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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 5 minutes ago, shadeops21 said:

    Hey Night,


    Stop me if this counts as a 'request', because I see this more of a suggestion, but has there been much thought as to the sounds for the Mark 16 and Mark 17 (SCAR L/H)? I don't know about you, or anyone else here, but the current sounds (which I believe are from ArmA 2) feel too 'plastic-y' and 'clunky' or low-fi compared to the sounds of other weapons, both Vanilla and JSRS. As much as I love those weapons, and want to use them, the sounds alone turn me away from them.


    Maybe you could get permission from the ACE or JSRS team to pull their Mark 16/17 sounds from their old ArmA 2 sound packs? I recall the sounds for those packs sounding really nice.


    Yeah sounds are very lacking. I'll see about getting permission for new ones. :)

  2. On 12/14/2017 at 6:32 AM, Ex3B said:

    Arma 2 had a script to fold the wing/rotors of the MV-22, but it had to be added specifically by mission makers.

    Will this functionality be present in your MV-22 by default?

    Any plans for an armed variant?


    I guess an armed variant would end up filling a role pretty similar to the Y-32 Xian - but its a role that the armed version of the blackfish definitely doesn't fill.

    I'm also going to guess that game engine limitations prevent slingloading for VTOL fixed wing aircraft, and thus won't be an option on this?



    Wing fold will be present! Armament is possible but don't count on it, and sadly no slingload. :(

  3. 1 hour ago, bars91 said:

    Will the refuel probe be retracted/retractable?

     since it would be irl and keeping it extended wastes space on (for example) a carrier deck or a tighter FOB.


    I'll retract it. Won't add functionality because it doesn't exist in vanilla anyways.

    • Like 1

  4. ruWYN6B.jpg




    "Slingshot Secured!"

    NATO special forces track down and capture a wanted criminal. May 14th, 2034.


    Addons: Arma 3 Aegis (internal build), ReColor, DireOne and Rismark's animations


    Really happy with how this turned out; my first attempt at an action-y pic with these animations. :)


    (was totally ripped off from my friend's pic, which you can see here: https://twitter.com/SovietOnionYT/status/939633827911290880 )

    • Like 8

  5. 2 hours ago, pipewr3nch said:

    Is there a chance you could make a US Navy Texture for the Osprey?


    Possibly later on, for now they're unmarked save for a USAF roundel. There's 3 liveries two, Blue (seen above), Olive, and White; the last one being the Arma 2 texture with some minor edits.



    • Like 6

  6. Currently working on some new stuff right now. Fishing Motorboat and the MV-22 Osprey primarily.


    MV-22 Osprey V/STOL, will be used by NATO.



    RHIBs for CSAT, with an AAF version to come soon.



    Less important, Tropic textures for backpacks, caps, and other items added by Aegis were improved.



    And a new Bandana (Tropic)! Also, M9s are now part of Aegis. :)



    And finally, some new backpacks! (Blue backpacks and orange backpack aren't new)



    The rest of what I've worked on has consisted of minor texture work, organization, localization, and a few minor bug fixes.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1

  7. 23 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    Feedback on minor point:

    I was playing around with making scripts to enable various CSAT aircraft to be recovered on the USS Freedom, and I noticed that the loadout options on the CSAT A-143 are generally inferior to the AAF variant.

    The AAF variant can mount 3x scalpel racks, the CSAT variant can only mount single scalpels.

     --This disparity in guided missiles is of course even greater with DAGR pods, but I'm fine with DAGR pods being exclusive to NATO and independent factions that buy NATO gear.


    The AAF Variant can mount Zephyrs and ASRAAMs, the CSAT variant can only mount Sahr-3s

    - While the Zephyr isn't great, it does have a higher CM immunity than any IR guided missile, a longer range (although this is only marginal given the Buzzard's radar range of only 8km),and a higher hit than the Sahr-3.

    - The ASRAAM seems to be a bit superior to the Sahr-3 (high CM immunity, higher maneuverability, higher hit damage, which is complicated by a higher top speed and lower side-airfriction which may limit its turning radius/ability to turn fast... I'm not sure how the maneuverability rating compensates for this).


    The AAR variant is, however, at a disadvantage when it comes to mounting unguided rocket pods - this CSAT variant is the winner here.


    Would you consider letting the CSAT variant mount R-73 and R-77 missiles, as well as 3x scalpel racks?

    Either way, the set pylon loadout command can be used so its not a big deal.



    I'll see what I can do. ;)

  8. 59 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    Ah, if its not meant to be amphibious, maybe I just wasn't going in deep enough water. If its not amphibious, then it fords the channel just north of Georgetown on Tanoa quite well - I'll go test and get some screenshots for the F-35.

    And yes, I know you already said WIP, just giving feedback.


    Ok, so its not Amphibious, but it drives under water really well :p It can go quite a distance before its engine dies

    and the screenshots:

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    Bloom maybe? I'll check it out when I get home.

  9. 5 hours ago, Ex3B said:

    Of course, but its just a suggestion. Additionally it was a response to an argument from someone other than the author against the suggestion.


