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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. UPDATE:

    I am restarting all config work, but to make up for that, I will be giving you guys a bunch of variations for uniforms, headgear, and what not. I'll also be upgrading the textures to 4096x4096 to have more detail on the uniforms.

    Also, I've ported in a new backpack to replace the Carryall Backpack on the BLUFOR side. Meet the Cargo Pack: http://i.imgur.com/fNOfLMq.jpg

    2 uniforms ingame that have unit patches, one the 82nd Airborne division, and the other, the 16th Air Assault brigade, 2nd Battalion: http://i.imgur.com/oBYhkCJ.jpg

    And finally, here is the definite port list I will be doing for the British, as I am working on them first:

    • Jackal 2 variants (GMG & HMG)
    • Mk.7 Helmet variants (Covered, Scrim Netted, & Crewmen)
    • CH-47 Chinook
    • M270 MLRS
    • Piranha V

    Please note that I'm very new to porting and modeling alike, so any help I could get would really help me.

  2. So I made a randomization script for my troops:

    		class EventHandlers: EventHandlers {
    		init = "(_this select 0) execVM "JointOps\SF\BLUFOR\British\scripts\gear_randomization.sqf";";

    However, whenever I bin it and binarize, it get these errors:

    File c:\users\night515\desktop\jointops\SF\BLUFOR\British\config.cpp, line 210: '/CfgVehicles/B_BAF_Soldier_F/EventHandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line
    Error context SF\BLUFOR\British\scripts\gear_randomization.sqf";";
    File c:\users\night515\desktop\jointops\SF\BLUFOR\British\config.cpp, line 210: '/CfgVehicles/B_BAF_Soldier_F/EventHandlers.JointOps': '\' encountered instead of '='
    Config : some input after EndOfFile.
    Error 3 while parsing
    Error in config c:\users\noah\desktop\jointops\SF\BLUFOR\British\config.cpp
    ..\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(891) : Class destroyed, but still locked
    File c:\users\night515\desktop\jointops\SF\BLUFOR\British\config.cpp, line 210: '/CfgVehicles/B_BAF_Soldier_F/EventHandlers.init': Missing ';' at the end of line
    Error context SF\BLUFOR\British\scripts\gear_randomization.sqf";";
    File c:\users\night515\desktop\jointops\SF\BLUFOR\British\config.cpp, line 210: '/CfgVehicles/B_BAF_Soldier_F/EventHandlers.JointOps': '\' encountered instead of '='
    Config : some input after EndOfFile.
    Error 3 while parsing

    I have no idea how to fix this.

  3. Here it is:

    class CfgSkeletons { 
       class Default { 
           isDiscrete = 1; 
           skeletonInherit = ""; 
           skeletonBones[] = {}; 
       class OFP2_ManSkeleton { 
           isDiscrete = 0; 
           skeletonInherit = ""; 
           skeletonBones[] = {
           //Head skeleton in hierarchy 
           //New facial features 
           //Left upper side 
           //Right upper side 
           //Left lower side 
           //Right lower side 
           // location of pivot points (local axes) for hierarchical animation 
    class CfgModels { 
       class Default { 
           sections[] = {}; 
           skeletonName = ""; 
       class ArmaMan : Default { 
           htMin = 60;          // Minimum half-cooling time (in seconds) 
           htMax = 1800;        // Maximum half-cooling time (in seconds) 
           afMax = 30;          // Maximum temperature in case the model is alive (in celsius) 
           mfMax = 0;           // Maximum temperature when the model is moving (in celsius) 
           mFact = 1;           // Metabolism factor - number from interval <0, 1> (0 - metabolism has no influence, 1 - metabolism has full influence (no other temperature source will be considered)). 
           tBody = 37;  // Metabolism temperature of the model (in celsius) 
           sections[] = { 
               "osobnost","Head_Injury","Body_Injury","l_leg_injury","l_arm_injury","r_arm_injury","r_leg_injury","injury_body", "injury_legs", "injury_hands", 
               "clan","clan_sign","Camo","CamoB","Camo1","Camo2","personality","hl", "injury_head" 
           skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton"; 
      class helmet_mk7_01 : ArmaMan {}; 
      class helmet_mk7_02 : ArmaMan {};
      class us_backpack : ArmaMan {};

    Still having issues with shadows and stuff.

    Oh and I still need help with the Backpack.

  4. I haven't updated the thread in 2 months, but I've been working on it on and off due to sudden university work that needed doing some times, like right now (uni ends in early May). So far I only have the new vest and helmet models completed (and, obviously, the IND main clothes texture... I'd use my own model, but for now, I think theirs is good enough). I need to UV and texture them (doing this in Maya, will import into Oxygen later; reason why I'm doing it in Maya is, since my university course requires me to learn Maya, I might as well learn how to use it while modelling stuff for ArmA III. I've seen and heard that there are ways to import from Maya as well).

    I'm now finishing off the first weapon for them with the help of other weapon modder's guidance. I knew it was never going to be easy to make a faction, I had experience working on BF2142 mods before ArmA III and trying to work on the art assets for that North American Coalition faction for Northern Excursion was hard enough.

    I could help with texturing, and I have a good tileable clean M90 pattern.

  5. then click on the head selection, press Cntrl and mark the proxy AND the headselection (I think your helmet) and right click on the head selection and click on "Redefine".

    Than, just for testing, click on the head selection, and when the Proxy and the helmet are marked, you have done it ;)

    Ok, I did it. What about the glitchy shadows?

  6. Assuming backpacks work similar to helmets, you may have to add the property "autocenter = 0" to the geometry LOD. The properties box can be found at the bottom left of Object builder.

    The texture issue could be because you didn't apply the texture to all of the visual LODs you have. So only the LoD where you're right next to it has the texture.

    How do I add "autocenter = 0"?

  7. Right now I am working on a couple of things for my mod that require some changes to models/new models. I just started Object Builder today and I've seen the manual and it doesn't help.

    I'm having 2 issues:

    1. How do I add textures in Object Builder? I am trying to port over the US Backpack to replace the Tortila/Carryall on the BLUFOR side. Right now I don't know how to do anything and help would be much appreciated.

    2. I'm not using Object Builder for this, but I am trying to change out the normal map and SMDI map on a BI model, which is binarized. I've changed the paths to the textures I wanted to put in using Notepad++, but so far I've had no luck.

    Please help,


  8. Hi, guys, I'm sorry to say that last night while working on my tank my computer shutdown on me without warning, When I restarted the pc, and tried to reopen the file where I kept everything and all of it has been corrupted, I'm really annoyed that this has happened, and due to this 354 hrs of work that went into getting this model ready has gone completely up in smoke. :mad:

    Damn, sorry to hear. :(

  9. Great looking pics, looks like I'm right on time with my upcoming SOCOM AK pack :). Any chance we will see old school BDU's?

    Thanks, also there probably won't be any BDUs, this mod will use the gear that the modern-day SF wear now.

    Also, If anyone is wondering, I'm gonna be using Kiwi-SAS for the SAS reference.

    ---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

    Np , if you need any information about the french special forces just send me a pm ;)

    Will do. :)

    Also, I'm gonna be porting over the M270 MLRS for the British too.

  10. Here's some helicopters for ya':

    http://i.imgur.com/jgtJIg8.jpg (168 kB)

    This is the British airwing, Merlin textures by BIS, other textures by me. I used some things from the Hellcat PSD template for camo on the Hellcat Armed variant.

    Also I'm planning on porting over stuff from A2, but mainly, the Humvees (or at least the special forces Humvee), Apaches, the Jackal, and the Chinook for now. Ports will change when I get to OPFOR.
