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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 7 hours ago, CommanderCharms said:


    In all seriousness though, one thing I will make of note is that the British voices don't seem to work with the mod enabled, and Aegis clashes with the 3CB equipment mod, as their MTP Osprey vests seem to have their textures replaced with the textures of the Vanilla BLUFOR Heavy Plate Carriers. Just a heads up.

    Thanks! I'll take a look at the British voices, also yeah, 3CB has to fix it for their equipment.

  2. Aaaaand here it is! Massive changelog. :P



    • Added: Machine Gunner for NATO Pacific
    • Added: "Fighter Jets - (Alternative 1)" music track
    • Added: "Argo" music track
    • Added: "Clouds Build Up" music track
    • Added: "Flames Build Up" music track
    • Added: "Match Lose" music track
    • Added: "Match Win" music track
    • Added: "Round Close" music track
    • Added: "Round Lose" music track
    • Added: "Round Win" music track
    • Added: Several new groups
    • Added: Several new Ammo Boxes
    • Added: Several new Equipment Boxes
    • Added: Several new Uniforms Boxes
    • Added: Several new Supply Boxes
    • Tweaked: Clouds equipment
    • Tweaked: Flames equipment
    • Tweaked: ION equipment
    • Tweaked: Raven equipment
    • Tweaked: Groups were overhauled
    • Tweaked: NATO Pacific Specop equipment
    • Tweaked: Modular Helmet (Camo) model
    • Tweaked: Netted Modular Helmet model
    • Tweaked: Ammo Box inventories
    • Tweaked: Equipment Box inventories
    • Tweaked: Uniforms Box inventories
    • Tweaked: Supply Box inventories
    • Tweaked: Cargo Net inventories
    • Tweaked: Police Offroad's crew
    • Fixed: CSAT Pacific Heavy Gunner's weapon was missing
    • Fixed: Cargo Net [CSAT Pacific] item error
    • Fixed: Zamak LRS texture error
    • Fixed: TWS Sniper's zoom was inverted
    • Fixed: Katiba & Minigun magazine compatibility
    • Like 5

  3. 7 minutes ago, arziben said:

    Hey Nightmare, are the missing 4 ASRAAMs and 500 rounds of 20mm HE in the Blackfoot a feature or a bug ?

    500 rounds is intentional but the missing ASRAAMs isn't an issue I'm having. What mods do you have activated?


    Also update later tonight primarily focused on groups and ammo boxes.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Private Evans said:

    Thx for the latest updates , especially happy about the CTRG UAV Operator. Since this is meant to be a more high tech ( and stealth) unit, this really was missing. Would be cool to see this even extended in the future by adding for example more CTRG Drones, SDV's and diver units :) 

    The other faction I really was waiting for is ION. Would be nice too see them not using FIA clothing though....looks a bit too mercenary style.


    maybe more like this 




    just an idea but for me ION should look more professional and reputable :)


    However.. it is absolutely cool to have 4 PMC/Mercenary factions in the game now !


    keep it up 





    Thanks! ION's appearance is based off how they looked in "Status Quo" in the campaign.

    • Like 1

  5. 14 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    So I tried it out.


    A drone mortar is great, and I think just a great and simple solution for firesupport in missions... it makes me want automated howitzers now :p


    Of course, I checked out the F-35, and I think the loadout on the stealth variant is a bit too limited. Let us load scalpels and IR seeking AAMs (so one can engage without using radar for example). Also, 4 LGBs internally seems a bit excessive. The hug needs some work, it isn't readable. Perhaps you can move the viepoint forward so the canopy rim isn't so close to the center of the field of view, and thus you have more space for the hud? (maybe make the canopy rim thinner?)


    For the info of those on the thread that may want to set the pylon loadout via the init field:

    7 is outer left pylon
    8 is outer right pylon
    9 is inner left

    10 is the inner right pylon
    11 is centerline

    (I'm guessing 1-6 are probably pylons on the non-stealth version, haven't tested)


    I'd also like to do custom loadouts of vehicles via text in the init field, what is the weapon/magazine/pylon name etc for the 25mm gun of the f-35. I'd like to experiment with giving some other craft 25mm guns instead of the stock 20mm gun/gun pod, or 30mm guns from the kajman/apcs - I've already done stuff like replacing the UGV stomper's GMG/HMG with a 20mm autogun, I'd also like to try it with this 25mm gun. I'm thinking I also want to replace the panther's GMG/HMG with this 25mm gun


    This mod also broke some of the units/missions I had made. I'm guessing it changes something with the miniguns on choppers? I had a setup with a Falcon drone helo that was equipped with a 6.5mm minigun, and it works when the mod isn't loaded, but it displays instead as a 7.62 minigun with no ammo with the mod loaded. 




