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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 10 minutes ago, haleks said:

    @sberla101: Science-fiction is just another theater/context to explore Arma game mechanics, in my opinion : they clearly didn't add aliens for the sake of aliens - the trailer already hints at new gameplay and what I believe to be a "stalker-like" gamemode with hunts for artefacts. From what I can gather, aliens will be a distant presence and we won't interact directly with them : most of the action should remain very much conventional.



    I'm getting roadside picnic vibes more than anything, especially with a new looter faction in cfgFactionClasses.

    • Like 1

  2. 8 minutes ago, General Kong said:

    Definitely loving the new stuff that's coming in, and I am loving the new terrain on dev branch, I kinda wish there was completly new marksmen rifles for the Spetznatz, maybe a fictional AK Marksmen variant or SVDK for Spetznatz, it would really round out the infantry arsenal for Russians


    Rahim works well enough, or VS-121 in real life. IIRC it was going to replace the SVD until it didn't (some time after Arma 3 added it in Survive).

  3. 2 minutes ago, tpw said:


    Any reason why the Chernarus+ buildings are such framerate killers? Can they get away with it in DayZ because the engine is more efficient?


    Not sure, my PC is also fairly old but I can usually run Altis, Stratis, Malden, and occasionally Tanoa just fine. Methinks it's because of the amount of textures like Tanoa's buildings; DayZ's engine is definitely more efficient, yes.

  4. 20190523174430_1.jpg


    Happens with both SCBA Cylinders.


    Sand retextures of the Apex rugged screens and generator look... bad. Black ones are missing buttons too.




    How will the default / GL variants of the AK-12 from Apex be handled with the Russian forces? Will it require either / or, or both Apex and Contact?


    I'm loving the new content and I am super excited to get my hands on the new LDF and Russian gear in particular. Also, it is kind of strange to have LDF on the independent side when they are a NATO member state as mentioned on the Steam page and elsewhere. It also means they cannot engage the Looter faction (saw 'em in cfgFactionClasses).


    I'm begging y'all to include PSD / TGA samples or unencrypted files for the LDF and Russian equipment! 😄


    EDIT: Will we also get Tropic / standard MTP variants of the NATO chemsuits? And does CSAT or AAF get chemsuits too?

    • Thanks 1

  5. Some more modern buildings would be pretty neat but otherwise I'm loving the new terrain! FPS is kind of low in urban areas unfortunately - I am begging the Amsterdam team to not add furniture. People don't seem to realize that this really complicates things for mission makers and - furthermore - will cause even lower FPS because of draw calls, rendering, etc.

    • Like 1

  6. 1 hour ago, maxl30 said:

    @AveryTheKitty Russia is a member of CSAT, it is now a fact, hope i´ll see in the future some russian CSAT troops in your mod 🙂


    "Meanwhile, the Russian Spetsnaz operators wear a new lightweight two-tone suit, a durable helmet based on CSAT design, and a chest rig which sports a cross-drawn chest holder for sidearms."






    We don't know if they're CSAT just yet, we just know they're holding a vote. 😉


    Current Russian forces will be tweaked to use some of the new gear for sure.

    • Like 5

  7. 32 minutes ago, Callsign said:


    Interesting, thanks for posting. It begs the question who 'Amy' might be and what a ED-1D is (UGV?). I imagine Amy will be like the journalist Kate in Laws of War and a audio/video character only.

    While I'm unsure of the Alien idea (probably enjoyable but not my cup of tea for Arma per se), the phone message theme does have a missile alert feel to it, so perhaps it could just be a new region of the world to explore (Russia/ Korea?), alongside the same scale or smaller as Apex? Please tell me it's the Dragon Rising Islands, that would be totally hilarious trolling for BIS to do 😂

    From 'Acts' in the filenames it's not a stretch to search google for Acts of War on wikipedia, to this Star Wars wiki page - 'telling the story of a Jedi task force sent to the Yinchorri system to settle a conflict.'  With Russia supposedly making a decision about whether to enter CSAT, perhaps that's when Aliens decide to intervene? 😮


    Acts is a simple prefix used for cutscene animations.

