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Everything posted by Valken

  1. Valken

    Kryptek camo - WIP

    Those look awesome! Improved the use of those two camo tremendously. Did you mean default backpacks in Nomad? I thought Highlander was the go between camo, but that is a really good choice too for default.
  2. Valken

    Lagg on a HD 7970

    OC your cpu will definitely help any ARMA game, especially 2 and 3 since the cpu uses one thread for AI and one for game. If you encounter a lot of AI, it can slow the game down. You need to know the art of OC to get the max out of your system so best to consult OC forums for that kind of info. Also make sure you have 8 GB of ram within a Windows 64 environment so you can give ARMA 3 its own 4 GB of ram to use with the rest leftover for the OS and etc...
  3. Valken

    FPS Fix

    What kind of CPU do you have? If we know, we might be able to help you. The ARMA series depends a lot on a good CPU for A.I. calculations.
  4. Just awesome! Can't wait for you guys to get the first beta out! Just one request: Please do some Space Hulk missions! Would love to see CQB / VBSS type missions in Space!
  5. Valken

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    Uniengine looks great but still as limited as ARMA 3 engine with regards to indoor environment, details and performance.
  6. Valken

    NSW Units & Gear (Retex.)

    I did mean NWU Type I. Thanks for the clarification. When out at sea, do seaman currently wear NWU Type I? Or was that just for promo shots? In anycase, the "Battleship" movie made NWU Type I look fairly damn cool from Hollywood's perspective. http://strikehold.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/nwu-i.jpg (196 kB)
  7. Why don't you just open up a public server with 128 slots and see how long it takes to fill it? Wouldn't that be easier? Also, you need to list your timezone. This forum has a global presence. I'm just curious for academic reasons. :D
  8. Valken

    AlienZ Mod

    @ Mikie boy - You have an awesome idea. Just like the old X-Com level up system. It is almost a RPG system but my question would be what abilities will be upgradeable vs play balance usability? For instance, encumbrance would be hard to factor in a milsim or even any FPS or TPS (third person shooter), since the server has to record how much load the player has carried and for how long. Also, if a group of players first start a mission with your DB at zero, won't they get slaughtered by the Aliens just like the "squadies" in X-Com due to not being able to use all the cool gear until later on? In real life, an X-Com type unit would probably be composed of special forces, not conventional forces, type for operations until the Aliens amass enough resources for a full onslaught. Then it would become Battle L.A, Independence Day, Battleship (yeh, I liked this movie) or Pacific Rim. Sorry to go OT.
  9. Valken

    NSW Units & Gear (Retex.)

    AOR1 and AOR2 looks fantastic in ARMA 3 engine! Awesome. Any chance for NSW Blue AOR work outfit? It would be great for some VBSS missions.
  10. I would vote for this as a starting ground. Squad based tactics first before all out war. And that OpFP WH40K looks awesome.
  11. Valken

    will arma 3 use 8 cores

    Here is an article of AMD vs Intel Processors in BF3 which can use up to 8 threads: http://gamegpu.ru/action-/-fps-/-tps/battlefield-3-ehd-game-test-gpu.html And the same site testing GPU and CPU in ARMA3: http://gamegpu.ru/action-/-fps-/-tps/arma-iii-alpha-test-gpu.html You need at least a 4.9 GHZ Quad core and 690 or 6990 to run at high settings @ 60 FPS consistently.
  12. Valken

    AMD CPU Machines: Are We SOL?

