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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. Heya, quick update. We're considering releasing an update to address newly-learned issues caused by Tanks DLC. Keep in mind that this will not add any new major equipment, with things like the Russians and such coming later. :)


    What do y'all think?

    • Like 6

  2. Hello, I'm trying to change Altis's skybox to use a custom one I've created.


    class CfgVehicles{};
    class CfgWorlds
    	class DefaultWorld
    		class Weather
    			class Overcast;
    	class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
    		class Weather: Weather
    			class Overcast: Overcast
    				class Weather1;
    				class Weather2;
    				class Weather3;
    				class Weather4;
    				class Weather5;
    				class Weather6;
    	class Altis: CAWorld
    		class Weather: Weather
    			class Overcast: Overcast
    				class Weather1: Weather1
    					sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
    					horizon = "Test_Skybox\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";
    					skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_lco.paa";
    				class Weather7: Weather1
    					sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
    					horizon = "Test_Skybox\Data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";
    					skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_lco.paa";
    				class Weather2: Weather2
    					sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
    					horizon = "Test_Skybox\Data\sky_almostclear_horizont_sky.paa";
    					skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_almostclear_lco.paa";
    				class Weather3: Weather3
    					sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
    					horizon = "Test_Skybox\Data\sky_semicloudy_horizont_sky.paa";
    					skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";
    				class Weather4: Weather4
    					sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
    					horizon = "Test_Skybox\Data\sky_cloudy_horizont_sky.paa";
    					skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_cloudy_lco.paa";
    				class Weather5: Weather5
    					sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
    					horizon = "Test_Skybox\Data\sky_mostlycloudy_horizont_sky.paa";
    					skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_mostlycloudy_lco.paa";
    				class Weather6: Weather6
    					sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_gs.paa";
    					horizon = "Test_Skybox\Data\sky_overcast_horizont_sky.paa";
    					skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_overcast_lco.paa";

    So far, it hasn't work and the skybox doesn't change at all. Is there anything I'm missing?

  3. 23 minutes ago, Jagdgeschwader said:

    If anything, M72s should be given to regular troops. It was for this reason that the M72 was created, to space out the AT power within a rifle squad. At the time of its creation it was not the principle tank killer. It was never meant to be. The M67 Recoilless Rifle was. It has continued to exist in this matter. The M47 Dragon and later Dragon II replaced the M67. Then the M47 Dragon was of course replaced by the FGM-148 Javelin. Since we tried to replace the M72 with the M136, we ended up doubling back to the M72 because an infantryman could carry two of them and the M136's firepower was too much for urban combat. At least, the additional power didn't overpower the need to be able to carry more than one.


    Why am I going into this in so much depth? Well I guess if we want to pertain to authenticity, we have to know why these weapons exist and why they're deployed like they are. As is, the M72 is deployed like an overpowered grenade launcher, useful for light bunker busting, urban combat, and destroying technicals and damaging armored cars/MRAPs and in this regard it would best be used in the hands of infantry regulars. The MAAWS on the other hand, or the Carl Gustav, has had a very speckled past in the US Army. It's essentially been pulled into service when it was needed. Mostly as a reloadable bunker buster, but with new ammunitions, also a potential anti-tank weapon. The most recent reintroduction of the Carl Gustav is for special forces teams in Afghanistan who get jumped by insurgents with RPG-7s who engage at 1000 meters, out of range of small arms, and use the rocket's self destruction feature to make improvised airburst munitions.


    Long story short, my advice is to just make an infantryman for each anti-tank weapon. Basically Rifleman - LAW, Rifleman - PCML, Rifleman - MAAWS, etc. etc. All these weapons can coexist with each other, and if we go into the Marine Corps arsenal, the list only gets longer, so having seemingly redundant weapon systems isn't necessarily a bad thing.


    Thanks for the insight! This has changed my mind a bit, I'm going to replace the PCML with the MAAWS (as an equivalent to the RPG-42), give the LAT class a LAW, and move the PCML to a HAT role.


    Like so:

    • Rifleman (AT) -> MAAWS

    • Rifleman (Heavy AT) -> PCML

    • Rifleman (Light AT) -> LAW


    I'll probably do the same for the AAF.


