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About blackabbot

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    Private First Class

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  1. blackabbot

    Altis Map Locations

    Thanks Foxhound
  2. Using the marker option in the Arma3 editor I have put together a reasonably comprehensive map of Altis locations ie. Bases,Factories, Comms, Helipads, Towns etc. This file can be downloaded from the steam workshop, After download unpbo the file and open in the editor, click on Markers delete civilian player and merge with your own missions or just use it for planning purposes. Title of steam file Altis Map Locations, or download the pbo file from... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2DbvJCwn7HKTE5rS3pZZzdqMUk/view?usp=sharing
  3. blackabbot

    C2 -Command And Control

    Hi Mad_Cheese, just found your mod today, I am using it alongside BCOMBAT, FOA and WW-AIMENU, all seem pretty compatible, I thought your video tutorial was excellent and well presented. Love being able to use multiple waypoints and syncing them in the planning map, Just what I was looking for, keep developing this great mod, Thank you.
  4. blackabbot

    [SP] Insurgency generator

    Hi Sixth, Great mission generator, I was wondering if it was possible to have the generator spawn wherever the player wanted rather than a random location, like a fob anywhere on the map, I have tried in the editor but have had no success
  5. Hi rhysduk and rikirikibitta, I downloaded latest hunter six mission from the steam workshop, extracted it with pboview program, opened up the mission in the editor and placed a game logic with enableSaving [ true, true ]; in the init line, then repacked the mission and put the file in the steam/steamapps/common/arma3/missions folder been playing this mission for days with no problem saving or resuming the mission, hope this helps. Lato1982 outstanding mission hope you've got more in the pipeline, probably one of the most immersive missions I have played in years
  6. Love this mod, one problem I found in single player scenario when you save game then reload your mission the GPS is missing from the map, Hope you can fix this, keep up the good work.
  7. One problem I've found regarding my post above, resume function doesn't work if you switch off pc and then try to resume saved mission later. from what I've read on the wiki and forums database and persistence modules are MP only.
  8. I have found a way to enable the save game option when using the alive mod in single player missions. In the editor build your mission as normal using the alive modules. Then hit f1 for Units place a Game Logic Class should be Objects Unit should be Game Logic in the init field of the Game logic.............enableSaving true; I have tested this with my missions in the editor and exported to scenarios and it works, the only downside is it takes about 30 seconds to save and approx 1 minute to load, but i think that is a small price to pay to be able to use the great alive mod for people like me who only play single player. Big thanks to all the Alive Team
  9. Hi Drongo, I owe you an apology for wasting your time , because my scripting knowledge is very limited I did not edit your preference sqf properly. // What side are the players? //rdFriendlySide = West; rdFriendlySide = Resistance;.................I did not change this to West // What side are the enemies? rdEnemySide = East; Your scripts are flawless and work how they should. Looking forward to your campaign generator system. Thanks again
  10. Hi Drongo, Just to let you know i've solved the problem. Looking through your AO v3 Mission generator scripts i noticed you had Blufor as player in the Takistan mission, so i copied the player group sqf from the AO misc folder and pasted it into the RD Misc folder and added nul = [this] execVM "RD\Misc\PlayerGroup.sqf"; into my players init and it works , objectives are captured and the mission ends. theres probably an easier way than this through scripting but this solution works for me,Thanks
  11. Sorry Drongo as I said in a previous post i hav'nt learned how to upload my missions yet. i am working on that but Just to clarify in the editor i place a game logic and objective marker on the control tower on stratis airport, I lead a Blufor Nato rifle Squad to take the tower, Csat opfor spawn as rdEnemySide and my squad kill them all but no objective captured shows up on screen and the mission does not end, even though i have edited the start and preference sqf in your scipts from rdFriendlySide = West and rdEnemySide = East By the way i think you do great work for the arma community i hope you will be able to fix this, Thanks
  12. Hi Drongo, one small problem I've encountered is when changing in the start and preferences sqf rdfriendly side to west and rdenemy side to east capturing objectives and mission ending don't work. Could it be because you have the AAF faction which are independent in the arma 3 editor set as the East faction in your Scripts ---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 ---------- Quick update, setting rdfriendly side to west in the start and preferences sqf I've placed a group of AAF and made Independents are friendly with Blufor in the editor and the scripts run fine, the only problem that remains is if you want to play as the Blufor side
  13. I can confirm that capturing objectives and mission ending works perfectly in version 03, thank you for your efforts.
  14. I hope this is the right place to post this thread. I've been trying for a long time to add a secondary primary weapon to my backpack, searched all the forums with no luck, but I've finally solved it myself. This is my players loadout, if you hav'nt got these weapons just replace the weapons and magazines with the classnames you want, also delete the flashbang lines if you hav'nt got the mod installed. I hope it maybe of some use. Just place this in the init field of your unit. removeallweapons this; this addmagazines["30Rnd_mas_556x45_T_Stanag",8]; this addmagazines["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",4]; this addweapon "arifle_mas_m4_m203_t"; this addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; this addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_mrco"; this addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_b"; this addweapon "NVgoggles"; this additem"B_uavterminal"; this removeWeapon "Binocular"; this addWeapon "Rangefinder"; this addweapon "hgun_P07_snds_F"; this addmagazine ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",3]; this addmagazine ["smokeshell",3]; this addmagazine ["handgrenade",1]; this addmagazines["SUPER_flash",3]; this addbackpack "b_kitbag_base"; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",3]; (unitBackpack this) addmagazineCargo ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",3]; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["srifle_mas_m107_d_sd",1]; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["5Rnd_mas_127x99_dem_Stanag",3]; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["5Rnd_mas_127x99_Stanag",3]; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["handgrenade",3]; (unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["smokeshell",3];
  15. As in real life friendly fire happens, I do think your idea will add to the immersion. Loving your latest release, placing your modules in the editor and building missions with AISS2 is by far and away the best AI mod I've come across. Atta boy Mikey