    The issue is mainly three fold regarding modern cpus Number of cores available - Both Intel and AMD have between 2, 4, 6(intel), 8 cores... no issues Clock speeds - Both Intel and AMD cpus are available up to 3.x GHZ and many can be overclocked up to 4-4.5 GHZ range... no issues. IPC - Instructions per cycle = effeciency... that means in 1 cycle or a given number (n) cycles, how many instructions can be processed... The higher the IPC, the higher the effeciency and hence, the higher the performance if the above two are the same. Intel beats AMD @ IPC hands down. With 2 cpus with the same number of cores, and same clock speeds, the architecture of the Intel CPU is more efficient and able to do more in the same amount of time. There was a time when AMD was smoking Intel... with the introduction of their SIMD instruction sets, first to 64 bits, first onboard memory controllers. Then Intel woked up, got rid of that blasphemy of cpu - the Pentium 4 line, produced the i-core series of cpu (basically a super efficient Pentium 3 - same as all AMD cpus really) and has the best manufacturing process to make their cpus the best so far. If you want to what cpu you need to play ARMA 3 at a desired resolution, go check the will my cpu run ARMA 3 thread. I posted a link to a website that benchmarked a ton of cpus between HIGH and ULTRA settings. So far, the consensus was a modern i5/i7-3xxx quad core cpu at 4.9 GHZ or better EQUIVALENT WITH a least one Nvidia 690 GPU. That is a really fast and top shelve system by most standards. AMD has nothing that can keep up with that listed intel cpu at that speed, even if Overclocked now. Maybe later?
  13. Note: I am using the latest DEV build of A3 so that may be the issue. Bought ARMA 2 ACR DLC off steam, had to reinstall all my ARMA via steam to get it to work, test A2CO with all DLC working, but AIA does not pick it up. I cannot see the maps available for editing missions for example, but when I had ACR LITE installed, the maps showed up?! RPT file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ect8otr0ko77ayn/arma3_2013-07-16_02-32-23.rpt Can I install BOTH ACR DLC and ACR LITE so that AIA picks up at least the maps? I am unable to enable ACR DLC via the expansions menu in ARMA 3. Also, there are lot of errors with JSRS in ARMA 3 such as: Error Undefined variable in expression: _source and multiple lines with weapons will keep changing... such as from AK47 to M4 and etc... I ran the A2/CO benchmarks to test the sound effects in AIA and that is when most of the JSRS 1.5 errors pop up. When it works, it is amazing. I may need to switch back to acex_sm or default sounds with AIA until JSRS is ported natively to A3. RPT https://www.dropbox.com/s/4tppk4vpt1k2op9/arma3_2013-07-16_01-59-42.rpt
  14. Valken

    A quantum leap - Arma 4

    ... I would really like to see a Jason Bourne type campaign series... it can be based on the books or movies, ideally the books but the A3 engine will be limited to pulling off indoor type cqb battles.
  15. Valken

    Kryptek camo - WIP

    I think the updated helmets looks better. Is there a headgear mod? Also, I think the backpacks should match the primary camo of the shirt and pants. Its all nomad right now. I tried out urban and nomad backpack does work. But not for Typhon. It sticks out. It should be all Tyhpon including the vest and backpack since they want to blend more into the dark. Lastly, can you make a custom URBAN DESERT pattern? A mix of urban and nomad? I think that works better for city urban setttings. I loaded the current version into the Seattle map with AIA and ARMA3, and both Nomad and Urban stuck out too much. If mixed up like the ARMA3 OPFOR URBAN CAMO such as below, it would look much better. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20303&highlight=UNLOCK Otherwise, I love your mod. Please consider a replacement pbo for the delta and razor team for the ARMA 2 and CO campaigns.
  16. Valken

