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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 3 hours ago, bars91 said:

    Badass! Love the indy RusFed idea )))


    Just for some discussions: aren't "security personel" not allowed camo clothing and instead go for solids/civies? Tho i've seen civilian security in UCP camies (in our town, not a hot zone by any means) )))

    They're wearing a set uniform just for aesthetic and Armaverse reasons (supposedly they were supposed to wear a digi uniform.)


    Also, I haven't given much love to the AAF so expect to see some new apparel to compliment their current selection soon!

    • Like 1

  2. On 3/31/2017 at 9:51 AM, LykosMactire said:

    My only issue is a slight pet peeve but Russia, Although selling supplies to CSAT, is actually a Independent faction. At least that's what had been going around since the Alpha. Hence why the AAF camo was originally "RUcamo". But It's still nice to see them in game regardless

    That's arguable. Apex has some text in the AAN broadcasts pointing to a CSAT Russia. Regardless, I'm dropping the idea of Russian CSAT forces, instead opting for an independent Russian faction (might also move them to the INDFOR side).


    That said, some new improvements to Raven and Russia:


    Raven Security's new uniform (it had to be different, so I took some liberties and went with this):



    And some of the Russian uniforms (yes, they're using some AAF textures, WIP):



    And a close-up on their Full Ghillie (WIP):



    So yeah, basically the idea is: gear = CSAT, style/colors = AAF. Vehicles will still be the same as the previous post I made. Also I've ditched the "NATO (Atlantic)" name for "NATO (British)" for umm... future reasons... c;


    And some dudes, 'cause everyone loves dudes! ...Er, I mean... I love dudes but... You get what I mean...



    And another goggles shot!


    • Like 1




    These goggles are mounted in the NVG slot. This particular pair fits the Combat Helmet, Enhanced Combat Helmet, and Light Combat Helmet. A second variant will fit the Light Combat Helmet and Modular Helmet. I'm also planning the ability to press "N" (or whatever your NVG key is) to pull them down. :D


    Obviously they have no effect on vision, so no NV or TI vision.

    • Like 8

  4. Small update. I'm experimenting with colors and camouflage for CSAT's Russian forces. I'm currently considering flat colors (green for ground vehicles and helicopters, blue for jets, grey for boats) for vehicles, and giving the ground soldiers digital camouflage (this of course means that Raven Security will look rather similar, but... meh...) along with black helmets and vests.


    Prototype textures:




    If you remember the blue Shikra from the "Scanning Horizon 2017" video, that's what fixed-wing aircraft will be painted in. A solid blue.


    Keep in mind also, the "Atlantic" (basically Britain and Russia) factions won't have the same scale as the main factions (US, Iran, China). The Russians will still have units including the T-100 Varsuk, BTR-K Kamysh, ZSU-39 Tigris, and Ifrit to name a few. Meanwhile, the British will deploy with CH-49 Mohawks, WY-55 Hellcats, and FV-720 Moras (and more, of course).


    Please tell me what you guys think. :D

    • Like 6

  5. 3 minutes ago, xxgetbuck123 said:


    They'll probably release the Photoshop templates for the new aircraft like they have done with some of the Apex vehicles already. Allows for easy texturing as everything is already layered and done, you just apply the paint. 

    I was referring to jets already in the game, such as the Neophron and Buzzard.

  6. Dunno if this has been noticed before or how long it's been available but...




    Dynamic loadout for the buzzard.


    Also, developers, can we get some new skins for some of the existing jets with Jets DLC? e.g the white and black digital, brown and grey hex for the buzzard, blue and grey hex for the Neophron?

    • Like 5

  7. There hasn't been much work done recently due to testing and personal life. But alas, I have something.


    But I must ask, would you guys prefer (as default, both will still be present as part of the mod) the new lighter E3 2012 era helmets:




    Or the darker Pre-Alpha 2013 era helmets?



    Which would you like to see NATO troops wearing?