    • Like 7

  4. 3 hours ago, Hvymtal said:

    Could you show us a pic of what you're talking about (or direct us to a video), I'm browsing through arma 3 pre-alpha pic on google images and not seeing anything


    Honestly with the MAAWS coming along, the PCML could use a buff in general. If the LAW is an unguided weapon system, then it should slot below the MAAWS but lighter, if it is guided like NLAW or SRAW (real one not battlefield), firstly that's a bit idiosynchronous since NLAW = MBT LAW = PCML, second if it really is light then it should be where PCML is at currently and move PCML to that somewhat heavier role, slotting in below titan




    Contrast boosted:




    Also, damage wise, the current launchers rank as follows:


    RPG-7 -> Titan AT -> MAAWS / RPG-42 -> Vorona -> PCML


    The MAAWS and RPG-42 seem to have the exact same stats. Meanwhile, the Titan AT has the most range, and I believe the RPG-7 is the lightest.

  5. On 4/18/2018 at 2:38 PM, Ex3B said:

    Just a very very very minor nitpick:

    Why is the Rhino listed as an APC, but the Nyx is listed as a tank? Neither one carries infantry. Neither one is a main battle tank. They are both armored fighting vehicles... maybe they should do like earlier Armas and just combine everything into "armored", after all, the tanks category is not very full. It would basically be the APC category + 1 AA vehicle, and 1-3 tanks (NATO: Slammer/Slammer Up; CSAT: Varsuuk, Angara, Angara K, AAF: Kuma, Nyx variants)


    Or combined all of them into "AFVs"


    Or alternatively, "Tracked" and "Wheeled"

    • Like 1

  6. Heya, just wanted to see what you guys thought. I may or may not actually do this.


    Should NATO's PCMLs be moved to a 'Heavy AT' role, like CSAT's Vorona? Meanwhile, the standard AT soldier will be equipped with the LAW.


    Not sure, just wanted to hear y'all's opinions. (speaking of which, we run polls on the Arma 3 Aegis discord so I'd recommend joining that too - you can find a link on my twitter or on the Workshop page.)

    • Like 1

  7. 14 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    Awww, that's a shame, perhaps a stealth and sensor buff for the Blackfoot then? at the moment the blackfoot really doesn't stack up well against the Kajman (IMO, especially with AFM on and the Blackfoots problems at higher speeds/ negative effects of quick maneuvers, negating a large part of its mobility advantage)... for the V-22... thats fine with me, it seems a bit redundant for gameplay purposes with the blackfish (unless there was going to be an armed version of it more comparable to the Xian).


    As for the jackal, I'm not sure what role it was supposed to fill... I was using it as something similar to the prowler/Qilin -  ie something less well protected than the Strider? I'm guessing you're cutting it because of the physics being a bit wonky for it (it tipped over really easy)





    I used to accept that the AAF just lacked certain assets... much like the FIA back in OFP, or NAPA or takistan militia in Arma2. As the "independent force" I was fine with it. Then they got a full air superiority jet, and they already had a full and not completely obsolete armored line-up (like T-55s and T-34s from OF and Arma 2). Now they've even got artillery and AA vehicles....

    So it seems like they might as well get a decent attack helicopter... although what they have now isn't toooo bad, it would be really great if it had a turreted gun (I've experimented with the add weapon turret command to give the gunner a 50 cal, but the model would need an update for that to make sense)


    V-22 was cut because it really was redundant with the Blackfish, and couldn't carry any vehicles apart from quad bikes in the cargo hold.


    Blackfoot buffs are possible.

    • Like 2

  8. Hello! Just a quick update - we're going to put the Russians up after the Angara samples are released. In the mean time we are overhauling Raven Security and the paramilitary forces, making numerous TLC and QoL tweaks, and working on a new weapon cut from the games pre-alpha: the LAW anti-tank launcher, which - if we actually give it to a faction - will be used by NATO.


    In less exciting news, I've decided to cancel the V-22 and cut the Jackal and Navajo. I'm personally just not interested in working on them, nor have the knowledge or patience regarding PhysX and Rotorlib. However, I'm considering a different chopper from TKOH but no promises.

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1

  9. Thanks for the support guys, I really do appreciate it.


    In the meantime, I'm putting a lot of work into reworking Aegis's weapons; new and improved animations, textures, configuration, and other graphical tweaks for the most part. I'm currently improving the SCAR and L85 textures, adding more scratches, dirt, et cetera, with new specular maps and changes to thermal imaging maps. Be warned, there are some classname changes, specifically for the SCAR, L85, and Warfare-50.