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Anyway you can also run a SLI or CFX test to see if it helps? I have to LOL that you are running a 4.5 GHZ Ivy Bridge as your test setup. :D At least I know where you guys are shooting at.
  17. Check the link below from Dice, makers of the Frostbite Engine and the Battlefield series: http://www.techspot.com/news/48676-dice-says-some-upcoming-frostbite-2-games-will-require-64-bit-os.html Also 64 bit OS brings a lot of advantages - the main one being able to allow programs to natively address more than 4 GB of ram for itself. That in itself brings more fidelity - more sounds, higher textures, bigger worlds and lets you access gpus with more video ram. Windows 32 bit caps off at 4 GB total... total for the application and OS! that is holding back building bigger game worlds with more fidelity, not raw cpu, gpu or sound processing power. Check the graphs again for raw cpu power and how it affects ARMA 3 - High Quality - the top cpu has a minimum of 37 FPS up to 52 FPS, WITH an Nvidia 690 (680 SLI setup) http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2306250 Ultra Quality - the top cpu has a minimum of 20 FPS up to 36 FPS, WITH an Nvidia 690 (680 SLI setup) http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2306250 Lastly, Battlefield 3 right now supports up to 8 threads with 3 main threads taking up 80-90% cpu time on 3 cores, with the rest spread out among the remaining cores. Intel 2, 4 and 8 core comparison for BF3: http://gamegpu.ru/images/stories/Test_GPU/Action/Battlefield%203%20End%20Game/test/bf3%20EG%20INTEL.jpg AMD 2, 4 and 8 core companrison for BF3: http://gamegpu.ru/images/stories/Test_GPU/Action/Battlefield%203%20End%20Game/test/bf3%20EG%20AMD.jpg The full BF3 GPU and CPU article. http://gamegpu.ru/action-/-fps-/-tps/battlefield-3-ehd-game-test-gpu.html Back to Billz4money, if you want 60 FPS at MAX - ultra quality for ARMA 3 AND BF4, you will need at least a Quad core cpu at ~ 4.9-5.0+ GHZ AND a video card faster than an AMD 6990 CFX or Nvidia 690 SLI type card. I recommend you wait to find out if Haswell or the upcoming Ivy Bridge E (late 2013 refresh) or even the newer Haswell E (mid - 2014) cpus can hit ~ 5+ GHZ and then buy the fastest video card you can afford then. The only single GPU card that I know that keeps up with either AMD 6990 or Nvidia 690 is the Nvidia Titan and that card is almost your entire budget. The Nvidia 780 is fast, but not faster than a single AMD 6990 or Nvidia 690. But you can have two 780 in SLI or two AMD 7970 CFX for even better performance. Thats nearly 800-900 USD just for video cards. Last graph: AMD 6990 and Nvidia 690 in BF3 at 1920x1080 at MAX settings. Note the cpu they used again is a 4.9 GHZ Ivy Bridge, not Haswell. So far those Haswell has been hit 4.5 GHZ but not much... should wait until the next generation to have better OC headroom. http://gamegpu.ru/images/stories/Test_GPU/Action/Battlefield%203%20End%20Game/test/bf3%20EG%20UQ%201920.jpg
  18. I regret to inform you NO CURRENT AMD CPU with any graphics card will give you 60 FPS in ARMA 3 with heavy AI. The CPUs are really good for multitasking but it's effeciency is not as good as any Intel CORE cpu at the same clock speed. I recommend you guys do research and find the cheapest Intel Quad Core cpu (current generations from I5-2500K, I5/i7-3xxxx or i5/i7-4xxx series) that can OC the highest and get a good MB and 8 GB of ram. Go for bang for the buck. You don't need more than 6-8 cores, don't need hyperthreading, don't need built in crappy graphics card on the cpu. Then get the fastest video card with 2 GB or more VRAM for ARMA since it needs to load and render a ton of stuff due to view distance. And a SSD, at least to load the game and OS since ARMA streams the game assets. I doubt ARMA can load everything into ram unless you run a huge ramdisk. Here is a really good link with GPU and CPU benchmarks for ARMA 3 at 60 FPS. It seems you need at least a SLI or CFX system (Nvidia 690 or AMD/ATI 6990) and a 4.9 GHZ cpu. http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2306250 GPUs hitting 60 FPS @ 1920x1080 http://i.imgur.com/Qk17blk.jpg (146 kB) CPU performance @ 1920x1080 http://i.imgur.com/TpOLckP.jpg (116 kB) @ Billz4money - BTW: You know Battlefield 4's game engine will be 64 bit only and can use more than 4 cores. It can use 6 cores or more. So again, you really need to do some research and see if others are able to build a solid 24/7 system - cpu, mb, ram and gpu setup that will run ARMA 3 and Battlefield 4 at 60 FPS before you even buy it. I bet you will need to upgrade the cpu and mb even if you buy the best now. For ARMA, it is all about the highest possible clock speeds. For Battlefield, it is about more cpu cores. To have both, the cpu alone can cost as much as your budget. For a gpu, I usually recommend the 2nd best video gpu from Nvidia or AMD. I never recommend any less to anyone despite their budget because they will come back and say the game performs terrible due to having an inadequate system, especially when most gamers will keep their systems for at least 2-3 years. Why put up with a bad gaming experience because you tried to save 100 USD? Just work harder or another week or give blood or whatever and get something that is a little more than you need now so it can keep up with future games.
  19. Are you talking about playing ARMA 3 at 60 FPS maxed out as a) multiplayer with NO AI players b) single player with tons of AI running around c) both multiplayer and tons of AI? You can get a almost any nice system that will do B now. A and C are harder since the engine still needs optimizations for the AI threads to use more than 1 or 2 cpu cores. That is the slowdown in the entire game engine right now. I check the latest beta using benchmarks and everytime AI heavy game setting comes up, it drops my system nearly under 15 FPS, despite having 4 core cpu i5-760 @ 4 GHZ with ATI 6950 unlocked CFX gpu setup. I would wait until the game is out of beta to buy a new system just for ARMA 3. I think if you can get any HASWELL cpu system with 4 cores and OC it to 4.5 - 5.0 GHZ, then it might be possible to keep above 35-40 FPS with heavy AI.
  20. @ kyu - testing a simple mission - Seattle map, added a AH64D, pilot , co pilot, marines... and an alien. Just flying around but I noticed the LOD or building models were big black pixels that shakes around until I got really close to it. Then it popsup but with no texture? All the model textures were blueish in color. RPT - https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmz9r5r0ek9kfm3/arma3_2013-07-13_04-03-39.rpt
  21. Valken

