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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. The better way would probably be not to replace the baseclass than to overwrite it with a newly created one.

    Therefore you could delete the class Hitpoints in your new classes.

    I just deleted them anyways, as they apparently carry over from BI's original.

    Also, the vehicles and curator characters are still not working.

  2. I'm currently having some issues with a large project I'm working on. It will replace the NATO faction all together by splitting it into US and UK. Anyways,

    No entry
    No entry

    currently, whenever I load up I get those errors above.

    Also, some code I've done to replace some units such as the Curator BLUFOR units and the EPC Slammer TUSK never worked when I implemented them. Any fix for these issues I'm having?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Where did you guys hear about the CH-360?

    Ok, here is my take on Helicopters DLC- BiS has already decided on what helicopters are going to be included, or at least they already thought it through. They didn't mention they're going future as far as I understand official news (yeah, I get that campaign is set in future). I hope for UH-60 (any version will do, but I personally love steam gauges over CTD). But I admit I am biased- that Ghosthawk and all that sci-fi stuff is an immersion killer for me. It looks more like a Metal Gear, or something than old good ArmA that put You into a battlefield You could see in the TV news...

    It gives me inspiration, and all this new stuff looks awesome. I love the look of the Ghosthawk, Blackfoot, even Kaijman!

  4. Wow, they really are doing DLC.

    I do hope it's substantial. The way these are named make it sound like Take on Helicopter's DLC, which didn't really add much. Now, if these DLCs have campaigns focusing on what they're doing...then we're talking more meaty jazz.

    Maybe it's just being used to how ArmA II was handled, but every DLC added a campaign or something major to play offline. I would love to see that trend continue. A campaign focused on sniping and being stealthy? Yes please.

    Then again all A2s DLC were for OA, so I think the DLC like BAF, PMCs, etc will come when we have the *Cough*Pacific*Cough* expansion.

  5. (Accidently put this in the wrong thread. XD Anyways.)

    I'm sorry to say this, and I knew it would happen, but...

    I'm discontinuing this mod. I've just lost interest and it's not going in the direction I want it to go now. I will be starting another mod soon, but a thread will come later if I want to continue it. I have ideas for either a Campaign-based mod (with a campaign), a fictional EU mod, or something else. Again sorry.

    News will come soon but for now this is discontinued.

  6. Yeah, AntoineFlemming released a variant of that.

    Meanwhile, I got rid of my logo's transparency and it shows up. Ish. I want to get rid of that ugly white square and while the camo scheme looks cool as hell, I have no idea what happened.


    Make sure you save it as either TGA, or PNG and then convert it to TGA. JPG doesn't support Alpha.
