or something.

    Vehicle-Mounted Weapons:

    It makes no sense for both CSAT and the AAF to use the XM312 and the XM307. For the AAF I'd give them the M2 Browning and this on their Striders, and for CSAT I'd say like a KORD or something and something like this for the Ifrits. The Panther should have what's on the M2A4 Slammer UP for it's MG, and the Marid should have this or something-even-though-why-would-iran-have-a-turkish-vehicle.


    Panther and Marshall is fine and, I already talked about the Marid. But the BTR-K is unacceptably, no not the vehicle, the turret. Why would it be using a Czech turret?!?! It makes NO sense. Anyways, to this short, either put on a BTR-90, BMP-3, or BMD-3 turret or something else. Oh and maybe add that NEMO Marshall if you still have the files laying around, just saying, more content is never bad. :)


    Add a Medical Marshall, add a Medical BTR-K, both without their turrets, and add a Medical Gorgon also without it's turret and your good to go. Also, please, don't just remove the turret, paste on a medical sign and call it good.

    Other stuff:

    Oh and interiors for all vehicles would be nice. Another cool thing would be doors opening when infantry leave vehicles, including tanks.

    That's all I can think of right now, but please don't ignore us. And please STOP with the copy paste and lazyness!

  11. It might be a little off topic but what are the proxies for the warrior? I saw one retextured but some of the pieces were still the old texture. Is that what you mean? I don't mean to be a pain in the ass. I've been doing some retexturing and I might be un aware of something. thanks

    Some of the parts can't be texture afaik.

  12. Same error for me on this one too, great addon by the way :)

    It's not an issue, read the requirements.

    ---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------

    SITREP 00006:

    I've been doing a lot of work on them now before I start work on the campaign:

    http://i.imgur.com/ZUVjgdk.jpg (134 kB)

    And here is one with an American soldier:

    http://i.imgur.com/FFaGng8.jpg (158 kB)

    Yes I did do a replacement retexture for the Americans to give them better Multicam. The only Multicam item I have to do now is the Kerry's Adapt outfit, and the Survive fatigues.

  13. Thanks for the support guys, nightmare, there will be a more armored version but that will come later. And before going back to college the issue with the model being to big is no longer an issue as long as i can slim her down nicely, i found out the cannon was my main issue, i had modelled it with a lot of detail but some where along the line must have copied it several times and joined them as one model, hence the really high count, the model now sits at around 35k, but hopefully with some more work i can get her in game.

    Awesome. Also check your PMs.