    Kryptek camo - WIP

    I was playing with this mod and noticed the helmet and vests do not match the camo. Would it be possible to make the colors more complementary? Color the helmets to the same camo, match the vests, or at least complement tan or coyote colors to the nomad setup and not green for instance. Lastly, any way to use a more modern helmet than the Mich? Something like ARMA 3's Protec would be awesome. Overall, it looked incredible playing in the various settings.
  22. Here are the RPTs... This is when I tried to load TKOH demo directly to the game folder: ===================================================================== == d:\Arma 3\arma3.exe == arma3.exe -nosplash -skipintro -cpucount=4 "-mod=@sum_rep_1.0;@Igit_FT;@CBA_A3;@AllInArma\ProductDummies;\DBE1;;@AllInArma\A1Dummies;;;\Expansion;d:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Take On Helicopters Demo\;@A1A2ObjectMerge;D:\ArmA 3;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3" Exe timestamp: 2013/07/05 23:28:31 Current time: 2013/07/09 22:48:55 Type: Public Beta Branch: Development Version: 0.71.107360 Allocator: d:\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll ===================================================================== ErrorMessage: Cannot open file 'd:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Take On Helicopters Demo\\dta\bin.pbo' Here are the rest of the RPTs that were too big for embedding. I even tried to rename the demo folder but it still did not work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgq7u7s5hdyq1qr/arma3_2013-07-09_22-52-40.rpt https://www.dropbox.com/s/9l0gjoxrb3j42nk/arma3_2013-07-09_22-50-17.rpt https://www.dropbox.com/s/5tp4o02c6yfgu6n/arma3_2013-07-10_00-13-09.rpt
  23. I tried to load TKOH demo to see it I can access the map but it would NOT work through AIA. Regular TKOH does work. I hope BIS would have a sale on TKOH series so users can start generating missions on those maps.
  24. You can make a relative test. Goto steam, download the ARMA 2 FREE edition, set everything to maximum and run the first benchmark. If you can run the first benchmark maxed out at over 30-40 FPS, and your video card is DX11, you "should" be ok. The 2nd benchmark is mostly AI so it will kill your cpu in anycase.
  25. I was wondering about the AMD cpu series and in ALL tests on a per clock basis, EG 3 GHZ AMD vs 3 GHZ INTEL, AMD loses due to inefficiency in processing IPC (instructions per clock cycle). Intel just has a much higher IPC than any AMD processor. If you have money to upgrade and really love playing ARMA, I really suggest you sell your current MB and CPU, and buy an INTEL quad core cpu and mb. Then transfer your RAM (at least 8 GB DDR3), video card and hard drives over. You will need to reinstall your OS again of course, but the upgrade will be much better for the game. Which cpu and MB? The cheapest one that can OC at 4 GHZ or more with QUAD cores. No need for HT. If you can hit 5 GHZ, all the better since the ARMA 3 engine limitation is due to the single threading AI which relies on one cpu core that will hold up and lag the rest of the game. In multiplayer, your next limitation, after cpu and ram, would probably be video ram and gpu power. You can add another card later for SLI or upgrade to a video card with 2GB or more VRAM for higher settings. If you have extra money, I recommend you add a SSD just to load ARMA in the future, especially with big map mods. This is more true with ARMA2/CO due to all the big maps for that game so far.