    On another note, I quite like the Jackal AAF textures now. I'm using it for faux "HIDF" forces in a mission now (ie syndicate forces). The mostly drab olive textures work fairly well for tanoa too. Its also amphibious which fits well with tanoa (even better than the BTR-40 that I had suggested much earlier in the thread).

    The Jackal seems to flip over very easily. I don't know if this is somewhat intentional - its true that its a rather tall vehicle, and driving it too aggressively should flip it, but it seems to flip too easily right now.

    And one last comment on the new F-35 cockpit: it seems to me that the 1st person cockpit view is somehow reducing viewdistance. I see farther in 3rd person than 1st person am I the only one experiencing this?


    Textures are super WIP. :P


    It shouldn't be amphibious, I don't remember ever configuring it for that, lol.


    PhysX is very WIP, same with sounds and animations.


    And I'm not having that issue with the F-35.

  10. 46 minutes ago, patpowercat said:

    Hey Night! Great addon, essential in my opinion. I know I asked for a specific class before, but do you have updated classnames for all the factions for use with ALiVE? I checked for documentation and couldn't find it. Specifically, I am looking for Kabeiroi. Thanks!


    Thanks! This should be every new faction:


    BLU_A_F - NATO (British)

    BLU_E_F - NATO (European)

    BLU_CL_F - Clouds

    OPF_A_F - CSAT (African)

    OPF_P_F - Paramilitary

    OPF_B_F - Bandit

    OPF_FL_F - Flames

    OPF_V_F - Viper

    IND_K_F - Kabeiroi

    IND_R_F - Raven

    IND_UCPT_F - Police


    Hope this helps!

  11. 7 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    Any chance of adding one more faction?

    I suggest Tanoan Armed forces? It could basically be the slightly worse pacific variant of the AAF.

    It could basically be a reskin with a different flag and men with different race" and language attributes.

    I basically already do this by just giving syndicate AAF uniforms and equipment (and picking certain units that have names more suited to a military, so that I'm not shooting at "watchers" and "thugs")

    My personal suggestions:

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    Carbine rifles: mk20C camo variant or Ak-74 SU

    Standard rifle: mk20 camo or AKM

    Grenade launcher: mk20 grenade launcher/AK-12 GL/port the AK-74 GL from Arma 2

    Machinegun/Autorifle: Lim-85

    Marksman rifle: mk14 olive

    RPG/AT launcher: RPG-7

    NV sights only for team leaders

    Night loadout variants with flashlights and more illumination flares for leaders/grenadiers (or this can just be left to the map maker)

    Body armor: I typically give the AAF plate carrier rigs only to the squad leaders and specialist units like grenadiers, the rest get tactical vests.

    Helmets: standard AAF helms


    Vehicles: standard AAF vehicles, ideally with a reskin to replace the light grey /brown parts with darker green spots similar to the differences between CSAT hex camo for Altis/Tanoa

    Perhaps no Gryphons and Kumas. Maybe even no Moras, and just the amphibious gorgon, which kind of makes sense given that its a collection of small islands. 

    The AAF is lacking in the LSV category though, so at the moment I give the "TAF" Nato Prowlers - but maybe jackals would fit well here




    Well, Tanoa isn't a country by itself, and the Horizon Islands don't have an army.


    Also CSTO with Russian and Chernarussian forces is coming soon. They will be independent. :)

  12. I felt like I wasn't posting enough stuff here compared to my Discord so here ya go. I might've posted some of these before. :P


    Russian CSTO soldier, because I can't get over how cool they look imo.



    A slightly older pic, the SF soldier on the right is seen with a CZ-807 but they're actually regularly issued AK-107s. :)



    Chernarussian CSTO soldier, equipped with a CZ-807.



    Working on some of their vehicles currently. I decided I'd give them flat green for their vehicles like RHS, though I might give them a Splinter camo later on.



    Also, I redid the British MTP! (original left, new right)




    So now it's not just a recolor of DPM!


    • Like 4

  13. 55 minutes ago, Victruso said:

    So I was looking through the equipment, and I noticed a small model error with one of the vests.

    I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but the Carrier Rig Vest is pushed too far forward, clipping into most uniforms.


    Normal Carrier Lite

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    Abnormal Carrier Vest

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    Also, small question-

    Is ION a completed faction right now, or are they going to be updated again?


    ION likely won't receive much more. I'm considering giving them a Prowler and that's that.


    Also, the vest is an old unused one. It doesn't really fit most uniforms except the Wetsuit or Paramilitary Uniform, sadly.

  14. 1 hour ago, Ex3B said:

    Suggestion: Allow the Navajo to mount 19x skyfire rocket pods

    Other suggestions: Since this model can be edited (arma 2 source), would you consider adding two wingtip pylons for AAMs? It would then have a configuration similar to the AH-1Z Viper of Arma 2, but with a 30mm cannon (and I'd hope its also more damage resistant?)

