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Everything posted by Lala14

  1. thats because the siren needs to be turned off! the script for siren.sqf is run and wont end unless you remove it i suggest creating something called sirenoff.sqf and putting this in _vehicle = _this select 0; _lightRed = [5, 0.5, 0.5]; _lightBlue = [0.5, 0.5, 5]; _leftRed = false; _vehicle say3d "sirenoff"; //<- not sure really on how to turn this off
  2. ahhh tank you so much, I didn't know you could fly behind and just request it manually! thought I had to somehow make the AI do the action. I was doing this with a couple of mates and I thought that the Refuel at buddy pod was just to tell the game that you were about to refuel but I was wrong, just tested it out in single player and it worked perfectly only issue I had was that the AI was stuck at doing 820 km/h which was annoying, I tried using this forcespeed 400 but that didnt do much edit: found out that forcespeed sets the unit in m/s speed so no wonder why it was going so fast! now i have it set to 150 and thats much better, makes the unit fly at 540 km/h ALSO you might want to fix the missing location with when you are rearming and then decide to move away which then should make your plane exec the empty code but its set to the wrong location, you have the code to set the fa18 location to js_fa18 rather than js_jc_fa18! also the external fuel will not drop bellow 75% I believe, have tried this with 1 exteral pod and 4 others and it will not go below! EDIT #2: don't worry about the fuel not dropping I didn't know that it takes a long time to update!
  3. sorry if you answered this before but how can I get the AI to deploy the drogue
  4. sirenon.sqf _car = _this select 0; this removeaction SirenOn; SirenOff = this addAction ["Beacons Off",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",0]},[],51,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' > 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; DCV_siren = true; While {DCV_siren} do { 0 fadesound 1; _car say "SirenPolice"; sleep 5; }; sirenoff.sqf _car = _this select 0; DCV_siren = false; 0 fadesound 1; _car say "SirenOff"; this removeaction SirenOff; SirenOn = _car addAction ["Beacons On",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' < 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this AND play "]; this script was taken from and modified from the following http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=3108 all your require is to find is a sound and then replace it where it says SirenPolice
  5. your really good a texturing! here is a bit of a higher res picture! http://i.cubeupload.com/NKBsJX.jpg <1366 x 768(165 kB) http://i.cubeupload.com/S2o5sj.jpg (352 kB) < 1920 x 1080 http://i.cubeupload.com/5dYfl4.jpg (350 kB) < 1920 x 1080 + engine on also you might want this, Kylania's Police offraod beacon script! all you need to do is remove the setobject texture or add your own one in and your done! or do this this addAction ["Beacons On",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' < 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; this addAction ["Beacons Off",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",0]},[],51,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' > 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"];
  6. I believe there are no police variants of the suv or hatchback. the location of the offroad's textures are in the soft_f folder or soft_f_gamma, to enable the police light follow the link below How to add Police lights and how to correctly apply the textures to the offroad
  7. _vehicle addaction ["<t color='#ED2744'>Heal</t> <img size='2' image='\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\heal_ca'/>", "scripts\heal\healnow.sqf", [], 22, true, true, "", "!(_this in (crew _target)) AND (speed _target < 1) AND (damage player)>0.1)"]; this will set the image size roughly about the same as in game and also will add text next to it, I'm not exactly sure on how to remove the text from the middle of the screen but I'm sure someone can figure it out! http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/parseText or http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Structured_Text
  8. Lala14

    MH-9 Door Control

    yea you can add doors to the AH-9 but it looks weird.
  9. Lala14

    MH-9 Door Control

    @Fient is it ok if I modify your script to open the Ifrit doors and the Ghosthawk doors?
  10. Big thanks to Kylania for helping me add scripts to scripts ... SHORT VERSION I've developed a script that allows to spawn in a vehicle with createvehicle at a certain location, the issue I'm encountering is deleting said vehicles that have been spawned will only delete the latest one spawned in. LONG INFORMATIVE VERSION here is the code for where for script. e.g. M2A1.sqf hint "M2A1 Slammer is being created standby"; sleep 2; myM2 = createVehicle ["B_MBT_01_cannon_F", getPos VEH22, [], 0,"NONE"]; myM2 setDir -134.605; [myM2] execVM "scripts\aw_unitSetup.sqf"; myM2 addaction ["Delete Vehicle", "deleteVehicle myM2"] sleep 5; Now as you can see that when using action delete vehicle will delete the vehicle named myM2.
  11. thanks again Kylania, was just also wanting to ask would this work on a dedi server? hint "M2A1 Slammer is being created standby"; sleep 2; myM2 = createVehicle ["B_MBT_01_cannon_F", getPos VEH22, [], 0,""]; myM2 setDir -134.605; [myM2] execVM "scripts\aw_unitSetup.sqf"; myM2 addaction ["Delete Vehicle", {deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}, "_target call compile", 0, false, true, "", "driver _target == _this"]; sleep 5;
  12. Thanks Kylania, it works like a charm.
  13. So since this is about the new function (quite old now), I really didn't want to touch these commands but since they removed setVehicleInit I was wondering on how I could use this script myVEH = createVehicle ["I_Heli_Transport_02_F", getPos HELI22, [], 0,""];myVEH setDir -48.56111; ["scripts\aw_unitSetup.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; I did a bit of research before hand but every time I spawn this vehicle in and jump into it the AW scripts are not working. This script is also being used to spawn an empty CH-49 on the ground with that script onboard, I've got it setup as an addaction to a cash register. Also was wondering if its possible to execute more than 1 script
  14. Lala14

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    Hi Giallustio! I'm trying to edit your script to allow the ability to paradrop vehicles from a certain height, now I noticed while flicking through the =BTC=_logistic_init.sqf that there was a line saying BTC_l_paradrop =. I then went on to find out that this allows the MH-9 (for me I've set it to the UH80 Camo) to parachute objects that have been unloaded from a altitude greater than 20m. I was wondering if it is possible to do the same but with vehicles, I'm sort of a noob when it comes to other people's scripts because usually my scripts are stupid :). Not sure if these are what I should be looking at but I think I somehow got to mix BTC_l_paradrop with BTC_detach_cargo. Also I was wondering with this line in =BTC=_logistic_init.sqf where BTC_l_paradrop is that I can put more than one chopper but I'm not sure how it should be set out.
  15. so um ... what is ur fix the the original code?
  16. so i launched my Arma 3, it's been about a week and a bit since I did and then I tried to join a wasteland server which i did but I was unable to play on it because the spawn loading screen was taking its time so i left and decided to exit the game but when i went to this picture came up .... I have no idea how this happened and I've got McAfee installed and everything!
  17. Lala14

    My game is hacked?

    yea i just read that entire thread but this isnt like any of the ones that have been showed in that thread but thanks.