    • Sad 1

  8. 39 minutes ago, Lbbde said:

    This was not about a "wishlist" or something like it. It was just a reaction to the latest news from BI. The latest screenshot/image they posted about the announcment literaly says "AAN news report: Russia to pass decision on crucial CSAT membership vote soon.". So I just thought MAYBE we will get a russian CSAT faction branch. It would make sense in some terms because we just got our first official snow map, many CSAT vehicles are already from Russia, Russia has a snowy landscape so it would by reasonably if we got white/gray hex for their vehicles, they could make use of the AK-12 and could get some new versions of it. Following this I asumed that we could get some white camo for the official vehicles to make use of the new snow map from GM.

    At the moment I have no wishes regarding the content of ArmA3. My desires are more technical in nature and will probably never be fulfilled, as the development of A3 is more or less over and it is much more complicated to change the core of the game than to create content.

    no offense ❤️ 🙂


    Russia isn't a member of CSAT *yet*, also they probably won't do Russians because then that would require Apex *and* the new expansion.


    Also CDLC content technically isn't official. 😉

    • Like 1

  9. 3 hours ago, NikkoJT said:


    The trailer title says "Expansion", which is a term historically used for large updates like Apex, smaller items being "DLC". They could break tradition, though.


    Personally, I expect science-y or alien-y content as well. But let's not read too much into it.


    Alchemist and Sapphire are callsigns. Military callsigns are often "dictionary picks", or have indirect meanings. "Alchemist" could be a commander who's trained as a chemist, for example, or it could be a unit working with explosives. (Or it could be NBC...)

    "Phase line" isn't science-related at all. It's a military term referring to a line drawn on a map. An operation might have several "phase lines", which the participating units move to during each phase of the op, to keep from advancing too far ahead of each other.

    "Stay tuned" literally just means "keep listening", as in "stay tuned to this radio or TV frequency". It's a common phrase, especially in Arma's military context (lots of radio use).


    So there's room for it to be a nuclear attack as well - or maybe even something offbeat like zombies.


    They won't do Zombies. That would create competition with DayZ. And the nuclear attack thing has already been explored with Eagle Wing in Arma 2.


    My guess is BIS Amsterdam is reusing old ideas (which isn't a bad thing) from Arma Futura and going all out. This might be the last official DLC / Expansion we ever receive so why not have fun with it? 🙂 Plus, beyond aliens we could also see new sci-fi assets for CSAT and NATO such as coilgun tanks, exoskeletons, or whatever else.


    The "Contact" suffix in the leaked file RPT is a dead giveaway too.


    I don't think it'll be NBC personally because that seems like it'd be very heavily scripted and the particle effects would chug computers. Plus it doesn't seem like an extensive enough topic to be covered by an Expansion. People seem to be forgetting that the opening quote is in quotation marks, probably meaning someone in the Arma universe itself said it. It's kind of a stretch but still.


    The only issues I see with it being aliens is what side their faction will be on and how gear / uniforms will be handled. It's also important to keep in mind that just because they're aliens doesn't mean they have to follow sci-fi tropes and use lasers and stuff. Plasma, magnetic weapons, micro missiles, and even bullets in some form or another are still viable. They could even be robots or cyborgs.


    Nonetheless I full expect it to be an alien invasion setting and the thought of it has me super excited. Regardless of what BIS does, I'm sure it'll be awesome! This is the Dutch team after all, and they gave us the masterpiece that is Laws of War. 😄

    • Like 3

  10. 8 hours ago, 6osbo said:

    I noticed that some items have been revoved like CTRG ECHs and ELCHs as well as the colored deck crew helmets that matched the colored deck crew vests and the blue combat fatigues. I think these were a great addition to the mod and personally I'd like these to be some of the items returned in future projects.


    Blue combat Fatigues and (some) other removed items will return in a different project eventually

  11. 13 hours ago, T0bi said:

    Hey, it seems like the JSHK Contamination Gear Mod isn't compatible with Aegis,

    the Mask-Skins are always the same and some are not Displayed correctly, maybe it's because you used the same Masks in your Mod before? 🤔

    Some Weapon and Gear Icons are wrong, f.a. the srifle_EBR_khk_f (Mk 18 ABR Khaki) has an Alamuth Icon.


    Would be nice if you could look into that!

    Also, I think the Mag on the M4A1 is a bit too low placed.





    And always remember:

    Aegis is an awesome Mod, never surrender to the Bug Monster! 😄


    Edit: The ION Van has, when loaded Ingame, an Orange instead of a Black Texture, had the same Problem on this Vehicle on an own Mod, try an Init Eventhandler with setTextureGlobal in the Config, that worked for me


    Thanks for the feedback!


