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Everything posted by Valken

  1. I have an Intel I5-760 @ 4 GHZ for A3 with 6950 CFX unlocked (same as 6970 CFX) and I can tell you it is not a gpu issue. Like everyone says, AMD CPUs per MHZ per core is not as efficient as an Intel CORE cpu equivalent. ARMA's AI is a single thread at best and will need a single core to be as fast as possible to keep it moving. I think one way to speed up ARMA 3 (and ARMA 2) is probably to DISABLE some cores and OC your cpu further. I wish someone has taken a QUAD or more core cpu and tested this theory.
  2. In STEAM, right click on your ARMA 3 game, select properties and validate your files. If that does not work, delete all in arma mod and try again.
  3. Hi Kju, I have a question. In the July 6th build of AIA and onwards, Script initJIPcompatible.sqf not found error was fixed but it breaks BIS campaigns. Can you put back a test pbo that would allow this error again but also allow us to test the BIS compaigns and missions with the latest build? And can you physically relocate the error message away from the middle of the screen to say a corner, bottom right? I want to test campaigns, even user campaigns, but the latest builds does seem to break it. I can test it over the weekend since I have time now. It should of course be an optional test pbo, not part of the default AIA pbos.
  4. 1) I would like to see an interior furniture prop mod that would populate interiors of any map. Originally was a comment in the A3 CQB thread but it would be great for everyone to use. The building interior looks sparse and would be nice for dynamic CBQ engagements to populate it with physics enabled furnishing for more tactical game play. See Rainbow Six series for really good interior design concepts. Or at least a prop pack for mappers. 2) Just for fun and due to the great A3 engine - Adventure Time World sandbox map complete with building interiors and all known locations. Even more awesome with working props and AI inhabitants! Night of the Candy Kingdom Zombies survival anyone? ---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ---------- +1 always good to have more (optional) realistic or over the top gore
  5. I love this thread. I have been using ChrisB's recommendation for ARMA2, with CoWarModAce and it is amazing in almost all types of engagements. ChrisB is absolutely correct to compare modded A2 to A3. It is only natural to expect better AI and other subsystems in a new game, but hopefully future updates and modders can improve A3 AI. Taking some current Real World news events, it would be incredible to simulate some situations with better AI. Related but starting to go off topic - The one thing that always bugged me in A2, DayZ and now A3 is lack of or extremely low interior details and objects. Do people just don't have furniture in their houses outside of first world western countries? Even the old Rainbow Six series has way better interior details but that is pretty much a dedicated CQB game. We should probably request an interior decorations mod for A3.
  6. Great Idea! Going to play in Sandbox and see how it measures up!
  7. Valken

    Army of the Czech Republic

    There is way to activate all the content of ARMA 2 complete. Mainly, you need to run all the ARMA 2 contents in order at least once, so it sets up, downloads and install all the DLC, then it will load all the content the next time you start ARMA 2 operation arrowhead, not ARMA 2. Run STEAM in ADMINISTRATOR MODE Run ARMA 2, setup your settings, quit and close Run ARMA 2 Arrowhead, quit and close Run PMC DLC, quit and close Run British DLC, quit and close Run ACR DLC, quit and close. Also, run and install the latest beta patch. Then the next time you run ARMA 2 OA, the game will become Combined Operations as it should auto load the DLCs.
  8. Thank you Gunter! Keep up the great work! PS: Would you consider porting SLX to ARMA3? I would love to see WarModA3 soon! :D
  9. Is this patch compatible with COWarModACE?
  10. Ok I understand now. Yes, I was talking about a Binarized versions. I did not see if BIS will allow FREE DLC made from the A2/CO assets. Lastly, it would be great to also update TOH/TOH DLC and ACR assets if need be. At the very least, TOH DLC and ACR support for AIA should be available to AIA users.
  11. You would need to move the missions to ARMA 3 Missions folder or make symbolic links from your ARMA 2 Missions folder to the ARMA 3 Missions folder. Thats how I've done it and it works great. It even works for some user made campaigns.
  12. I like the idea of a unified repository but what about an auto update feature to the client users? I would assume once this project is out of beta, we would have to use play with six or maybe even steam mods to auto update all clients servers to the latest "stable" builds? It would be a pain to manually install and update each time as not all of the ARMA community knows how to install and even activate mods. I think releasing stable builds onto steam while keep the repository for developers/beta testers would be the way to build up and sync up the regular server and playing community.
  13. Valken

