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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. None of CSAT's aircraft are carrier capable (in game, at least). But, perhaps someone could port over the USS Khe Sanh from Arma 2, modifiy it (specifically to work with the new AA defenses), and reskin it in hex? It could be used as a main operating base for OPFOR.

  2. 20 minutes ago, bars91 said:

    Really dig the 2035 US NAVY textures matched to Jets DLC ones ))) will make USS Gerald R. Ford Freedom that much more diverse while being organic to the Vanilla setting!


    EDiT: since you showed a ported MV-22 from A2 samples, would you perhaps consider doing a NAVY texture to "resemble" the planned CMV-22B version for COD duties?

    I haven't shown a MV-22 yet, but it's planned for the future, and yes I'll do a texture for it! :)

  3. 19 hours ago, bars91 said:

    BTW just for some inspiration: an actual Kazakhstan produced BM-21 on the same KAMAZ model chasis, but with bolt-on armor plates and a PKM turret for the hatch:

    Reminds me of the RM-70. :)


    17 hours ago, wsxcgy said:

    I'm personally not a big fan of the Russian infantry. I feel like the AAF pattern isn't "russian enough," I feel like russian patterns have a certain vibe to them, I could see their EMR pattern sticking around. The current uniforms would be fine I suppose, however I like the worker coveralls/heli pilot coveralls as a kinda future-y looking fatigue plus that basially unused vanilla Raven vest and CSAT helmets would be a neat look. And for the Raven security, since they currently have the coveralls, perhaps you could give them survival fatigues and FIA outfits with camo pants and some plaid or regular shirts for that classic contractor look, or just keep them the way they are if you're fine with the coveralls being used twice. Though thats a ton of work to please one person when you already have it laid down so I respect what you've already made. No matter what you do, still a very good expansion upon the vanilla content and I look forward to it.

    Supposedly it's what the Russians were supposed to wear, and that's why I'm going with it. I do understand however that it is similar to the AAF's camo, just lighter and more yellow.


    15 hours ago, Krieger26 said:

    I kinda agree with the last two guys... everything in the mod has been really well put together and clearly has lots of love and effort put in so it feels bad to say, but the Russian camo really does look out of place with the AAF camo scheme. It just dosen't fit their aesthetic I guess is the only way to put it. 


    The CSAT-R camo has the perfect look to them and it fits into the 2035 era seamlessly.. has there ever been consideration about collaborating with em?

    To be honest I never knew this mod existed up until now.


    4 hours ago, grijkee said:

    Not requesting, just giving some variants, but instead of AAF pattern better to use SPEKTR-SKVO? I believe it will fit mideterrain environment just perfectly.


    And that Zamak with Grad launcher is masterpiece for sure! But for CSAT would be nice to see the same thing but on the Tempest chassis. Yet again just giving some variants to think about.

    The digi pattern will remain primary, but I'll definitely add in a few variants. :)

    • Like 2

  4. 8 hours ago, Cydoemus said:

    This is just astonishing! The amount of time and effort you put into this mod making it look like a vanilla expansion going so far to make new and port models is just great!


    with this mod many campaigns/scenarios will pop up and it will be fantastic I assure you!

    Thank you! :D


    16 hours ago, bars91 said:

    Superb! Saves a bit of that precious time!


    EDiT: is the FIA (captured and repainted by hand AAF) version planned?

    Currently no, but the FIA (and Syndikat) will likely receive some more content in the future.

    EDIT: Zamak LRS in-game:



    (again super WIP texture on the launcher)

    • Like 10

  5. gradk.png


    Currently working on a Zamak LRS model. It will take some time however as it's actually the Kamaz from A2 with a Grad on the back (super WIP texture on the launcher btw) and I have to update the animations and memory points quite a bit. This will be CSAT/AAF's rocket artillery. :)

    • Like 8

  6. Some backpacks! (apologies if I've shown these already)


    Carryall Backpack (Black)



    Kitbag (Black)



    Kitbag (Digi)



    Kitbag (Khaki)



    Tactical Pack (Green Hex)



    Tactical Pack (Khaki)



    7 hours ago, armyguy277 said:

    one recommendation have would to be to add reskins of the tactical vest with all of the factions camo schemes 

    No plans yet but it's possible.

    • Like 7

  7. 35 minutes ago, LykosMactire said:

    IN regards to the A2 British helmet ports how about make the pattern a bit bigger, its too small compared to the actual camo the AAF uses

    Yep! Already on that! :)


    Also, I think I'll release an alpha version at some point soon, likely even this month depending on IRL stuff. Currently in the process of going PBO-to-PBO updating all of my code.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, bars91 said:

    Maybe just add the Mk-200 gunners but also keep all NATO autorifles the MX? Something like LMG=M249 and autorifle=M27 for USMC IRL? (same with PKM and RPK-74 for RusFed IRL)


    so that Mk-200s complement the MX support gunners but not replace (I know one can change that via loadouts, but deleting an unwanted autorifle from squad is faster)

    Autoriflemen and Machine Gunners are two different units, so the MX SW isn't replaced. :)

  9. 9 minutes ago, bars91 said:

    Love 'em!


    But I always saw the Mk-200 as NATO LMG since it uses telescoped caseless ammo...

    AAF would be perfectly served with the Apex FN Minimi PARA (5.56 + ability IRL to run STANAG mags) but you know - dependency and all that ///


    EDiT: also I just remembered the early screens showing Mk-200 in a sand MX-like variant. Fit 'em like a glove.


    Oh like this? :)





    NATO already has new Machine Gunner units, equipped with Mk200s in place of their MX SWs. Specop Autorifleman also carry the Mk200.

    • Like 6

  10. Aaaand here they are (WIP)!


    Modular Helmet (Camo) on the left, Netted Modular Helmet on the right.



    And as an additional bonus, variants for the Brits:



    These helmets aren't replacing anything on existing soldiers, instead further fleshing out the AAF's gear pool. One thing about Aegis is that it'll make use of those old unused class names, e.g. H_HelmetIA_net and H_HelmetIA_camo. The models are still WIP of course, and an actual NVG mount is planned.

    • Like 6

  11. 1 hour ago, sasha013 said:


    Sorry, I did word it wrong. Wiki pretty much cleared what I meant to ask. 


    Wouldn't a static, fixed 'unmovable' carrier be better in regards to clipping issues? 

     Just make it a simple object in Eden.

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