    The M4A1's mag is low because else the top of it clips through the bolt, but I will see if BIS has tweaked the magazine mesh. 🙂

  12. 2 hours ago, Zakuaz said:

    Didn't the CRV Bobcat previously have basic vehicle repair abilities or am I day dreaming?

    I had one in a convoy and my Hunter lead took some damage so I was trying to drive the truck around the different sides of the CRV lmao in a fire fight screaming "omg repair repair"... we all died hahah. 

    No biggy, I can use another repair vehicle but the CRV was a cool tracked option IMO.


    Good stuff with Aegis, looks like a hefty update too, very nice!

    Oh and it would be sweet if it could seat a 4th person, the Field Engineer, disembarks and assists in tasks outside of the crews duties. 😃


    Heya! I haven't touched the bobcat past magazine tweaks so repair fuctionality should be unchanged. I'll look into it though. 🙂

    • Like 1

  13. Arma 3 Aegis




    • Fixed: CfgPatches issue regarding the Zamak (green hex Zamaks require Arma 3 dev branch)
    • Fixed: AA-40 20 round drum's cylinder axis was missing
    • Fixed: ACOG existed in the 5th dimension
    • Fixed: Compatibility issues that were breaking missions built with prior versions of Arma 3 Aegis
    • Fixed: Zeus compatibility for Russian infantry
    • Fixed: Russian Army's urban and arctic infantry were missing their backpacks
    • Fixed: Russian Army's urban and arctic heavy gunner units were missing
    • Like 1

  14. Hey sorry for posting 3 times in a row but uh...


    What's 'anims_f_contact'? 🤔


    23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_relaxedwalk_f.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_relaxedwalk_l.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_relaxedwalk_r.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_relaxedwalk_b.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_inspectshock_a.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_inspectshock_b.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_sendugvoff.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_nodscientist.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_nodcommander.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_campscientist.rtm not found or empty 23:47:59 Animation a3\anims_f_contact\data\anim\trailer\acts_trailer_campcommander.rtm not found or empty


    Also the uncovered HEMTT transport variant has no fire geometry for the seating area with the side panels.

    • Thanks 1

  15. Heads up - a hotfix is due soon to:

    A. fix some compatibility issues breaking missions

    B. fix a few issues regarding the ACOG, AA-40, and start-up error


    On 5/11/2019 at 12:32 AM, shadeops21 said:

    Hey mate,


    Just a small bug report for ya:

    Hand placement for the new L85s is a bit off, especially the hand on the trigger group.



    Looks really good otherwise, and cool idea making them compatible with the MX magwell and magazines!


    Heya! Thanks for the report. The L85A3 model is a placeholder currently, it will be replaced with a better model soon. 🙂

