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Everything posted by Lala14

  1. I believe this is the reload key. actionKeys "ReloadMagazine"; edit I should of read everyone's posts instead of just the main one .... :/
  2. _pack = unitBackpack player; //Player's backpack before parachute is added // replace the backpack by a parachute player addBackpack "B_Parachute"; sleep 1; deletevehicle _pack; //deletes player's backpack
  3. sorry to bring up this old thread but I'm trying to make a script (2 scripts currently) to attach the backpacks to the front of the player and switch animiations just like cobra4v320 has, the script that covra4v320 has made doesn't seem to want the player to attach the backpack to him and instead makes a lot of fps lag. So this is what the script should do, you walk up to something "this has an action on it" and you select Get Parachute. The script will execute and make your backpack drop and then give you a Parachute. Then the backpack on the ground will get the action to add to your hip. This seems not to work and as said before just makes a whole lot of FPS lag. scripts\halopack.sqf _pack = unitBackpack player; // replace the backpack by a parachute player addBackpack "B_Parachute"; sleep 2; hint format["%1 %2", position _pack, position player]; sleep 1; addeded = _pack addAction ["Attach Backpack to hip","scripts\halopack2.sqf"]; scripts\halopack2.sqf private ["_unit","_class","_packHolder"]; _unit = _this select 1; _class = _this select 0; removeAction addeded; player addAction ["Remove Backpack","deleteVehicle _packHolder"]; _packHolder = createVehicle ["groundWeaponHolder", [0,0,0], [], 0, "can_collide"]; //create an empty holder _packHolder addBackpackCargo [_class, 1]; //place your old backpack into the empty holder _packHolder attachTo [player,[-0.1,0.72,-0.03],"pelvis"]; //attach empty holder to unit _packHolder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,1,0]]; //set the vector and direction of the empty holder waitUntil {animationState _unit == "HaloFreeFall_non"}; //wait for the unit to go into the HaloFreeFall_non animation _packHolder attachTo [player,[-0.12,-0.02,-.74],"pelvis"]; //attach empty holder to unit _packHolder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,-1,-0.05],[0,0,-1]]; //set the vector and direction of the empty holder waitUntil {animationState _unit == "para_pilot"}; //wait for the unit to go into the para_pilot animation _packHolder attachTo [vehicle player,[-0.07,0.67,-0.13],"pelvis"]; //attach the empty holder to the new position _packHolder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,-0.2,-1],[0,1,0]]; //set the new vector direction waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit || getPos _unit select 2 < 1}; //wait until the unit is on the ground deleteVehicle _packHolder; //delete the temp backpack and empty holder I know that since the backpack has the action that the _class should be instead _this select 0 and the _unit should be _this select 1 but that doesn't fix anything :/
  4. I have a feeling that it "might" only work sometimes due to the fact that the code is executed before the AI have the lights on their guns. Reason I say this is that you are adding onto their guns the lights and they are not on their by default, I know that this does sound untrue but it could be the reason.
  5. Lala14

    HellCat template

    I would suggest you to use eliteness, one you have eliteness all you need to do is go to your ArmA 3 Directory and then go to AddOns folder and fine the air_f_epb.pbo and depbo it. Once the file is depboed there should be a folder created in the addons folder called air_f_epb. Just go through the folder and you should find the helicopter's textures and then just use it from there.
  6. actually, all u need to do is just make _leftRed = false and that will turn the siren off and what not
  7. Lala14

    addAction set to on

    Well to add the action to turn on the beacon's to the OFFROAD you would use this: Credit for Kylania for the codes this addAction ["Beacons On",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' < 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; this addAction ["Beacons Off",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",0]},[],51,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' > 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; this will add the action to allow for the beacon's to turn on and then once on the action to turn them off will come up, it will also only be available for the driver
  8. So I'm currently trying to remove an action for about 30 seconds then re-adding it, by the way I want to remove all actions from the item not just the single one! item's init: null = [this] execVM "scripts\skiptime.sqf"; skiptime.sqf time1 = _this select 0 addAction ["skip time +1",{skiptime 1; _myHint ="Time Skipped by 1 hours wait 30 seconds"; GlobalHint = _myHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hintsilent parseText _myHint; removeAllActions (_this select 0)}]; time3 = _this select 0 addAction ["skip time +3",{skiptime 3; _myHint ="Time Skipped by 3 hours wait 30 seconds"; GlobalHint = _myHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hintsilent parseText _myHint; removeAllActions (_this select 0)}]; time5 = _this select 0 addAction ["skip time +5",{skiptime 5; _myHint ="Time Skipped by 5 hours wait 30 seconds"; GlobalHint = _myHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hintsilent parseText _myHint; removeAllActions (_this select 0)}]; time7 = _this select 0 addAction ["skip time +7",{skiptime 7; _myHint ="Time Skipped by 7 hours wait 30 seconds"; GlobalHint = _myHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hintsilent parseText _myHint; removeAllActions (_this select 0)}];
  9. EF88 Austeyr/AUG A3:cool: ^ EF-88 ^ AUG A3 I don't really mind if you go with only one.
  10. Lala14

