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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Personally I'd like to see a game in the 50s to 80s, an alternate history war between NATO and the USSR. World in Conflict comes to mind with the Russians invading the US through Seattle. Unrealistic, yes, but cool as fuck with many possible scenarios.


    Either that or the current 'cold war' in Europe between NATO and CSTO. Regardless, I just desperately hope we don't get another generic Afghanistan / Middle Eastern war with technologically superior Western forces shooting at insurgents.


    I really hope for a cold war setting. Weapons like M16A2s, AK-74s, L1A1s, M60s, M1s, T-80s, F-14s, and such would be splendid, possibly with a French or German setting. US and some European forces could make up BLUFOR, with the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact making up OPFOR. Resistance fighters and such could comprise the independent side.


    EDIT: one last thing, engine changes that let modders modify models (woo alliteration) and animations. There's licenses in place to stop people from porting source material to other games already.

  2. Suggestion, adding the Blackfoot's stubby wings back as a second variant or animation source like this.




    Perhaps the current model could be named "AH-99 Blackfoot (Stealth)" while this new variant takes its original name. The textures are already done and most likely the model too, just requires some quick config and proxies.





    (Latter pic was taken by debinning the AH-99 using the ODOL Web Converter tool, former pic shows where the wings were mounted though it is only visible on the 2011 textures)


    Please add these back in, would definitely bring some much needed variety back. That way we can also mount more ordnance and gunpods.

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1

  3. 2 hours ago, wiki said:

    Last sitrep is up and we have more infos about Tac Ops.


    - 3 missions

    - 8 hours of playtime depending of the difficulty setting and the way you play

    - replay possibility

    - switch the point of view

    - no new asset

    - no new feature


    What do you thibk about it?


    IMO could've been a free update but we'll see what's truly coming. I'm still optimistic.

  4. On 10/12/2017 at 3:13 AM, lexx said:

    Alright, let's stop with the unrealistic vehicle wishes for a moment and get to something completely different...


    ... I am hoping the new singleplayer mission(s) will feature the AAF faction. First, because there is not a single mission in A3 where you're playing as the AAF faction. Second, because there's still potential here from a timeline point of view. Closer to the end of the East Wind campaign, AAF/CSAT and NATO are clashing together. As we are taking control of Kerry, we don't know what exactly happens in other parts of north eastern Altis, which makes this is a good point in time to fill a gab.


    The AAF is speaking english in the game, so there's no need for a fancy translation and special voice actors either. Also we already have a tank showcase with the NATO. See? Playing for the AAF makes perfectly sense here.

    Oh, and the Kuma is the first to get its stats revisited on the dev-branch, so maybe it's already considered?


    Let's stop with the vehicle wishes all together because they've definitely selected what they want already...


    I'd actually prefer playing as CSAT, personally. AAF would be cool too, though.

  5. A lot of progress with this update!


    UAV Bags for the Pacific and Atlantic factions



    Completely redone classic livery for the F-38 Thunderbolt



    New livery for the F-38 Thunderbolt



    More Prowlers for CTRG, Viper, and light versions for the regular factions



    And a few extra units for the NATO and NATO (Pacific) factions...




    There are also a few new color variants of vests and uniforms which I'm too lazy to take pictures for. :P

    • Like 7

  6. I've noticed strange behaviour with being turned out. Interior audio plays when turned out, and I can't really describe all of it but just drive around with AI turned out. The turret is no longer locked into position, for one.


    Also not sure about the newest update but direct control (amazing feature btw) is kinda bugged in that you can control say a Prowler from the gunner seat with no other AI inside.


    Lastly there's a pop-up issue with the Kamysh related to steering of wheelLF2 iirc.

  7. SITREP time!


    New OPFOR faction - Bandits



    New Independent faction - Kabeiroi



    Both being based off the Operation Magnitude lore from 2011.


    Offroads for the paramilitary faction



    Paint it black!



    (There's armed variants added for Raven)


    Speaking of Raven, they've once again been overhauled - new equipment



    As were the Paramilitary faction - new equipment



    Every faction should have backpacks now



    Small extra for your carrier needs! - Navy Uniform [NATO]



    (Yes it's Australian GPU worn by US Navy personnel shush)


    Next update should come most likely towards the end of the month, Russians won't be included just yet as they'll require some more love, first. Small teaser though!



    Keep in mind I'm not going for super realism here, go check out the excellent 2035: Russian Armed Forces mod or RHS for that. :P


    Hope y'all enjoy! There's even more to come, and a bit of stuff I haven't revealed yet. ;)

    • Like 11

  8. 1 hour ago, FirstPanic said:

    Well... I think it's definitely time for a new Arma.
    Look on Arma 3 statistics.... 40% player lost since January (http://steamcharts.com/app/107410#1y). Player number is actually on 2014 level with a strong down trend.