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  16. Arma 3 Aegis




    • Added: Cows
    • Added: AK-12 5.45 mm (variants)
    • Added: RPK-16 5.45 mm
    • Added: L85A3 6.5 mm (Khaki) and L85A3 GL 6.5 mm (Khaki)
    • Added: LIM-85 5.56 mm (Khaki) and LIM-85 5.56 mm (Sand)
    • Added: Mk18 ABR 7.62 mm (Camo)
    • Added: Mk26 12.7 mm
    • Added: MP7 4.6 mm (variants)
    • Added: Protector 9 mm (Sand)
    • Added: SPAR-16C 5.56 mm (variants)
    • Added: New textures for the default Combat Helmet and its derivatives
    • Added: Pacific Expeditionary Forces for the BAF faction
    • Added: Editor preview images for all infantry, vehicles, and props, work-in-progress
    • Added: Flag (Red Lion)
    • Added: Take On Helicopter OST (7 tracks)
    • Added: An entirely new set of gear for the Russian forces due to a change in direction and creative decisions
    • Added: Recon Scout (GL) unit which use the XM25 (US) and M32 (CSAT) grenade launchers
    • Added: New model and materials for the Civilian version of the PO-30 Orca
    • Added: Magazine proxies for the AK-107, L85A3, AA-40, MP7, and M4A1 variants
    • Tweaked: NATO has been renamed to US, NATO (Pacific) has been renamed to US (Pacific), and NATO (British) has been renamed to BAF - shared items such as wetsuits, pilot helmets, ghillie suits, and et cetera will retain their NATO tag
    • Tweaked: All loadouts have been tweaked and rebalanced for all factions' infantry
    • Tweaked: All inventories have been tweaked and rebalanced for all factions' ammo boxes
    • Tweaked: Specop's loadouts have been assimilated into Recon infantry's equipment
    • Tweaked: The Animals module can now spawn cows, crows, dogs, and eagles with Zeus compatibility as well
    • Tweaked: The F-38's armor value was lowered for balancing purposes
    • Tweaked: Textures for the black and wooden Mk14 were improved
    • Tweaked: The MX, Mk-I EMR, MAR-10, and SPMG's sand variants were darkened slightly - furthermore, the MX magazine has been changed to a flat sand texture, with the digital magazines still being available
    • Tweaked: The default SPAR-16 now uses the full barrel model with foregrip while sounds and stats have been adjusted accordingly
    • Tweaked: Materials and textures for BAF uniforms were altered to further resemble a UBACS shirt
    • Fixed: The US Army and US Navy Jack flags were incorrectly symmetrical
    • Fixed: CTRG's Pacific soldiers wore incorrect facewear
    • Fixed: The F-38 Widowmaker didn't generate enough lift and thus tended to lose altitude rapidly, a new flight model has been added, though it is work-in-progress
    • Fixed: The US Pacific UGV Stomper RCWS had an incorrect quantity of magazines
    • Fixed: ".model" errors related to various infantry units' capacity
    • Fixed: NATO and CSAT ammo boxes didn't have CTRG and Viper equipment in their inventories
    • Fixed: SPMG .338 (Tropic)'s weapon holder had an incorrect name
    • Fixed: The Cyrus 9.3 mm (Green Hex)'s weapon holder had the incorrect magazine
    • Fixed: Syndikat's Offroad didn't have texture randomization
    • Fixed: FIA's AFV-4 Gorgon didn't have texture randomization
    • Fixed: Static weapon bags couldn't be assembled into static weapons properly
    • Fixed: The T-140K Angara lacked a unique texture for its RCWS
    • Fixed: Many, many other minor issues
    • Removed: Various assets that either couldn't work, didn't fit Aegis's scope (they will most likely return in future projects)
    • Like 10
    • Thanks 1

  17. The Rhino MGS has a AMV-7 Marshall map icon.


    Also, there's different camo textures for the Angara K's commander turret but they aren't used? Can we please get a camo selection for the Angara K's RCWS?


    Gendarmerie offroad and Port authority offroad don't have sirens. Gendarmerie van has the wrong siren.

    • Like 1

  18. Re-cap of the last few updates on the A3 HUB Discord.


    Editor previews have been added for most content along with placeholder UI images. Yay, no more pop-up errors!


    New sand magazines for the MX series. The digital ones are still available but these sand variants will be standard.




    AA-40 magazine. 20 round drums are still available but will only be used by ION.



    Beret (SF)



    Beret (SAS)



    Beret [CSAT]



    Tanoan dirt patches for you mission makers.



    The vanilla SPAR-16 has been renamed to SPAR-16C, while a new variant using the SPAR-16S's model has been added as the default SPAR-16 variant. (Also have a little teaser for Atlas.)



    The vanilla AK-12 has been renamed to AK-15, while a new variant (called AK-12 of course) has been added, chambered in 5.45.



    RPK-16 5.45 mm, wielded by an earlier concept for the Russian Army.



    New RVMAT materials and textures for British infantry to differentiate them from the US further, made to resemble the UBACS shirt.




    More BAF (Pacific) images.



    L85A3 6.5 mm (Khaki) - placeholder model.



    NATO and NATO (Pacific) have been renamed to US and US (Pacific) respectively while NATO (British) has been renamed to BAF.


    New Russian forces they are a soley OPFOR faction now, sharing gear with CSAT while still maintaining some of their own unique kit. Some notable differences: 5.45 mm AK-12s, EMR camouflage, and the Russian Army insignia on the shoulder.



    Civilian model for the PO-30 Orca (has new materials that make it shinier, plus fancier rotors. Air ambulance is possible later on down the line.)


    Aaaand three more teasers!





    On 4/18/2019 at 3:42 PM, 6osbo said:

    Is there a chance that with the current ESS-like goggles in the mod you could a add a version with a sleeve over it and also a rhino mount? This would be epic thanks


    It's something I'd like to add so possibly.

    • Like 12
    • Thanks 1

  19. 3 hours ago, Dedmen said:

    Old Man DLC is still coming. And Third Party community made DLC's after that.


    Old Man is not a DLC. It's an update for Apex. The Amsterdam DLC is... something else.

    • Like 1