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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Alright, this is what I get for getting too excited and not doing research beforehand... Neither the BPPU or RCWS-30 variants will be added. My apologies.


    However, the vehicle is not being cut and instead will have an armament that will make it stand out more from other APCs. As a result I also won't have to butcher the vehicle's interior. ;P

    • Like 3

  2. There's been a fair amount of progress so far! Also, a new poll! Please vote, I want to know what you guys would like for a... future addition. (EDIT: The RCWS-30 also has Titan missiles)


    Anyways! First off, Altis variants of the bunkers, dugouts, and ramparts actually blend in now! Also, there's new sand camo nets!



    Along with the new sand camo nets, there are now tropic ones for NATO forces on Tanoa. Supply crates' textures have been improved too so they don't look like total AIDS vomit trash.



    And finally, the police offroad has received new textures. Also, Gendarmerie van!


    • Like 12

  3. 3 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    The new drones, in particular the minelaying drone, do not have separate UAV controls and UAV turret controls.... and I think its just great.

    I've been wondering for a while if there was something specifi to drones that prevented the use of a targeting camera like that found on the piloted fixed wing aircraft - apparently there isn't.

    Also the old MQ-12 turret controls camera was not very good - either you had no stabilization, or you turned it on and couldn't pan the camera at all.

    I for one would like to see all the flying drones have their control scheme reworked to be like the new drones - just a single pilot with a stabilized camera that the pilot can switch to while maintaining control of the craft, does anyone else agree?


    Definitely agree. Also, another idea: give the UGV Stomper a "TGP camera", seeing as it has that little camera on the top-front of the chassis.

    • Like 1

  4. 1 hour ago, Shurilex said:

    Hello there,


    I noticed a new HUD icon for the AL6 drone, it looks like a little bottle of vitamins ^^. Screenshot below.

    Any idea what does it stands for ? Thanks !


    All the new content is looking really great, love all the new very well detailed eden editor items and furniture, thanks for all the content and features so far Bohemia.



    Leaflets possibly?

  5. Quick hotfix to remedy some of the issues + some bonuses.


    • Added: Green Hex livery for the Zamak Fuel
    • Tweaked: F-35F Lightning II was renamed to F-38 Thunderbolt
    • Tweaked: F-38 Thunderbolt's liveries
    • Fixed: Start-up pop-up error
    • Fixed: Raven PO-30 Orca didn't spawn with pilots and caused a pop-up error
    • Fixed: Police Uniform was invisible
    • Fixed: Gendarmerie Marshal's texture was incorrect
    • Like 3

