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Everything posted by pydrex

  1. This is still happening on latest APEX branch
  2. With the new Update of 1.58 I have noticed a few animation issues in regard to how smooth things operate / sliding or getting bugged. Example A: Sprinting to holster or new weapon makes you slide https://i.gyazo.com/3ba3648a746dd16ed8a45b481336b9c3.gif Example B: We have a holster script life_curWep_h = currentWeapon player; player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100]; player switchCamera cameraView; Which in turn if crouching does https://i.gyazo.com/822a4798c602c7b91d551a27c88473e3.gifand bugs you indefinitely in this animation unless you vault Example C: Getting into vehicles after doing a weapon change / holster makes you stand in the vehicle for other players https://i.gyazo.com/8a76e57e0495e60da4430ce715a591ed.gif
  3. pydrex

    Animation Sync

    More testing, If you sprint and change to Binos / Rangefinders you will slide the duration of the animation on the floor. Players getting into vehicles can bug out and be standing/sitting/laying in the car seat
  4. Hello, Is this still allowed under https://www.bistudio.com/monetization, We're applying to be approved for reserved slots so I was wondering if this effected your policy that is why I am asking direct permission. Thanks (Feel free to PM me for specifics)
  5. Who would I contact about permission to use this mod? Thanks
  6. Hello, I believe you've been copied in to the PM I sent Diesel. Thanks
  7. Hello, Really nice work, Could you contact me about permission to use this. Thanks
  8. pydrex

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Lightfoot has already sorted this, Why make another thread. I heard A3L owners flew to the moon and discovered pluto, That is how ridiculous you all sound.
  9. pydrex

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    This is a fantastic mission and the best Wasteland variant around. I can't wait to host this for the IRoC community once available or our application is processed. Thanks.
  10. Caiden and Zan no longer edit this mission. We at IRoCGC.com are the ones coding and hosting it now we are on 0.5 but we maybe stopping development on this due to Stratis RP Ultimate coming up soon and IRoC will be working along side Stealthsticks.