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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Read the changelog. It answers both of the so called "bugs" you posted. There are no bugs. You misunderstood what this update is supposed to do.

    "This part does not yet contain Bootcamp's playable content, so the relevant LEARN menu entries will be empty / non-functional until that gets added soon." Oh. Sorry I didn't notice that. I was excited fro the new stuff. :P

  2. Could be the VR suit that was briefly mentioned. Makes kinda sense.

    Edit: Whoops, looks like I was thinking of something else entirely.

    It'll be interesting to see if so. If it's some futuristic combat suit or virtual reality suit, I hope it has some glow-y parts for some reason. :rolleyes:

  3. You can see 2 new "clothing items" in this pic:


    The blog was a good read. I'm glad with the extra effort placed towards helping new/old players getting more out of the platform :thumbs-up:

    Yep new cool looking (FIA?) uniform and a mask!

    Actually 3! http://arma3.com/assets/img/post/images/roadmap_14_15_4.jpg Those gloves tho!

    http://arma3.com/assets/img/post/images/roadmap_14_15_3.jpg Offroad (Repair)! Probably some new FIA offroads! :D

  4. I've set 2 units to use these nameSounds: "EPC_B_Kerry" and "EPC_B_McKendrick". The name shows up ingame but when Kerry (the team leader) orders McKendrick to do something (for instance, regroup) he only says "Fall back" instead of "McKendrick fall back" or "2 fall back". On the chat it says "1 (Kerry): - regroup".

    Any idea what the problem is or how to fix? I run stable branch.

  5. I've come up with something that might work for UAV lights, but I don't know:

    Like the autonomous check box, their should be one for lights. You could even carry this a step forward for other things, like hold fire and what not. But basically you can check and un-check it to toggle lights.

    Again, no idea if this would work but hey, just an idea for a major issue!

  6. Ah, there's what I'm expecting any minute since I read the dev report. May I ask which version you run? DevBranch? Because I didn't have that issue yet with the latest stable. And can you recall which uniform you should be wearing? Other than that, use of mods or addons?

    Thanks for your report so far!

    ---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------

    Oh, and Armaholic link updated, thanks guys!


    Armaholic v0.53 ALPHA

    I do use Dev Branch, and I used some mods which I turned off to test. There's a lot of nude people, to sum up, whatever soldier of whatever side who's not wearing his sides' uniforms.

  7. All vehicles other than the Mi-48 exist, i can give the real names of a few




    Slammer-Merkava IV

    T-100-Black Eagle prototype

    Kuma-Leopard 2a7

    Blackfoot-RAH 66 Commanche

    Hellcat-AW159 Wildcat


    P30 Orca-KA-60

    Marshall-(heres a list and country, original=Patria, USMC=HAVOC, Polish=Rosomark)

    Marid-Otokar Arma

    Gorgon-Pandur II

    thats just a few

    Actually the Kuma is the Leopard 2A4 NG.

    The more ya know. :)

  8. Atm, I am editing the OPFOR and BLUFOR soldiers to have different Normal and SMDI maps. I know BI's standpoint on Hexing, and I didn't want to go through all the hassle of hexing so a friend of mine recommended changing the paths in the RVMAT files.

    I copied the RVMAT files into the texture directory, here's the path to RVMAT: "A3_Aegis\Aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing.rvmat" <-- SMDI and Normal maps in same directory.

    Now, I have changed the paths inside to go to the custom textures I've made:

    raP           StageTI V  ambient             diffuse             forcedDiffuse                 emmisive                specular             specularPower –    PixelShaderID Super  VertexShaderID Super  Stage1 –   Stage2 P   Stage3     Stage4 ª   Stage5 b   Stage6    Stage7 X      texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_ti_ca.paa –    texture a3_aegis\aegis\us\data\characters\clothing1_nohq.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform õ  P   aside            up            dir             pos             P    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)  uvSource tex  uvTransform ¥      aside            up            dir             pos                  texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)  uvSource tex  uvTransform O  ª   aside            up            dir             pos             ª    texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_as.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform   b   aside            up            dir             pos             b    texture a3_aegis\aegis\us\data\characters\clothing1_smdi.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform à    aside            up            dir             pos                 texture #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1,0.7)  uvSource none X    texture a3\data_f\env_co.paa  useWorldEnvMap true  uvSource tex  uvTransform ³     aside            up            dir             pos                   
    raP       #    StageTI V  ambient             diffuse             forcedDiffuse                 emmisive                specular             specularPower –    PixelShaderID Super  VertexShaderID Super  Stage1 –   Stage2 P   Stage3     Stage4 ¿   Stage5 w   Stage6 1   Stage7 m  #    texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_ti_ca.paa –    texture a3_aegis\aegis\us\data\characters\clothing1_nohq.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform õ  P   aside            up            dir             pos             P    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)  uvSource tex  uvTransform ¥      aside            up            dir             pos                  texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_injury_mc.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform d  ¿   aside            up            dir             pos             ¿    texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_as.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform   w   as
    raP       ú    StageTI V  ambient             diffuse             forcedDiffuse                 emmisive                specular             specularPower d    PixelShaderID Super  VertexShaderID Super  Stage1 †  Stage2 L   Stage3 ü   Stage4 ¦   Stage5 P   Stage6    Stage7 D  ú    texture a3\characters_f\opfor\data\clothing_ti_ca.paa †   texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_nohq.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform ñ  L   aside            up            dir             pos             L    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)  uvSource tex  uvTransform ¡  ü   aside            up            dir             pos             ü    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)  uvSource tex  uvTransform K  ¦   aside            up            dir             pos             ¦    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS)  uvSource tex  uvTransform õ  P   aside            up            dir             pos             P    texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_smdi.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform ***     aside            up            dir             pos                 texture #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1,0.7)  uvSource none D    texture a3\data_f\env_co.paa  useWorldEnvMap true  uvSource tex  uvTransform Ÿ  ú   aside            up            dir             pos             ú      
       StageTI V  ambient             diffuse             forcedDiffuse                 emmisive                specular             specularPower d    PixelShaderID Super  VertexShaderID Super  Stage1 †  Stage2 L   Stage3 ü   Stage4 ¹   Stage5 c   Stage6    Stage7 W  
       texture a3\characters_f\opfor\data\clothing_ti_ca.paa †   texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_nohq.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform ñ  L   aside            up            dir             pos             L    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)  uvSource tex  uvTransform ¡  ü   aside            up            dir             pos             ü    texture a3\characters_f\opfor\data\clothing_injury_mc.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform ^  ¹   aside            up            dir             pos             ¹    texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS)  uvSource tex  uvTransform   c   aside            up            dir             pos             c    texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_smdi.paa  uvSource tex  uvTransform À     aside            up            dir             pos                 texture #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1,0.7)  uvSource none W    texture a3\data_f\env_co.paa  useWorldEnvMap true  uvSource tex  uvTransform ²  
      aside            up            dir             pos             
    RVMAT Code is all above.

    Ingame however, the normal, SMDI, and thermal maps don't show up. I honestly can't figure this out, anyone know how to fix?

    Thanks in advance.

  9. Can someone help me understand the units built into ARMA 3? When i am building missions, these units usually are USA. However i've played missions where they had UK tags. How can you pick and choose which country the NATO unit is from? Does this change based on the country you play in? Just trying to wrap my head around the design of this.


    They changed the uniform from "U_B_CombatFatigues_mcam" to "U_B_CTRG_1"; Also the vest is "V_PlateCarrierCTRG_L".

  10. I really hate the EBO files. What I think BIS should have done is when a player buys Karts (or whatever DLC) it will download PBO files to replace the EBOs.

    I'm in love with the new Coveralls W/ the Gloves and I'm itching to use them in my mods but I cant with the stupid EBO situation. :/
