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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. IMO I like the setting of A3. But for the next game, I wouldn't mind if it was modern time stuff (which will be futuristic by the time it comes out, say, around 2016/2017 or something). I just hope I get a solid game with good amounts of content and the core game play is good. I don't milsim (I prefer casual), but there always will be mods to make these games more realistic.

  2. I've considered it, but I personally don't like the NATO/Blufor uniforms too much.. It also took me a pretty large amount of time to build these 80 something uniforms on the indepent uniform, not yet willing to move them to the Blufor uniform. Maybe in the future, but it won't be until after all the other packs are done.

    I can supply a template. :)

  3. No, don't change it back. It finally looks good. Especially with the patches in place (which are also right way around now, thanks BI!) it looks great.

    The model itself has been updated, so you need to make sure you're using the version from this update, and not an old one (where flags are distorted anyways.).

    I agree much better. But the CTRG uniforms should stay the same IMO. But change the flag to be like A2 BAF.


    100 internet points to the first one who can identify these.

    I slightly altered the script to add a bit of randomization to the death screams. Cheesy, but effective.

    this addEventHandler ["killed", {_soundPath = [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString; _randscream = ["sounds\wilhelmscream.ogg","sounds\deathscream1.ogg","sounds\deathscream3.ogg","sounds\deathscream4.ogg","sounds\deathscream5.ogg"];_soundToPlay = _soundPath + (_randscream call BIS_fnc_selectRandom); playSound3D [_soundToPlay, (_this select 0), false, getPos (_this select 0), 10, 1, 50];}];

    C&C 95 death screams? :D

    (If not, I've been wondering, what are the actual screams called?)

  5. I've figured out BI's biggest dark secret... They've been working with the CIA, the Illuminati! They're the puppet masters in control of the world governments!

    A warning to anyone out there reading this, BI has mind reading capabilities. Quick! Put on your tinfoil hats before it is too late!

    But seriously, BI. How did you know I was thinking you guys should change the NATO uniforms' velcro? Nice work. :P

    Oh btw, the CTRG UBACs are using the new Normals, may want to fix that.
