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Everything posted by Kydoimos

  1. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Thanks mate! Shoot out the screens and check out the damage textures :P Plus, you've got hiddenSelections on most of the objects, in case you want to add your own textures. Glad you like them!
  2. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Thanks man! Great to hear from you! :D I hope this little mod proves useful!
  3. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Ladies and gentleman - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=686802825 Hope you guys like the assets! Armaholic and MODDB will follow shortly...
  4. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Thanks for my virtual cake! :D Agreed! Cake DLC confirmed!
  5. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Thanks mate :) Will correct before release!
  6. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Lol, goodness me no! Armaholic and MODDB are on the cards :P
  7. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Right then, chaps! Should have a release this evening on Steam Workshop :D EDIT: Nope - tomorrow now, just seen preview images for objects are now on Dev! Can't have nasty question marks! No, that just won't do! :)
  8. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Thanks very much, mate! :D You're too kind! Though be warned, I don't think Arma 3 supports the Dutch language? I believe it supports English, Russian, German, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, French, Spanish, and Czech. Correct me if I'm wrong! :P
  9. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Thanks, matey! :D If any budding translators fancy a quick look, there's a link below to the stringtable! I've done my best to translate each object, but there's bound to be an error here or there, or a better translation! https://www.dropbox.com/s/78krb34nodqllyv/Stringtable.xml?dl=0
  10. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Here we go; one metal locker! Still needs a little bit of work, but you can get the idea:
  11. Kydoimos

    [WIP] Female base model project

    She agreed! :P I also explained it'd be a lot of words we'd need to record - but she'll be happy to do it!
  12. Kydoimos

    [WIP] Female base model project

    My wife would probably be up for lending her voice to the project when you get that far - she speaks very proper English though :P Feel free to PM me and I'll ask her!
  13. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Lol - well, what I'll do, I'll cobble together a new locker and add the Resist keypad cabinet with an update :D
  14. Kydoimos

    Eventhandler in Config

    Really - thank you both! :D
  15. Hi all, I'm having a spot of bother trying to get an eventHandler to work from within a vehicle config. Here is what I have in the object's config; class EventHandlers { hitPart = "_unit = this select 0; if (_unit getHitPointDamage ""Named_Selection"" >= 0.2) then {hint ""Working""}"; }; Essentially, I want to be able to trigger some coding when a certain selection on the object is damaged (but by default, from the config). The above doesn't throw up any errors, but it's not working either. Any ideas, guys? Thanks, as always, in advance!
  16. Kydoimos

    Eventhandler in Config

    You're a super star -H! It worked like a charm! Thanks!
  17. Kydoimos

    Eventhandler in Config

    Still getting this error popping up with that too: Error GetHitPointDamage: Type Array, Expected Object Thank you for the helpful suggestion though! :) I'll keep trying!
  18. Kydoimos

    Eventhandler in Config

    Hi mate! Thanks for that - I've given it a go, but now I'm getting an error message: Error GetHitPointDamage: Type Array, Expected Object No doubt I'm missing something really silly, but I can't put my finger on it!
  19. Kydoimos

    Eventhandler in Config

    Thanks mate! Tried that, but still no cigar. When I add a hitPart eventHandler via the debug console, it works fine, but I have to assign the object a global variable. Again, thank you for your suggestion! :)
  20. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Something like this? Or a little smaller? :)
  21. Lol, thanks mate! Much appreciated! Ha ha, nothing like digging up 3 year old threads! :P
  22. Hiya guys, I'm a little rusty on the HitPart eventHandler - how would one check to see if a particular part was hit using the 'if' and '==' commands? I was considering adding an object with the HitPart eventhandler in the init. config, which triggered a script when that part was damaged?
  23. Kydoimos

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Regarding the exploding vehicles when launching missions in Eden, I set the vehicles allowDamage to false. This seemed to do the trick, until I realized everyone in the vehicle began the mission dead! lol - no idea what's happening there! :P
  24. Hi mate, I'm not as experienced as some on the forums, but I'll try to help you out! I believe this might be caused by your Geometry LOD. To correctly configure your Geometry LOD, ensure that all components are individually labelled using the component naming convention (component_1, component_2 - if memory serves me well!). Then, make sure the components are triangulated, have sharp surfaces, and are completely closed​. Then run the component convex hull modifier. Good luck, hope you get there!
  25. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Funnily enough, I did actually create some specific animations for the bunk beds; I'll dig them out and throw them in with the release or with a later update. The GCS has animations, however! :D