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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 32 minutes ago, Col. Akhanteros said:

    Sorry if this was already answered, but will there be any coyote-brown/OD-green/hexacam/digital/triangle-cam texture variants for the tents? They would be really sweet for making nice FOBs, it would work really well for both command/briefing tents and barracks or armory/storage. Also, there could be texture variants with the white square and red diamond shape for military aid stations.


    As a side note, I really like the campaign. It's very detailed and well done. The content added (objects, vehicles) is awesome.


    There already are. Search "Medical Tent" under "Structures (Altis)" or "Structures (Tanoa)". To remove the medical sign, you can put this in the init field:

    this animateSource ["MedSign_Hide",1,true];
    this animateSource ["Door_Hide",1,true];

    It'll also open the doors. :)




    Text is backwards on the Ambulance's front:


    • Like 1

  2. 22 minutes ago, Cydoemus said:

    Splendid update Night! :D I like the concept of the riot police officer, Could be a very handy asset in the Akhanteros coup.


    One suggestion for them would be some sort of a balaclava which covers the mouth :) I think most riot officers got a balaclava hiding their face for some weird reason (Makes them look badass though) 


    That grenade launcher thing is going to make urban combat a tad bit interesting... 



    Thanks! They'll have a balaclava, don't worry. :)

    • Like 1

  3. Quick update, remember next release will be September 12th alongside Orange DLC.


    Booniehat [CTRG], the other variant was renamed to Booniehat (Tropic) [CTRG]



    I might've shown this off already but there's a new Civilian vehicle coming, the Small Boat, with the Fishing Boat and Tractor planned for the near future.



    There're also several new Syndikat uniforms and a new FIA uniform.


    SCAR textures have improved, the sand variant is around the same darkness as the SPAR-16.




    And they also have new sounds.


    MGL 40 mm, will likely show up in the next update (no promises) and it'll be CSAT's counterpart to the Punisher.



    And just a concept for the Riot Police Officer. A slightly desaturated blue helmet with the text "POLICE" plus neck protection along with the regular police vest will be worn. They'll wear a blue uniform and have a white armband just 'cause.



    38 minutes ago, broduz said:

    would it be possible to add AFG to the SCAR Mk17CQC....? it just feels too bare lol


    Nope, I don't have any AFG models and personally I like the Mk17 without any foregrip.

    • Like 5

  4. 44 minutes ago, 95thChosenMan said:

    Great job on the mod. i really enjoy it.

    Just a few small details regarding the British/Atlantic Forces in the NATO Alliance.

    1. The L85A2 (SA80) Is being replaced with an A3 Variant by 2020-2025 so maybe modelling it around the Latest prototype weapon may be more realistic to the British force's of 2035 or even making your own A3 in 6.5mm Calibre might be more realistic to the NATO Standardisation (ive linked an image of the A3 > SA80 L85A3 Prototype image's) PS Thanks for making a TAN One..... Sooooo Sexy.
    2. Add a fore-grip onto the end of the A2/A3 if possible. British troop's since 2011 have been issued vertical fore-grips with flip out bi-pod's, having the R.I.S Rail's on the end and no fore-grip makes it feel so empty. also foregrip + L85 = Allyness (Awesome) and Allyness save's lives (Scientifically proven fact) 
    3. ACO and ACOGS are bad fit for L85. Add in a Elcan SpectreDR if possible or use the ERCO/ARCO/RCO, British Combat troops always deploy with at least a Magnified Optic (The Elcan) with a close quarters battle sight (Red dot).

    Other than those knit picky things i really enjoy your Mod and if u can make these things happen at any point in the future i will be extremely grateful. But as i said other than those personell points from me your doing amazing and i cant wait for whats to come.           



    1. Trust me, I'd love model a front rail system to resemble the L85A3 but I don't know how to model currently.

    2. I would've added a foregrip but the main issue is animations. Currently the weapon uses TRG animations apart from the GL reload which is borrowed from the SPAR.

    3. They already use the ARCO alongside Holosights and ACOs. ACOs are issued just 'cause every other primary faction is the same. Just keeping things consistent. :)

    • Like 1

  5. 21 minutes ago, biggerdave said:

    Hmm... have you tried


    instead of


    AFAIK, it shouldn't make a difference whether it's a string or not (in fact, I pretty sure you don't even need to define baseweapon if you're inheriting from Rifle_Base_F), but stuff like this sometimes works.


    The only other thing I can think of is that it might be, since you're using the same style of classname as BIS, there's still some remnant of the old XM25 that's conflicting with your code? (I wouldn't think it is that, though, since you'd effectively be completely overwriting any old cfgweapons references to the XM25, unless there's some code in the arsenal that explicitly removes it? That would really be weird, though.)


    Maybe try adding this to the end:


    If "New Test XM25" shows up in the arsenal, then it's definitely something weird with the classname. (On the plus side, that means you can fix it without breaking compatibility by just using GL_XM25_F as a base class)


    Neither have worked, unfortunately.

  6. Quote

    XM25 bug definitely looks like an inheritance issue, couldn't say for certain, since I haven't looked at your config, but I've seen this exact bug before, and the problem was that I was inheriting from another weapon, and not defining a new baseweapon, so the engine just assumes you're trying to define a variant with a new scope or something and doesn't add it into the arsenal. So, what I imagine you've got is this:

    And what you want is this:

    It might just be that there's a typo (ie, you've got "new_Gun" instead of "NewGun"), but I'd bet my bottom dollar it's baseweapon that's the problem. (I've never been particularly good at gambling, though, so I'm probably wrong!)