    RAMDisk size with 8GB of RAM

    Here is how I've set it up for folks who want to know based on the original thread from here System Specs - Intel I5-760 cpu, 16 GB RAM, Windows 7 x64 My CPU has a dual channel memory controller so I am limited to 16 GB of ram (4x4GB) right now. For my next PC, I will buy a system that supports at least 32 GB or maybe even 64 GB of RAM. But if you are strapped for cash 8 GB ram upgrade is a good fast upgrade vs SSD. It is when going to 64 GB of ram that you want to compare SSD prices since 64GB of DDR3 ram right now is 500+ USD on average. I wish I bought 64 GB of ram last year when it was half that cost. :P --- I use Imdisk to make my ramdisk. http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html/ I use this BAT file to create the RAMDISK on startup for 8.5 GB. Note you can change the drive letter to anything you want so long as it is free. For me, I set it at W: since I have X: Y: and Z: for virtual disks. 8.5GB RAMDISK BAT FILE Save this into a BAT file on your HD. Can be in your ARMA2 or ARMA3 folder such as ARMARAMDISK.BAT Note if you want to change the size of the ramdisk, you would need to multiple 1024 x Y to get the total GB you want to use. So for each GB you want to allocate is X x 1024M which stands for X x 1024 x M(egabytes). Then you need to schedule a task in Windows Scheduler to run this on bootup everytime. Here is a tutorial on how do set up the task. You need to rename the BAT file to a *.CMD file for windows task scheduler to work: EG RAMDISK.CMD. You can also run the RAMDISK.CMD file as a bat file. It works. At this point, you should run the bat file to make sure it actually creates the ramdisk. If it works, and you have setup an automated schedule, reboot your computer to make sure it creates the ramdisk on startup. This is optionnal of course. You can always just manually run the bat file prior to playing ARMA. And yes, I use my ramdisk for my temp folder when not running ARMA and for any temp operations. And all the trash gets dumped on restart and is extremely fast. Next steps - 1) For ARMA2, I first rename my ADDONS folder to ADDONSRAMDISK. This is my backup of the ADDONS folder. 2)I copy all the files FROM my ARMA2\ADDONSRAMDISK folder TO my RAMDISK:\addons folders. This loads the map chernarus, utes and all the textures, models and etc... Lazy guys can use this bat file from within the ARMA2 folder - note to change the ramdisk drive to whatever you have it set it. Mine is set to W: You can also use this for ARMA3. 3)Next I make a NEW empty ADDONS folder in my arma 2 directory. 4)I install and use Link Shell Extension to make SYMBOLIC links of all the files FROM INSIDE my ramdisk:\addons folder, to my NEW ARMA2\ADDONS folder. This fools the computer to think the symbolic link files in my ARMA2\ADDONS folder are real, when in fact, it is reading off the ramdisk. Now just run ARMA2 from steam or launcher or click on the exe. My game is butter smooth with this setup when streaming the map and very fast loading speeds for the default content. -- For ARMA3, I literally just copy my entire stock ARMA3 folder to the RAMDISK and run ARMA3.exe from ramdisk. If you have a ton of mods, you can follow the instructions above and make a copy of the ARMA 3 ADDONS folder to the RAMDISK , symbolic link back the files and run ARMA3 exe off the HD. When the game loads, it will use the ramdisk for the map, models, sounds and etc... Note the current build of ARMA3 is now ~ 10 GB. Before the Altis map, it was ~ 8 GB so you would probably need to increase the ramdisk size to 10 GB or modify the bat file so it reads: 10 GB RAMDISK BAT FILE 9 GB RAMDISK BAT FILE You can also dump other temp or cache folders into your ramdisk such as Opera CACHE folder. Just use Link Shell Extension to create the symbolic links to the ramdisk. If you want it to be really super easy, you can use the commercial version of DATADISK RAMDISK software instead of IMGDISK since that can save an image of your ramdisk and automatically copy everything to ramdisk on bootup. No need to click on bat files. The good thing about IMDISK is that I can delete the ADDONS folder from my ramdisk and get all my ram back for use as system ram. It dynamically allocates the ram even though it has marked it off for ramdisk use which I find it pretty smart.
  14. Valken

    RAMDisk size with 8GB of RAM

    Buy 8GB more ram and use the ramdisk. I'm a 8 GB ramdisk and can load most of A3, and most of A2. There is nothing faster than the memory controller on the cpu. :D
  15. Please put the alien in BIS!
  16. Just awesome. Wonder if there can be a "mod" version to enable to this function to all the basic armored vehicles in A3 so it works across all missions?
  17. +1! I think the easiest way would be for BIS to enable and allow players to just integrate A2 FREE, and all the A2/OA DLC Lite from within A3 right off steam.. The system is all there and would immediately provide a standard of classic content for everyone. Then let people who have purchased A2/OA/DLC to enable hires models/textures as OP stated. Great idea to open or limit source parts of the A2/OA so the community can improve and upgrade the content to A3 standards. It would only expand and encourage the A3 community to grow.
  18. Valken

    Take on Moon

    If BIS has an addon for our moon with ultra detail of all the hidden features/artifacts , I would buy TOM just to play the content in free roam mode! And yes, Europa and Phobos would be must buys! I'm frustrated that we have higher resolution pictures of Mars than our own moon.
  19. Valken

    Blastcore A3

    Love it!
  20. Cannot wait enough for this! Will you also convert your AlienZ mod later to A3 also?!
  21. Valken

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I hope BIS would fix this in the next patch!! I bought it at the last STEAM sale to support BIS and the maps, units and weapons are awesome. Its too bad I have to run it in sandbox mode until the campaigns are FIXED!
  22. Valken

    AlienZ Mod

    The A2 version of AlienZ only works with A2/CO content. It does not work with A3 units for instance so we need an A3 version. :D
  23. @ deanno - can you overclock your processor? If you play singleplayer, the cpu will need to be as fast as possible due to the AI running on a single thread and it can slow down the rest of the game for you. If you can overclock to 4-5 GHZ, I think, you can play with low to medium graphics settings. If you want to upgrade, you really need to plan a good balanced system. I recommend a Quad Core Intel CPU that can overclock to ~ 4.2-4.5 GHZ, the more the better. No need for hyperthreading enabled cpu as most games don't support, except BF3. ARMA 2 can use up to 4 cores effectively with the latest beta patches but it is still depending on fastest cpu speed due to AI loading the cpu the most. You need a fast graphics card with 2 GB or more memory if you want to run at high or highest settings and you should run with 8 GB of main memory with a 64 bit version of windows. The reason is to give ARMA 2 as much ram as possible, up to 4 GB for a 32 bit program, yet not cripple your system by leaving the rest of the 4 GB for Windows and other background tasks. Actually, if you have a budget in mind, that may be the best way to recommend something to you.
  24. Sweet! Will try it out over the weekend!