    We're gonna wait until the Angara samples are released, and then we'll put the Russians on dev branch. :)

    • Like 8

  10. For my mental health, we're no longer promising any release dates - the next update will be released when it's done. Dev branch will receive updates in the mean time.


    Also, if anyone is experienced with encoding weapons and / or vehicles and interested in lending a hand, please contact me.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  11. 3 hours ago, Ulmann said:

    Oh, it's sadly...

    Also, on stable version I get some errors, looks like no Aegis icon on equipment in arsenal, sometimes silencers in arsenal disappear and not good russian translition, if you need - I can help with it, I speak russian.
    UPD: And absolutle no preview icons in editor.


    These will be fixed in future versions. Suppressors should be fixed in the next update; are you using ACE?


    Also, hit up the Arma 3 Aegis discord if ya wanna help out with the localization. :)

  12. 2 hours ago, Ulmann said:

    Hello, Night515!

    Not so much time ago I download and install you mod, at first - it's great expansion to vanilla assets, thanks!

    And I have some idea, do it or not - only at your discretion.

    With Malden 2035 free-DLC Arma appears new objects include old bunkers, so, my idea - maybe you can make retexture of this bunkers to make they as new?



    I wish I could (and a jungle variant) but unfortunately I can't, most structures aren't retexturable to my knowledge. :(

  13. NgNOty2.jpg


    Vepr 9 mm, used by Russian forces as their primary SMG; based off the real-life Vityaz-SN. Speaking of Russia, their camouflage has been finalized:




    And with the new pattern, some new vests! I'll put together some new desert variants here soon. We've finished a lot of the content planned for this update, and now we're just focusing on refining and completing other assets, and we will hopefully release within a week after April 11th. :)


    On 4/2/2018 at 8:32 AM, maxl30 said:

    why cut BIS the c-192 out of the game, i mean for the AAF is it a perfect transport plane (they have nothing in this direction), i didnt understand that :/

    they can transport infantry, fennek (strider), the pandur 2 (gorgon), the kamaz (zamak) serie also the ugv stomper (groundbased drone) and a lot of supply for the troops (amunition, repair and medical stuff) in really short time, unlike the heli supply flying ...


    this is to Bohemian Interactive Studios, please put the C-192 in the vanilla Arma 3 :)


    and this is to Bohemian Interactive Studios and the modder or modding team of Arma 3 Aegis Mod, good work, but i have a question, how move the AAF here heavy fighting vehicles (Tanks) to the big shooting range (military area) of Stratis ? ;D

    it would be very cool when u guys can bring a mod, free plattform update out for adding a landing ship, that can be used as a example for other landing ship mods (Nato, Csat)

    on altis and stratis there are so many beaches and seaports of course also on malden and specially tanoa with his ferrie ports


    i mean landing ships like this: http://products.damen.com/en/ranges/landing-ship


    than we have also a base of small maritime activities for Arma 3


    my thread about that:


    I'm afraid new naval assets are currently out of the scope of this addon.

    • Like 9

  14. 2 hours ago, Hvymtal said:

    I know you said Navy was not a priority right now, but I thought I'd leave a couple of relevant Navy Times articles for future reference





    With existing assets, a Medium Navy Blue retex of the "construction" coveralls or the heli coveralls would probably be the best one. For now, said blue construction coveralls are not a bad substitute for flight deck operations if you have a crew vest


    Have to say, I'm more excited about the Russians than I thought I'd be, definitely nice they weren't just lumped in with the rest of CSAT. Will there be additional colorations as well or just the autumn/sever/transitional/I'm not that familiar with EMR variants set?


    Currently just desert and woodland variants, but new patterns will probably be added later on. :)

    • Like 1

  15. Yes, the BTR-90M was something I was considering for this update (and it's still mostly on the table), but I wouldn't have enough time to get it into a working state (especially with the new PhysX updates). Not only that, but the interior is very tricky; trying to meld a BTR-90 and BMP-3's turret together; also it doesn't match the new interior's style. We'll see.


    54 minutes ago, pipewr3nch said:

    Hey @Night515! Have you considered expanding the Navy aspect a little bit? With that I mean Navy skins for the UH-80 Ghosthawk and V-44X Blackfish, and maybe some kind of NWU for the Flight Deck Crew, as the vanilla ones use the helicopter pilot uniform. And as always, thank you for your awesome work!


    Not really, maybe in the future but we'll see.

    • Like 1