  6. Laws of War DLC update - enjoy!

    • Added: MGL 40 mm
    • Added: EGLM 40 mm
    • Added: Small Boat (2 liveries)
    • Added: Close-Combat Optic
    • Added: Cannon Pod and S-5 Rocket Pod (see Pylon settings of Hellcat and OPFOR aircraft)Added: AAF woodland camouflage infantry and equipment
    • Added: Guerrilla Garment (Khaki)
    • Added: Syndikat Uniform (Brown)
    • Added: Syndikat Uniform (Officer)
    • Added: Syndikat Uniform (Brown, Officer)
    • Added: Booniehat (Tropic) [CTRG]
    • Added: Assassin/Defender/Protector Helmet (Arid Hex)
    • Added: Olive variant of the Mk20
    • Added: Khaki variant for the TRG-20
    • Added: Tan variant for the Katiba (WIP)
    • Added: Black livery for the XH-9
    • Added: Black livery for the CH-49 Mohawk
    • Added: Green Hex livery for the Zamak (WIP)
    • Added: Green Hex livery for the Taru Pods
    • Added: Green Hex livery for the To-201 Shikra
    • Added: Grey Hex livery for the Ih-150 Cormorant
    • Added: Blue and Green Hex liveries for the To-199 Neophron
    • Added: Vrana and Wave liveries for the EH302
    • Added: Hunter variants for the NATO (Atlantic) faction
    • Added: Recon UAV Operator and SF UAV Operator for the NATO and CSAT faction
    • Added: Sharpshooter for the AAF faction
    • Added: SCAR weapons have received new sounds
    • Added: Laws of War DLC support
    • Added: China map marker set
    • Tweaked: Specop units and groups were renamed to SF units and groups
    • Tweaked: Flames weapons were overhauled
    • Tweaked: Clouds weapons were overhauled
    • Tweaked: CSAT special forces weapons were overhauledTweaked: Civilian equipment and apparel was partially overhauled (WIP)
    • Tweaked: FIA equipment and headgear randomization was overhauled
    • Tweaked: Clouds headgear is now randomized
    • Tweaked: Flames headgear is now randomized
    • Tweaked: CTRG equipment is partially overhauled
    • Tweaked: PO-30 Orca Medical's textures for the Civilian faction
    • Tweaked: Flames Uniform textures
    • Tweaked: Booniehat [CTRG] textures, it should now match CTRG's Mediterranean camouflage
    • Tweaked: CTRG Mediterranean infantry are now equiped with ENVG-II instead of standard NVGs
    • Tweaked: F-35F's textures and materials were improved slightly
    • Tweaked: Zeroing a weapon now produces a more noticeable sound
    • Tweaked: NATO (Pacific) olive liveries were improved
    • Tweaked: The SCAR weapons' textures and materials were improved
    • Tweaked: The SA80's textures were improved
    • Tweaked: The Bulldog's textures and materials were improved
    • Tweaked: UCPT faction renamed to Militia
    • Tweaked: Militia Uniform's model has been replaced
    • Fixed: Punisher 25 mm was absent from the virtual arsenal
    • Fixed: NATO sage and woodland infantry had incorrect headgear
    • Fixed: Raven Coveralls weight was incorrect
    • Fixed: Clerical Robes materials were incorrect
    • Fixed: CSAT (Pacific) Mi-280 Taru co-pilots were incorrect
    • Fixed: CSAT Fighter Pilot carried incorrect magazines
    • Fixed: NATO (Atlantic) vehicles carried MXs instead of SA80s
    • Fixed: Flames vehicles didn't carry the correct weapons and magazines
    • Fixed: Mk26 rate-of-fire was too slow, and as a result the hammer didn't animate properly
    • Fixed: All files were re-signed with a new BIKEY
    • Removed: AA-40's semi-automatic firemode






    • Like 7

  7. 3 hours ago, Pingas 58 said:

    Do you plan to do this for the European Union from wip, or was that scraped? 


    Scrapped, sorta. Instead it's evolved into Arma 3 Axiom which is something I'm working on in the background. That's what those German and etc soldiers are from.

  8. So I noticed that Laws of War is releasing tomorrow, so the next version of Aegis will too! The next update will not include the new AK variant however, but there's still plenty of new stuff!


    28 minutes ago, Davewinkleman said:

    First off, outstanding mod it truly compliments the A3 lore very well. As someone who plays with mods that are oriented towards the lore of Arma3, I appreciate your effort in creating an extension to the already awesome assets. I have one question though. Correct me if I'm wrong but were you working on USMC units for the mod as well?. This was back in he WIP thread so, I'm not sure if you changed your approach towards what to include. All in all, thanks for the mod. Keep doing what you do :) 


    Thank you so much! USMC units were initially planned but currently I have no plans to add them into Aegis. A separate addon however... ;)

    • Like 3

  9. Personally I really wish sounds for tanks and their interiors would improve in particular. The cannon/MG sound should be muffled from inside. I'd also love to hear better reload sounds for tanks (mainly the Slammer and Kuma); something I added for tanks in Aegis - excluding the Varsuk - is a shell ejection sound, which I feel makes things a little more immersive. These small sounds of the crew actually operating the vehicle would just be wonderful, though. If you've ever played Battlefield 4, the sounds for driving tanks (and vehicles in general) are pretty good, especially sounds for crashing into stuff and landing on the ground after getting some air from a hill or ramp, which I'd love to see in Arma's ground vehicles.

    • Like 2

  10. 24 minutes ago, tyl3r99 said:

    Hi all,


    i hope someone can shed some light on a very frustrating issue...


    AT missile specialist, cant lock on to anything!? im pressing T, holding T, going into thermal mode, everything ive tried... 
    its broken. 


    tried various distances, nope still broken, checked controls, its utter crap.
    it used to work fine...

    also i cant change it from direct fire to top fire am i being really stupid or have they disabled the lock feature on this bloody launcher. 

    i also heard PCML is supposed to lock on also but pffff 


    If you aren't using ACE or any mods, then T should lock. Try resetting your controls to the Apex preset and T should work.