    (Is doing stuff just because it was in the pre-alpha such a great idea? I mean, it seems to me this stuff was changed for a reason)


    Partially personal preference, and partially for other reasons like making factions more aesthetically pleasing and etc.

  7. 52 minutes ago, biggerdave said:

    Some bugs I've noticed:

    • M1014 reload animation bugs out while prone (uses the standing animation, but the fire-geo is all messed up?)
    • XM25 doesn't appear in arsenal (incorrect baseweapon? It shows up if you start with the heavy grenadier class)
    • CSAT Specop autorifle has an incorrectly defined weapon
    • C130 landing gear clip through their bay doors when raised (also, I noticed that the 16th cargo position is always ordered to disembark by the AI? I might just have loaded them incorrectly in the editor, though)


    Thanks, the first two are known - the M4 SSAS is currently using a leftover animation that'll be replaced eventually, and the XM25 doesn't show up for some reason that I can't figure out yet.



    Some of the finer details of the BAF faction kinda feel a bit off right now, IMHO - the fennek doesn't really fit (we haven't used anything like that since the Fox), the Hunter would be more appropriate (we don't use the Oshkosh M-ATV, but we do use stuff that's similar enough). The ACOs used by standard troops don't really fit either (AFAIK, it's been standard practice for all infantry to have something like a SUSAT for quite a while now). The SCAR-H's for SF troops are also a bit contradictory to the British doctorine, since it's generally encouraged to keep the majority of small arms using the same calibre, SCAR-L's would be more appropriate (or 416s, since British SF generally use some variant of AR-15, but I'm not a huge fan of BIS's implementation of 416s, so...)


    I'll give them Hunters in the next update, they'll keep the Striders too as to not break anything. ACOs are used for consistency reasons, and the Mk17 is given to British special forces because UKSF adopted them recently to replace their C8s.



    Regarding SF loadouts, I'm not sure the Tavor's beefy enough for NATO - the 5,56 round tends to be a bit ineffective against CSAT troops at longer ranges. Likewise, the revolver isn't really suitable as a sidearm for CSAT (doesn't mount a silencer, small magazine size) - it'd be really neat to have a 6.5mm AR for NATO, and something like a Stechkin for CSAT (maybe port ArmA.2's UZI? There's already a good bit of Israeli kit in CSAT's arsenal)


    NATO SF use TRG-21s just because that is what they were armed with them in the 2012 pre-alpha, and I'll look at a new pistol for CSAT SF.



    Finally, I'm not too keen on the new desert helmet for CSAT... it'd be nice to have the old brown hex helmet back, and keep the desert version as a variant (maybe add some randomization, like with the NATO helmets, so they spawn with either standard, desert or black helmet? It'd also be kinda neat to have a matching version of the fatigues for maps like Takistan where the brown hex is a bit too dark)


    I'll likely add an extra arid version of the CSAT helmet but I do want the semi-arid ones to remain standard since that is what the 2011-2012 pre-alpha Iranians looked like. There is another CSAT faction planned as a counterpart to NATO's Atlantic Forces.

  8. Y'know, to solve the issue of having to change models to fit female anatomy and all that stuff to add women, there's one very easy fix: traps.


    I'm sorry I'll go.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Strike_NOR said:


    I am guessing right now, that UXO's are really only feasible because the cluster bombs guarantee that something is going to take damage. If you drop a single 500lbs bomb and it does nothing, then the average player may get disheartened or even accuse it of being a bug. I honestly know very few multiplayer games that simulate duds, most likely due to the fact that it is a random case of "imbalance". "Hey!! I shot him, and nothing happened, he shot me and I blew up!?!?!" *ragequit*. See my point?


    However, using it in cluster munitions, there will always be some damage and some duds, which lets the player deal his intended damage, but leaves a new level of challenge. The area is now dangerous to lightly armored vehicles and infantry.



    An interesting thought though, is what modders may be able to do about this! The new types of submunitions may actually prove useful in a completely different manner. Think about your example. You drop a 500lbs Mk82 bomb. It plummets to the ground and impacts hard, but does not detonate. Now the pilot has to report that it was a dud, and a huge area is now "blocked" due to a large UXO. 


    Another use of this function would be intentional delay! Many real life bombs can be set to have a delayed detonation after impact. This is especially handy for area denial. MK82's could be set with up to 24hr fuse. Drop one in the middle of a runway, and that runway is now unsafe for who knows how long? Low flying CAS may use delay fuses to avoid being hit by their own shrapnel. 


    There are many uses for such features, that may not only be restricted to UXO's.


    I'd love to see an effect where "regular explosive ammo" may hit objects at an extremely shallow angle and "bounce/spin" off, leaving the shell/bomb unexploded somewhere nearby. But that requires a lot of work...


    Cluster artillery shells could spawn UXOs.

  10. 5 minutes ago, wsxcgy said:

    I feel like for woodland AAF Forces a recolor of their original pattern would make more sense, though I gotta say, that greek-style lizard is looking pretty hot.


    It's the then HAF's original pattern so I figured I could just give it to the AAF rather than making an entire new faction. The quality of the camouflage swatch itself isn't that great, but I'm using the same one that BI used for consistency/my nonexistent OCD.

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