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About lazyink

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  1. lazyink

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Seeding will all my megabits!
  2. lazyink

    USS Iowa

    She really is beautiful! Great work. http://i.imgur.com/JKvBjdU.jpg (505 kB)
  3. lazyink

    EricJ Release thread

    Hey folks, I am the dev behind Battle Royale. First, I am not trying to rip anyone's work off here. When I was looking for weapons to add to the mod, I looked for addons that did not have any restrictions regarding distribution, and since I didn't see any on the Armaholic addon page, I assumed, wrongly, that it was ok to include in the mod. I have always included the sources of the weapon packs in our changelog as you can see here. http://battleroyalegames.com/changelog.txt I haven't updated the MANWAR page yet as it was put there as a place-holder and I haven't had the time to add all the other details it needs and to be honest, I am considering removing the entry since you feel this way. (edit: our entry has been removed) I also sent private msgs to edu and the other addon makers regarding their work, but as of today, I haven't received any replies. I am not using the mod to make money nor do I push for donations etc, and all our servers are provided for free, and since I am using the mod in a non-commercial fashion, I thought I was following the BI T&Cs. So again, I am sorry if you felt that I was trying to rip you off, and I can assure you that your addons will be removed with the next update of the mod. Thanks for your time, PLAYERUNKNOWN
  4. I have been playing around with it a bit. If it is set to false it spawns everything about 1.5m off the ground, with the towers having some loot placed OK, and other piles 2m in the air. With it set to true, and the adjustment set to 0.1 it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/STaRzqA.jpg Hope that helps.
  5. 1.12.115915 breaks the z-height of the loot piles. Now at random heights in all buildings.
  6. Hey, maybe I am making some dumb mistakes, but I can't seem to get this working inside the editor. I am currently trying to make a lootable LDC for the dayz mod. I don't know if this would effect your addon and since I have ASG & Jon_EditorUpdate running just fine, I am going to say that it is something I have done wrong.... I have tried the following: Added the pbo into the addons folder in Arma.... nothing in the editor Added the pbo in the root folder of Arma 2... nothing Added the pbo inside an addons folder in a @gzl_vhp folder in the root of Arma 2... nothing This should be showing up as a modules(F7) in the editor yes? Any ideas? Thanks!