  11. Just now, jinzor said:

    Yeah but they didn't use SPAR-16s on Altis, only on Tanoa? Also, that visual depiction of... 

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    ... James and Miller shows them with black MX-series weapons, like the ones they used in The East Wind?



    It's probably just an oversight by the developers, they could replace the MXs with SPAR-16s. Also seeing as they have ENVGs, it's possible they do actually use the equipment they had on Tanoa on Altis too.

    • Like 1

  12. 4 minutes ago, jinzor said:

    Okay so, weeks ago I played the Laws of War story campaign. There was a segment where...


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    ... the main character suspects NATO (visually depicted as CTRG - Miller and James) being around the area after an airstrike, which may or may not have been by CSAT (the suspicion he wasn't going to share was maybe that CTRG conducted the airstrike on the FIA in an effort - which he doesn't know of, since he doesn't know of the device's existence - was to destabilise the region to steal the East Wind device from CSAT. It makes sense CSAT gains nothing from conducting that kind of strike on such a pitiful force of guerillas - it only serves to damage their own, and the AAF's, reputation). The reason he suspects NATO / CTRG being there is because of the "NATO Mil-Spec casings" left behind. The developers are clearly trying to give us a major hint to the story here, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with this tiny detail. However small this detail is, it still confuses me - is the main character talking about the real-life 5.56x45mm mil-spec (M855) ammo or is he talking about a fictional variant of 6.5mm ammo for the fictional MX-series, which actually comes in cases (the 6.5mm ammo that the MX-series uses is apparently caseless), that NATO now use in the Armaverse? If he is talking about the 5.56mm mil-spec ammunition, why would he be concerned or have a suspicion of NATO being there since they don't use that type of ammunition anymore? The FIA all use 5.56mm ammo - it's not suspicious that they could be using mil-spec variants. However, if he is talking about a fictional variant of 6.5mm ammo which is also labelled as "mil-spec" for the fictional MX-series, why would they leave behind cases when that type of ammo doesn't exist in the game?


    So yeah, I really don't get this bit. Was this talk of...


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    ... "NATO mil-spec casings" an oversight (i.e. the story writer didn't know that NATO / CTRG don't use 5.56mm ammo anymore for their MX-series weapons, or that the current 6.5mm ammunition that NATO / CTRG uses is caseless), or is this plot point meant to be false (i.e. these were just some variants of bullets that the FIA used while fighting with CSAT and the main character is an idiot to suspect NATO / CTRG actually being there when they don't use cased 6.5mm or 5.56 mil-spec ammunition anymore in their inventories)?



    CTRG, along with the MX, uses SPAR-16s (HK416s).

  13. 7 hours ago, jarrad96 said:

    Roadrunner made a Multitarn like pattern a while back,  you can ask him for permission to use it if you don't want to make your own. 


    Already made my own:




    (Camo itself is actually from a Facepunch user named Tounishi.)

    • Like 5

  14. 6 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:


    Didn't happen to me, just checked it.

    Did you try it on an empty mission? Can you check again on an empy map?

    Always good to double check if something happens on an empty map with no scripts/mods, since there can be quite a lot of stuff going on, manipulating possible outcomes.


    Quilin (Armed) engaged me just fine without disembarking.



    Unarmed, with a soldier taking up the "gunner" slot. Also I did the tests on VR.

  15. Small update:


    Another MGL 40 mm screenshot.



    Civilian PO-30 Orca Air Ambulance.



    And yet another picture of the current grenade launchers. (Punisher's speculars have improved since this screenshot was taken.)



    27 minutes ago, AIF_Infantrymen said:

    i not sure if can be done bu ti think it would cool to have a RWS on the AMV-7 Marshall


    Unfortunately I can't.

    • Like 6

  16. 6 minutes ago, drebin052 said:

    So what's the zeroing like on the MGL?


    IIRC every other mod's M32 (even RHS') suffers from the same issue of having the barrel block the view for anything zeroed beyond 200m.


    Still sorting that out, worse case scenario I can just slap one of those red dots on the side in place of the proper scope.


    @broduz Nope.

