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Everything posted by bennettonn

  1. I am doing a scripting in which the unit that activates it will make an animation it is simple just for a test, what I want to know is how do I make the unit that activate this script make an animation after activating it? The script is like this: it has an object with the code of addaction with the name of "take topsecret" then it will execute the sqf file it is written like this: deletevehicle topsecret; Hint "you take the topsecret"; But in the middle of that I want whoever activated the "take topsecret" command to do an animation, how can I do that?
  2. bennettonn

    A simple scritp

    They are in the total of 5 units that can get the topsecret, but when the topsecret is caught I want to detect who takes the topscrete and I want the animation to happen only on the unit who take the topsecret
  3. Is there any way for an AI driver to not brake no matter what?
  4. bennettonn


    Many thx to Devastator_cm and ProfTournesol you guys help me a lot
  5. bennettonn


    Hi guys :) little hand here ^_^ is there any way to use the condition command "!alive" for a group ?, for example I have 5 unit in a group called foxtrot I want to the command active when all the units associated with the foxtrot group are dead if there a way to do this, please let me know and thanks
  6. I did some catch with a car and I realized that when you start the movements that were recorded the car wheels do not rotate, have any way to make them rotate?
  7. bennettonn

    Fast Foward

    I tested this command but it works only when I was the gunner of the vehicle, I want to do it simultaneously in 5 cars at the same time but when I do this command in a car only with driver nothing happens, is there any other way to make a simply speeding driver and continues straight?
  8. Hello Guys I wonder if there is any way to run forward command, the gunner do in interaction with the driver of the vehicle, I want to make an AI just send his vehicle to move forward without cornering only move front
  9. I'm making a stealth mission, and at the beginning something bother me with that was the AI ignores dead bodies, and well I'm here to search for help through the forum if there is any script or way to make the AI between mode of alert when they see a dead body. Note I'm already tried knowsAbout and did not work why not detect dead bodies.
  10. I was creating a mission in which it is necessary to execute a script in the initialization area of the unit, here is the code null = [this] execVM "script.sqf"; and works well however this script has a loop, I wonder how I do to stop the script to run when I want to stop
  11. bennettonn

    Help in a script

    this will work if the script is running in init of a unit?
  12. bennettonn

    A question about multiplayer

    Ok thanks JShock
  13. HI GUYS I'm here to do a simple question, the sideChat command is compatible with the multiplayer?, i'm doing a coop mission with the SideChat but I do not know if it will work on the multiplayer, I thank all who try to help
  14. bennettonn

    A question about multiplayer

    shock sorry to ask one more question, is that today I am full of work and did not have much time :p, it's just that question, the conversation system with kbtell works in multiplayer ??
  15. bennettonn

    A question about multiplayer

    one more time you help a noob, thanks JShock. How do I change the name to post resolved?
  16. bennettonn

    body detection

    Inlesco the code "distance" work at the beginning but then I realized it would be impossible to use the distance command on a trigger I made this code leader distance dead < 15 AND !alive dead; I forgot to mention the beginning of the post, I am a big noob I have very little knowledge on the issue arma with this code I did you perceive that I do not work for a mission with several AI, I really want to evolve, you have a tutorial somewhere where I can learn how to use event handler, or even if you have time to make the code you mentioned, any help from others who see this post is welcome.
  17. bennettonn

    body detection

    thanks so much EpicGoldenWarrior, sorry for my bad english, i'm from rússia
  18. bennettonn

    body detection

    maybe you did not understand what I meant, I wonder if there is any script that does the AI detects a dead body and goes on alert
  19. bennettonn

    Complications in a script

    already found a solution thanks to anyone who tries to help
  20. HI GUYS :cool: well I have an old post that was for an infiltration mission, in a part of the mission the player should get a uniform of the enemy to become a friend, and it worked out gave me a Great code that was this private ["_unit", "_eastGrp","_westGrp"]; _unit = _this select 0; _eastGrp = createGroup EAST; _westGrp = createGroup WEST; if (isNull _unit) exitWith {}; while { true } do { sleep 3; if ( ( currentWeapon _unit ) in ["arifle_Katiba_ACO_F", "launch_RPG32_F", "hgun_Rook40_F"] && { ( uniform _unit ) in ["U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo", "someOther_uniform"] } ) then { if ( !( _unit in ( units _eastGrp ) ) ) then { [_unit] joinSilent _eastGrp; player sideChat "You've joined the east group."; }; } else { if ( !( _unit in ( units _westGrp ) ) ) then { [_unit] joinSilent _westGrp; player sideChat "You've joined the west group."; }; }; }; well I used this code and everything worked, so that was one thing that was missing the space to put the classname of the vest that the player will use, so I'm doing this post to find help to modify this code to add space to write the classname of the vest. if someone can help me, thank you.
  21. bennettonn

    Complications in a script

    [/color] I've tried this, but appears script error does not work I already tried several ways and not achieve a result and that's why I came to look for help in the forum
  22. for example: I have a task that says to pick up the clothes of a body of a civilian, I want what's task is complete only when the player pick up the outfit of this civil. from now on I'm already grateful help from anyone.
  23. I want to apologize for having made two post on the same subject was to post on another site I'm sorry
  24. for example: I have a task that says to pick up the clothes of a body of a civilian, I want what's task is complete only when the player pick up the outfit of this civil, if possible explain how to use anything you send because I do not know much editing in ARMA 3. from now on I'm already grateful help from all.
  25. excuse not have said before but I am very novice in this business to create missions and I have no idea how to use it, so if possible insinar of how to use it I am grateful ---------- Post added at 00:05 ---------- Previous post was at 00:01 ---------- excuse not have said before but I am very novice in this business to create missions in 3 gun and I have no idea how to use it, so if possible insinar of how to use it I am grateful