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Everything posted by kwmx

  1. Update* I have tried this first set the donators shop place class Item186 { position[]={2845.6724,70.028252,9776.9541}; name="vipareaname"; text="VIP DONATORS SHOP"; type="mil_warning"; colorName="ColorOrange"; a=0.60000002; b=0.60000002; }; then the teleporting thing class Item39 { position[]={2845.6724,70.028252,9776.9541}; a=30; b=30; angle=129.856; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this && vehicle player in thislist && !((getPlayerUID vehicle player) in donatorlevel4) && !((getPlayerUID vehicle player) in adminlevel4) && (getPos vehicle player select 2) < 10;"; expActiv="vehicle player setDir 225;vehicle player setVelocity [0, 0, 0]; vehicle player setpos (getmarkerpos ""notvip""); hint ""Donate >$10 for VIP access!"";"; class Effects { }; }; then the notvip position (where they get teleported to) class Item350 { position[]={4415.4849,77.724304,19493.969}; name="notvip"; type="Empty"; }; the problem is, nothing is happening as if I was a donator getting in
  2. Hi, I been working on my TLR server for a VIP donators shop I have everything set except for teleporting non donators out of the area I already have them as donator7 so I'm trying to add the command and i tried it like this a=100; b=100; angle=29.750601; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="this && vehicle player in thislist && !((getPlayerUID vehicle player) in donator7) && (getPos vehicle player select 2) < 10;"; expActiv="vehicle player setDir 225;vehicle player setVelocity [0, 0, 0]; vehicle player setpos (getmarkerpos ""civarea""); hint ""Donate $10 or more for VIP access!"";"; and it isn't working I would be thankful if you can help me
  3. When do you think it will be released ?
  4. You can change the money by going to bankvariables.sqf ****** = the amount you want As for stopping the server go to the file server_oa.cfg And find this line replace with
  5. hello I just wanted to know how to edit the game rules and the team speak address in the map