    A3 gave me hundreds of hours full of fun and I enjoyed every hour.... but now I must say that I've lost most of my motivation... mainly because of the update strategy. Most of the updates ended in not working mods or missions... which is absolutely frustrating.

    I hope that Arma 4 will give a new push to the community... we need it.




    If mods don't work after updates it's the mod author's fault, not BI's. They had their chance to get mods ready, usually 1 month of dev branch and RC before an update.


    Even then it takes time to configure certain functions, especially when your mod is exceptionally large like CUP or RHS.

    • Like 2

  9. On 10/1/2017 at 2:20 PM, Cydoemus said:

    Those liveries look real fitting for a guerrilla force, Nicely done Night! :D

    For some reason it gives me a CSAT vibe. Except with two colours as a replacement. Kinda wondering how the FIA never took inspiration from AAF/CSAT trucks and paint a sloppy pattern to confuse their enemy. (Might confuse themselves too)


    The shooter shades is awesome! Pitting it with a normal NATO soldier looks swell instead of the sort of unappealing shades


    Keep up the great work night! Nice update as usual! (Big feeling that the next update will bring back my favorite army, Russia :D)


    Oh and I'm loving the magnitude post process! Gives it a good greek feel, Could we see another post process in the future? (Alpha like, No idea why but alpha had my win for the best post process one)




    I'll see what I can do regarding future post processing. :)

    • Like 1

  10. SITREP time!


    Civilians are being overhauled, bringing to the total count for civilian clothes to 90 - this including some FIA and Syndikat options. There're also some new units, like functionaries.



    Functionary Clothes (variants)



    Bucket Hat (Tan)



    Beanie (No Headset)



    Stealth Balaclava (Sand)



    Shooter Shades



    Combat Helmet (UK MTP, Ballistic Mandible)



    Some flags.



    Two new liveries for the Quad Bike and Offroad.



    Tractor - heavy WIP



    A few other small changes to existing assets, such as the Small Boat getting an option to remove the plastic roof.



    Military medical vehicles were also changed around. The lighter WY-55 Hellcat and PO-30 Orca medevacs were removed (hidden, technically), and the CH-49 Mohawk (Medical) was added for the AAF and NATO (Atlantic) factions. Textures for the Ghost Hawk and APCs were also improved.



    I'm thinking about doing an EH302 (Medical) variant, too.


    There were also a few other changes made over the last few days, like me finally getting around to fixing up the C-192's sounds.


    And that's all for now! Dev branch update later tonight!





    • Like 9

  11. 4 hours ago, Cydoemus said:

    After playing a bit with Aegis I got a bunch of suggestions and observations! Its a really enjoyable mod. I'm probably the new guy so I would embrace the 2035 setting and a mod like this is great! 


    The MX sound change is awesome by the way. Now when I shoot the MX it feels like a real gun. Forget M4s and AKs, Katibas and MX's just need those sweet new sounds :P


    Riot police uniform model is one of a kind! Fits really well with the broken shape of Altis and its poor mans riot.

    (Russians disappeared, I think they are having those AKs and then they will reappear ;D)


    The red tape thing seems a little bit odd for the riot responders, Maybe its part of the model? A desaturated blue could be used as a way to distinguish them from the militias.


    Those airliners are a static beauty, When assaulting the airport full of NATO forces and having to hide using the airplanes, Or perhaps sneaking in at night hugging the airplanes. Planting a bomb and running the hell out!


    A few ideas:


    The offroad for the Riot is although, Mobile. Pretty weak for a first responder in riots. Maybe you could utilize the Arma 2s SUV, Making the windows sort of bullet proof and the car itself blue/white (desaturated blue) if you want of course! porting vehicles are very hard! You could use a SUV/Hatchback as last resort. 


    don't know if CUP made the riot shield pistol or ported it but if they ported it. Then maybe you could port it, Retexture the shield to have the Altian state logo. And then you have a fully fledged awesome riot guys for a 2024 coup scenario!


    Oh and something I always thought would be cool. But had no idea on where to retexture it: Black H-Barriers. Just optional one, Not too black but just greyish. The dirt would be the same colour but using it to fortify secret positions on a dark night or next to a massive rock formation. Just an optional idea if your bored!


    If you fancy giving the CSAT spec ops some new weapons, Like the tan katiba you could make a Hex katiba! I already have a hex katiba made and ready to be used. If you need it just hit me up :D I'm sure you could use it colour picking the colours and making your own splendid hex template!


    Cheers night for your great work and contribution! Aegis is my favourite mod of Arma 3, And it wont change :D


    Thanks for the suggestions! ^^


    The riot police uniform definitely needs some texture tweaks which I plan to do with the next update. Also thanks regarding the airliners, they're from TOH however so I don't really deserve much credit for 'em lol, still gotta fix up the models however. Also, the riot police have Hunter MRAPs for that reason. :)


    I still gotta finish the Tan Katiba, but I'll see about other skins too! Camo is just tricky because I don't have the actual model to make sure it's seamless and stuff. ;P

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