    IRL, there are provisions for mounting a pair of stingers on each wingtip, but I don't think there's any good readily available model you can use for this. A single asraam/flachion/BIM-9 with its own rail would probably look better


    Also, I know that you said the Navajo is very much only a beta version:

    1) the gun seems to aim very high... I don't know what the zero is on it, but it would be better if the zero could be manually set.

    2) (At least with AFM on) This helo is very... explody. just turning on the engine and setting collective to ~50% will cause the helo to spontaneously combust as the rotors get up to speed. Letting the rotors get up to speed with minimal collective and then raising collective to max to quickly lift off the ground avoided this.

    Landing it softly is also dicey, with it prone to exploding in situations where it shouldn't. I'll see if turning AFM off helps in the mean time.


    *edit* more pics

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    The apache was tested with sidewinders, but it wasn't adopted

    It seems the stingers are rarely mounted, I guess they've had complete air superiority, and the cannon can also be used

    But in the setting of Arma 3, where NATO is far from dominant, I would expect them to operate with some AAMs in case they encounter enemy aircraft. The Navajo as it is doesn't seem to have an advantage over a Kajman in a fight.



    I'll think about adding wing-tip pylons. The dynamic loadouts configuration is very much WIP.


    1. I'll look into this.

    2. Yeah, AFM/RotorLib hasn't been worked on at all yet.  

  15. 2 hours ago, Private Evans said:

    This update is really impressive, so thx again for all your hard work !


    While I really like new vehicles, weapons and gear the major thing of this mod for me is expanding the 2035 setting factions. So to make it short here is my feedback on your factions :


    Nato :


    Really like the way this is going here, especially since Nato divided into US , UK and Euroforces  is  pretty much reflecting the current polictical situation, which gives the whole thing a more realistic touch.


    In this case I think the US woodland units should get their own faction for Northern Europe maybe including woodland camo for vehicles :)


    so at the end it could look like this :


    NATO US (Mediterranean Command)   

    NATO US (Pacific Command)

    NATO US (Central Europe Command)






    Love this addition BUT PLEASE  German forces defenetely need Fleck and/or Tropentarn !!! Since all Nato forces share the same gear and weapons ( including small variations) the only chance to make them unique and believable is giving them proper camo patterns and flag patches.  In this case I also would prefer standard patches over the the digital ones for the EU forces (not UK).


    The point here is to to have forces from different countries fighting side by side and at least for gameplay fun it would be nice to have this more visual . 


    Oh and nice touch adding an EU insignia patch :) 


    maybe you also could add this 


    Is there any reason that the Czech boys are the only ones wearing desert camo ?


    CSAT :


    Very good job on this one, especially adding the African faction :)


    Just an idea but maybe give them technicals instead of the Ifrits...


    FIA :


    Outstanding :) The added vehicles make it so much better :)


    CTRG :


    Good job on this one too ...would love to see combat and staelth units for all 3 camos


    men pacific (stealth)

    men pacific (combat)

    men mediteranean (stealth)

    men mediteranean (combat)

    men urban (stealth)

    men urban (combat)




    very nice to have them...especially since the vehicle textures from Project Argo are very cool


    RAVEN :


    much better now :)  love the faction




    Very good idea adding them... looking cool too, maybe could get some extra love with face and headgear


    ION :


    good thing adding the van ...other than that this is the only faction I really do not like as it is


    Still looking like a bunch of FIA fighters  wearing ION caps ...(will go more into detail later)


    Civis :


    absolutely nice and useful new stuff :)  will the bus be included later on ?


    Amazing mod for those like me loving the 2035 setting ...looking forward for more updates  :)


    cheers and keep it up 




    There are alternate camouflage patterns for most of the European armies. Primarily desert versions. The Czechs and Germans also have alternate woodland patterns. You'll have to change these in 3DEN's arsenal. Also, NATO actually doesn't share the same gear AFAIK - CSAT does more-so, but NATO uses more of its own equipment - I just don't have any other models (apart from the AAF uniforms) and I love the NATO Crye G2 ones too much to change it. :P


    The African units are as they appear in Tac-Ops, with a few minor additions. Take a look at Algeria, too. They have some interesting high-end hardware.


    CTRG aren't really going to get anymore additions as the faction is pretty much "done". The most I'll probably do for them in the future is a CH-67 Huron in dazzle. (No promises ;P)


    Bandits / Kabeiroi were factions from Arma 3's 2011 era (just like the Paramilitary faction) so they're pretty basic currently, but will be expanded.


    ION will probably get a few additions but we'll see. I want to expand them a little. Maybe a few Prowlers. Their appearance however is based off of their cameo in The East Wind.


    Civilians will probably get some new stuff, but we'll see. ;)


    The EU forces and a few other factions will also receive vehicles in the next update. :)

    • Like 1

  16. 5 hours ago, Ex3B said:

    Downloading update now... but what does "Tweaked: NATO has issued maximum budget cuts for infantry headgear"

    Does this mean that the standard soldiers have lower level helmets than before (like a light combat helmet instead of a combat helmet?)


    Just means that more of the regular infantry wear the regular combat helmets than the enhanced ones. :)