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    @Sakura_Chan, I have an idea, since this is "2035" I think that the C-130 atleast would have a GPS instead of that map that is inside in the cockpit, is it possible to use the PiP function to change that into a GPS?? That would be great I think.
  11. Thanks Larrow, I was just wanting to make it every 30 seconds because while I was reading up about the skipTime command apparently the server will refresh every 30 seconds, this is why I would like to make it sleep at the end. I might be incorrect but if the information is incorrect then I won't need the 30 second delay on removing the actions then returning them Sorry, I should have tested the script
  12. Yes I know that but I'm not at all too sure on how I can make it do what I want it to do, let alone make it remove 1 command and then return it. I was just wondering if its possible for me to add at the end like sleep 30; [] execVM "scripts\skiptime.sqf" but trying that won't work, I'm not at all too sure on how to make it execute a script with code along side it
  13. O.o you sure? well in that case there are some other respawn scripts around.
  14. Well the first question is what are you going to use to respawn it? You can ideally use the standard ArmA 3 respawner which is in modules > multiplayer > vehicle respawn 2nd question to make it respawn with AI you would want to put this in the expression of the vehicle respawn module createvehiclecrew (_this select 1) or createvehiclecrew (_this select 0) not to sure on which one will work and if it will work.
  15. Lala14

    addAction set to on

    u could instead turn the lights on the car through the init of it wait exactly what do u wan the AI to turn on?
  16. I think so. Maybe its just to make it fair so that its got a weakness somewhere ...
  17. I was looking on a way to disconnect a user from the uav through a command. I went on to the wiki and found this, connectTerminalToUav. I went on to try using this code but its not working :/ ["<t color='#680006'>Delete me!</t>", {false = player connectTerminalToUav (_this select 0); sleep 1; deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}] or ["<t color='#680006'>Delete me!</t>", {false = (_this select 1) connectTerminalToUav (_this select 0); sleep 1; deleteVehicle (_this select 0)}] I believe the issue is with connectTerminalToUav as before hand when deleting the vehicle it was fine, the only issue was that once the vehicle is deleted you are frozen up and can't do anything, even respawning would not help but instead you would have to reconnect to the server to fix the issue
  18. I'm guessing you want to add more rounds to the tank, setVehicleAmmo will only set it to the default setup of the tank which is 32 APFSDS-T, 16 HE-T and 2000 6.5 lmg ammo. If you want to add more just add the following to the tank. this addMagazineTurret ["16Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]]; //<-- this adds 16 HE rounds this addMagazineTurret ["30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]]; //<-- this adds 30 HE rounds this addMagazineTurret ["2000Rnd_65x39_Belt",[0]]; this addMagazineTurret ["32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Red",[0]]; Please note that you will have to reload again after the amount of default ammo is emptied, also if you want more then keep adding the same things that you want again and again. Also just incase I'm wrong and you want to use setVehicleAmmo use: this setVehicleAmmo 1; EDIT: I just noticed that setVehicleAmmo is not working :/
  19. thanks for the help max but still this won't be able to bend the image onto the vehicle (MH-9)
  20. So as title says I was wondering on attaching an image to a vehicle but making it attach like the squad images. So far I've been adding it manually and now that I have come to the xH-9 the image is hovering off and not automatically forming to the sides. Ill post a picture soon of what I'm talking about for those not understanding of my current issue.
  21. In the latest update I can't do AddDoors, addFLIR or AddCivilian_hide and many more. I can remove the benches and addtred_short anyone help? this animate ["addDoors",1]; this animate ["addBackseats",1]; this animate ["addTread",0]; this animate ["addBenches",0]; this animate ["addCivilian_hide",1]; {this lockCargo [_x,true]} forEach[2,3,4,5];
  22. Just a heads up John about the new command that should be added in the stable branch soon, setObjectTextureGlobal. It's already added in the dev build.
  23. thanks mattar! I was looking around there but could not find it but! with your help and the name which is "crystal" I found the one on the HEMTT! "\A3\Data_F\red_crystal_ca.paa"
  24. With VAS if you create your own class it will also give you the option to load with the class every time your respawn