    The F-35F's HUD is heavy WIP currently, a proper one is yet to be created along with the aircraft's dynamic loadout. Also yes, 1-6 are the outer pylons. The cannon name is gatling_25mm, and I'll see what I can do regarding the miniguns; they were rechambered to 7.62.

    • Like 1

  6. 25-06-2017

    • Added: UAV Operator for CTRG
    • Added: Ifrit for Raven
    • Added: PO-30 Orca for Raven
    • Added: M-900 for ION
    • Added: SUV for ION
    • Tweaked: Syndikat equipment tweaked
    • Tweaked: Syndikat Quadbike's textures
    • Tweaked: Syndikat Offroad's textures
    • Tweaked: Syndikat Quadbike's crew
    • Tweaked: Syndikat Offroad's crew



    Having technical difficulties with Publisher so the update might be a little delayed. Update is live! Enjoy!

    • Like 4

  7. 32 minutes ago, soundblaster said:


    Thanks for your hard work only one issue with the latest update. When the game is started with the mod I am getting the following error now: "Addon 'A3_Data_F_Aegis_Loadorder' requires addon 'A3_Static_F_Aegis_AT_02''". When I join the server I get kicked now with the following error message: "No entry'bin/config.bin/CfgPatches.a3_static_f_aegis_at_02'." .

    I'll release a hotfix ASAP, thanks!




    • Added: "This is War (Malden Remix)" music track
    • Fixed: Start-up error
    • Like 3

  8. 24-06-2017

    • Added: "Flashpoint" music track
    • Added: "Malden" music track
    • Added: "Eau de Combat" music track
    • Added: ATGMs for Kuma / Slammer / Varsuk
    • Added: Rifleman (Shotgun) for FIA
    • Added: Zeus support for all infantry units
    • Tweaked: Police units have been overhauled
    • Tweaked: AAF officer is now equipped with a Mk26 heavy pistol
    • Tweaked: ENVG-II FLIR color
    • Tweaked: Special Purpose Helmet FLIR color
    • Tweaked: Zamak LRS's textures have been improved
    • Fixed: Bulldog's second tube wasn't working
    • Fixed: Various units' backpacks were missing
    • Fixed: Zamak LRS's windows are destroyed properly now
    • Fixed: Zamak LRS's wheels are destroyed properly now
    • Fixed: Zamak LRS's gunner FOV
    • Fixed: Zamak LRS's artillery computer displayed wrong weapon text

    Apologies for the frequent updates, they'll die down eventually.

    • Like 3

  9. 3 hours ago, Takahashi Yuuki said:

    Zamak MRLS is improperly names "Zamak RLS". It's magazine still has the display name "230mm Titan", and the windows on it seem to be bulletproof. Nice o finally get some AAF artillery though.

    Zamak LRS is intentional, but the other two issues will be fixed in the next update!


    1 hour ago, Private Evans said:

    Nice updates :)


    Being a big fan of CTRG, I really would like to see the units divided into stealth and combat units. Arid and Urban stealth units should use the same standard gear as the pacific group. Combat units/groups  should look more like CTRG Group 14 on  Altis/Stratis.

    Also ( small request) ...could you add an UAV operator for CTRG ? :)


    cheers and thx a lot again for doing this 

    CTRG will likely receive some more love down the line, and Recon / Specop UAV Operators will most likely happen. :)


    46 minutes ago, CommanderCharms said:

    So, for years, I had been anticipating the release of a new British Armed Forces mod that wasn't just some soddy MTP placed on the independent uniforms. Forget that, Night515, you practically gave us a whole new game, and as wsxcgy said, you have filled near-enough every hole in the vanilla game that Bohemia had left, more to your credit (as far as I'm aware) you did this all on your own. Forget RHS or ACE, this should be the go-to mod for people wanting to expand ArmA's playability.

    Hehe, huge thanks! Also yes, almost all of this was done on my own with some assistance from other forum members. :)


    11 hours ago, wsxcgy said:

    I finally got around to trying it out, only got to look at stuff in the arsenal though. Its all great. It seems to satisfy every "I wish there was.." I've had with the vanilla content. Kinda highlights how many gaps bohemia left us with on the downside, for them at least. Supplements and enhances it all very well. I also really like the restored/unhidden stuff burried in the files, like some of the civie clothes and the nikos clothes, I hope to see some more of those in the future. I've noticed though with some of the optics you added that they aren't available on many weapons, and the SRS sight's lens and dot needs work, a few of the weapon sounds could use enhancement, and also not a big deal at all but some items are either missing icons or lack icons altogether. Otherwise all good. I still need to check out vehicles though but I have no doubts that they'll follow with the quality precedent you've set forth. 

    Thank you so much! Regarding some optics not being available for specific weapons, I'm currently looking into it. There isn't much I can do about the SRS unfortunately, but BIS fixed the DCL-120 so there's hope. Sounds and icons are WIP, of course, especially the latter!

