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Everything posted by Valken

  1. I meant for converting A2/CO missions/campaigns to ARMA 3 assets such as making a 2035 version in the ARMA 3 universe. Think replaying Black Hawk Down but with the new ARMA 3 assets... it would still be an incredible experience but a variation for the future. We would still need AIA to load in previous assets such as A2/CO content maps and such.
  2. Awesome work. Would it be possible to code up an ARMA 2/CO to ARMA 3 mission converter for use with Kju's AIA? :D
  3. +1 And a mission converter from ARMA 2/CO to ARMA 3 please! Such as updating the units, weapons to A3 standards for both bluefor and opfor, but keeping the custom maps and mods. Option to strip ACE, CAA and other module assets until those mods become available in A3.
  4. @ KJU Great Job and noted. Where is the RPT file located? I fixed the other two errors by fixing the bat files. I had AIA pointing to ARMA 3 LITE, instead of the ALPHA - which was updated to 0.71. Changed the directory names and it fixed the last two issues. Now some missions with cutscenes work such as Enemy Unknown C08 but there are still scripting errors mostly from ACE dependencies. I will try to detail the issues with campaigns and other missions as I go through it on the bug tracker. Now all we really need is a campaign/mission converter from ARMA 2 to ARMA 3!
  5. Hi All, I've been given an ARMA 3 Lite invite and have been testing the game on my system when I have free time. I have all the graphics options maxed out at 1080p, 8xAA and FXAA Ultra. Usually not a problem and I have really good speeds with my i5-750 @ 4.2 GHZ, ATI 6950 CFX and Nvidia 465 GTX for PhysX. I also have 16 GB of ram with Windows 7 Pro x64. But when I play the game into 15 mins or so, it crashes out. Most of the time my screen becomes black so I cannot see my desktop and then I have to CTRL-ALT-DELETE to get into task manager, then end ARMA3demo.exe. I tried it again and it still crashes yet I was able to save two of the error messages: One error is with the system and the other is with the display driver. Latest ATI drivers at 13.6 beta 1 with 13.5 CAP1. I'm thinking about buying into the full ALPHA game but want to fix this problem before I do. My system is stable with CFX and PhysX on for other games such as Mafia II or any UT3 engine game. Any ideas? PS: Great job on ARMA 3. The polish and gameplay is fantastic when the LITE version does not crash on me.
  6. I fixed the problem! My CPU was really overheating but not enough to crash the computer, just enough to crash ARMA 3. I set my cpu down to 4 GHZ and all is well for 1 hour of playing, even with the AC off and CPU and 2 GPUs in CFX mode heating up the room. This was unexpected as my cpu @ 4.2 GHZ is stable in IntelBurnTest for 2 hours with a Corsair H50 water cooler. Its the ambient temps here... just way too hot and ARMA pushed my CPU across the threshold. :D My GPUs are all at stock speeds so no issues there. I will purchase ARMA 3 Beta in the morning. Thanks for the help everyone.
  7. I cleaned out my system physically (cleared the cables, vacuumed all the dust, ensured better air flow) and it is better now. Reinstalled the latest beta drivers for all my gpus and I think A3 is mainly overheating my CPU due to lack of multithreaded optimizations and it is fairly hot here during the summer. With task manager running, it shows one CPU core almost maxed out, a second cpu core at ~ 50-70 % and the last 2 cores at less than 30%. It still crashes but not as bad as before. The Hybrid PhysX I use is working with the latest PhsyX 3 but for A3, I left the Phsyx files since it is mainly CPU based.
  8. I was briefly able to run some mod/mission tests and noticed some issues. It appears A2/CO missions with ingame cutscenes won't work. Mods such as CRW2, ARMA REARMED or even Namalsk Crisis either won't show the missions or just crash on load. But I can load CRW2, ARMA Reloaded and NAMALSK maps into the editor if I remove the mission pbos. I checked in A2/CO and there are beginning cutscenes at mission start. I can run DayZ singleplayer mod on Namalsk (no cutscenes) for instance so it is not a map issue. Also found the Enemy Unknown (X-com type) mission for Isla Duabla map with Alienz mod and it won't run in AIA, but it works in A2CO. This mission does require acex to load into AIA, but won't run the mission. It would hang and crash out nearly loading all assets. I can tell since my mouse pointer would show up near the end of the loading sequence. There is a short in-game cutscene at the beginning where your team is transported via helicopter to LZ before game starts. However, The Mother Ship mission (using either Isla Duabla map or Alienz mod) works fine in AIA with Proving Grounds map. In fact, it looks way better than in A2/CO. There is no cutscene. It just drops into the game. A2/CO Mission "Senkaku_Diayutai_Conflict.mb_manaisland.pbo" using mb_manaisland map with @MB_ROCKS,@mb_veg_adv, and@VME_PLA, @JSDFmod works . Again no cutscenes. I still get crashes in A3 Alpha but it may really be heat related on my OC'ed cpu with a high ambient temperature where I am.
  9. This is a request for a near future sci fi addon: Falling Skies type addon / mission / campaign pack based on the TV show: Basically, you have a rag tag group of human survivors (civilian, para-military, and military) fighting off an alien race trying to take over Earth. OpFor can be organic aliens, harnessed (captured humans) slaves and unwilling fighters, mechs - large security robots, spaceships and of course the overlord race that runs the entire operations. Missions can be seek and destroy aliens/alien bases, capture aliens for interrogation, rescue harnessed or civilians and ultimately repelling the alien out of earth. The easy option would be to take DayZ and keep survivor, bandits (since some resistance will be on their own), civilians, and add back some surviving military units, change zombie to aliens, add alien overlord (commander) and weapons/ufos to augment aliens on similar missions against humans. Extended gameplay options: Survivor - paramilitary players just trying to survive the harsh onslaught (like DayZ). You can be on your own or team up or be a total bastard. Territory Control - to secure areas for resources, base building and eventual domination of the map. Should be a large persistent campaign server to be fun. Can be coop for strike missions for instance. I have seen a handful of UFO or aliens mods for ARMA/ARMA 2 but nothing really put together like any other mod. My most ideal idea would be an ARMA version of the CLASSIC X-Com or real tactical Classic ALIENS movie remake with ARMA type US Colonial Marines vs Aliens, not the recently release arcade FPS shooter. Edit - there is a Terminator Judgement Day mod for ARMA 3 (Thank You Jebus!) I'm have not idea how to model for ARMA but just throwing this out there. Would be awesome alternative to DayZ and keep military sim fans excited for ARMA 3. PS: If there are mission tutorials, I could try to conceptualize at least the game play.
  10. Noted. I meant the ARMA 1 remake mod for A2 CO actually. It is still a work in progress but already playable. Would be awesome with the updated A3 engine just for visual quality and engine fixes. Would it be possible to just load the maps from CRW2 via AIA and unofficially remake the missions in A3 to use AIA/CRW2 hybrid to play the campaigns? I did not but will do. I hope they can fix it for the beta. Thanks for the advice.
  11. I saw the cool videos on YT with users playing with this mod. I was wondering would this mod also support "Carrier Mission : Gaea" or at least the map from that game? Or the ARMA Rearmed or CWR2 mods? If I can fix my crashing problems with ARMA 3 Lite (not related to this mod), I would purchase the beta right away just to play with AiA!