    • Like 4

  10. 22-06-2017

    • Added: Clouds faction
    • Added: Flames faction
    • Added: Flags for Clouds, Flames, Police, and Raven
    • Added: Presets for the F-35F Lightning II (WIP)
    • Added: Specop Scout (Shotgun), Specop Sharpshooter for NATO / CSAT
    • Added: Sharpshooter for CTRG
    • Added: Scout (Shotgun) for CTRG / Viper
    • Added: Scientist for CSAT
    • Added: Black and Khaki colorations of the SCAR
    • Added: Placeable Mk17s in 3DEN
    • Added: Clouds Uniform
    • Added: Flames Uniform
    • Added: Scientist Suit
    • Added: Pilot camera and laser designator for the RH-9 Roach
    • Tweaked: CTRG, ION, Raven, and Viper units have been overhauled
    • Tweaked: NATO / CSAT special forces units have been overhauled
    • Tweaked: SCAR firing sounds (WIP)
    • Fixed: M-900 and RH-9 Roach's benches were removed
    • Fixed: Gendarmerie Uniform was missing its texture
    • Like 6

  11. 6 hours ago, TheGamblersDice said:

    Btw any plans on giving the f-35 more payload variety. This is maybe just being nitpicky but I would love to see some laser guided AGMs, cluster bombs and maybe some bigger GBUs in there like the 1000lb versions. It's just this aircraft would be a perfect replacement for the F-18 we use in our unit if it could have some more weaponry.


    And since I'm no modder of any type I have no idea how it's done but would it be possible for the weapons, specially the SCAR platform to have RHS sights compatibility a bit further down the line?


    Keep up the good work Night :)

    Dynamic loadouts for everything is pretty WIP at the moment, but not much more weaponry is planned. However, it is possible for other authors to allow the F-35 to use other weapons.


    Also I'll take a look regarding optics, they should be compatible but if not I'll try and get it working.

    • Like 1

  12. Just now, Brett Staats said:

    Hey just a quick question is jets dlc required?

    Btw great job so far and will the police be using old vehicles or new ones?

    Jets DLC isn't required, not even for the F-35. :)


    Police will be using offroads (and possibly riot hunters).

  13. 15 minutes ago, Private Evans said:

    What are your plans for the NATO woodland camo ? Maybe using them for NATO (Pacific) Recon Units ( would bring some nice variety) ?


    Edit  I really like the chinese and iranian flags, but I also miss the CSAT patch on the uniforms ...would be super cool to have both :)


    NATO soldiers wearing woodland uniforms exist under NATO > Men (Woodland) already. Also, under unit insignias you can find an insignia named "CSAT". Try that one. ;)

    • Like 2

  14. Hmm, I just got an idea that could be implemented in the future. A return of CSAT (Atlantic), mainly intended for use on Malden. Wouldn't be that large, just a way for the old vanilla CSAT hex to make a return as "Brown Hex".


    What do you guys think? Also...



    • Added: Bergen Backpack (Green Hex)
    • Added: New Jets DLC music track "Reunion"
    • Added: Cargo Net boxes for NATO Pacific / NATO Atlantic / CSAT Pacific
    • Tweaked: FV-720 Mora's BLUFOR textures were improved
    • Tweaked: Cargo Net inventories for AAF / NATO / CSAT
    • Tweaked: Rahim's black textures were improved
    • Tweaked: Bergen Backpack (Hex) has a new texture
    • Fixed: AH-99 Blackfoot's pylons were missing
    • Fixed: A-143 Buzzard's Twin Cannon wasn't working
    • Fixed: 6.5 caseless mags are compatible with the Katiba again


    The daily updates won't be a normal thing. Just ironing out bugs atm.

    • Like 5

  15. 18-06-2017

    • Added: Grey Hex camouflage for the Neophron
    • Tweaked: SCAR firing sounds
    • Tweaked: Mk26 firing sounds (WIP)
    • Tweaked: Bulldog firing sounds
    • Tweaked: P07 firing sounds
    • Tweaked: Warfare-50 firing sounds
    • Tweaked: Zamak LRS launcher sounds
    • Improved: SCAR reload animations
    • Fixed: Warfare-50 muzzle flash didn't appear in first person
    • Fixed: Warfare-50 recoil pop-up
    • Fixed: CTRG Arid Uniform texture's brightness
    • Like 7

  16. Thanks for the feedback so far everyone!


    The next update - which will be soon, possibly tonight - will improve sounds for the SCARs, Mk26, Bulldog, and Warfare-50, and add sounds for other things like the Zamak LRS's launcher. The excess green / black vests will be removed; a rogue file managed to sneak into the release so apologies for that.


    PS: Optional files are included with the workshop download just like my M9 Weapon Pack:


    csat_banner replaces the Iranian/Chinese flags and velcro with simple CSAT banners like the vanilla game.

    dark_mtp darkens BLUFOR's camouflage to blend in better with the game's terrains.

    • Like 3