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Everything posted by Gattobuono

  1. Gattobuono

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    Agree with all points, especially the buzzy flies around freshly dead bodies, I'd get rid of that. Plus, the original BI ambient sounds are much more authentic for a southern Mediterranean setting, e.g. the chirruping of the cicali and other insects (I know because I live in a similar environment). ---------- Post added at 19:42 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ---------- I'll try that thanks :-)
  2. Gattobuono

    Speed Of Sound Pure

    Yes, same problem here, no radio.
  3. Gattobuono

    SAMO Squad Action Menu Orders

    = yes - with the yellow semi sphere I could place it quite precisely, e.g. behind a wall 200m away, or in an angle between two walls 75m away, because the semi sphere started off medium size when it was close to you and got smaller as you moved it further away, plus you could actually see it's position on the ground.The read circle, on the other hand is enormous when it's close to you and as you move it away, although it gets smaller it is always imprecise because it doesn't indicate the exact spot on the ground where you want your guys to move, it kind of floats in the air. With the yellow semi sphere I can seek out a safe strategic position where I want to send my squad ahead of me and do so quite precisely, but with the red circle I never know where they're going to end up. It's just a vague direction, and they often end up in a pretty exposed place, or only move 50m instead of 100m because there is no way of gauging the distance, it's pretty much guess work. That being said, the red circle is definitely better for a 'suppress' or 'look in that direction' order because those are more generic directions rather than precise points. I have ended up using SAMO for suppress and watch, and the old fashioned vanilla way for telling the squad where to go, which isn't exactly ideal. For me, the ideal would be that when you choose the generic look or suppress commands you have the red circle, and when you choose 'disperse there' you have the semi sphere that sits on the ground. I don't know if that's possible, but I don't think a one size fits all marker is very effective right now. Of course, it's still a zillion times better than the vanilla commands, and I'm sure it will continue to improve! :-)
  4. Gattobuono

    SAMO Squad Action Menu Orders

    This latest version is looking fantastic, exactly what I've always wanted in Arma. Spacebar command doesn't seem to work even though the config gives: samo_config_keyA = {samo_key = 57;}; //http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ListOfKeyCodes. The key-code for 57 is given as spacebar! Will give further feedback when I've used it a bit more. Thanks :-) After 30-40 minutes playing with this version: The read circle for directing suppression is much better than the yellow semi-circle of before, but is extremely difficult to use to direct your squad when you want them to disperse somewhere. Can't gauge the distances. The spamming 'hold fire' command is gone, but now my squad gets stuck in hold fire mode even when I order them to go hot. I resorted to the stock menu, told them to open fire, but as soon as I personally fired a shot it gave the hold fire command again, kind of the opposite to what it should do! Had to exit the mission and restart completely. Hope you find this feedback helpful. You're definitely heading in the right direction.
  5. Gattobuono


    Grazie ...those stupid shouts are such an immersion breaker, I'll be glad to see the back of them!
  6. Gattobuono

    Ambient Combat Sound

    Thanks, I'll give that a try with the updated script :-)
  7. Gattobuono

    Ambient Combat Sound

    Could you please give me a clear step by step walkthrough of how to do this. Thanks
  8. Gattobuono

    Weapon recoild camera shake mod

    I'd also like to know this, thanks.
  9. Gattobuono

    SAMO Squad Action Menu Orders

    I always have CBA installed so no problems here.
  10. Gattobuono

    SAMO Squad Action Menu Orders

    Personally, I'd much rather have the key easily accessible to my left hand. Delete means either letting go of the mouse or reaching across the keyboard with left hand and trying to hit the correct key. Either of them would mean looking down at the keyboard. In a firefight I try not to take my eyes off the screen ;-)
  11. Gattobuono

    SAMO Squad Action Menu Orders

    This is vital, we really need a simple intuitive way to bypass all those clumsy default key presses and get the job done!
  12. froggyluv, here's the config from GL5: // ============================================================== // GL5 Force Move: // ============================================================== // Choose if the "Force Move" feature should be used. // Note: This feature gives the player the ability to force specific units of his group to move to his or any specific position. // Warning: After forcing units of a player group to move the units will totally ignore each enemy and dangerous event. obviously not ideal! However, what really interests me is the MOVE FAST command, because even units that are forced to move are way too slow. P.S. This unresolved issue feedback explains the problem perfectly, worth reading: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3920
  13. Gattobuono

    SAMO Squad Action Menu Orders

    I can confirm that this has happened to me as well. I've also had a kind of loop playing a voice command after ordering suppression, saying something like '3, 5, hold fire', '3, 5, hold fire', '3, 5, hold fire', ad infinitum until I exited. It's only happened a couple of times though. I kind of had the impression there was a conflict between commands I gave in the normal way and commands given through SAMO?
  14. I've been playing around with the latest version that includes suppression and I'm really impressed. I mentioned above the suppression in OFDR and OFRR, what I really liked in those games was the ability to very quickly mark where I wanted the suppression laid down directly on the map. Just to refresh your memory: you find yourself up against a bunch of enemies, your squad spots them and they appear on the map. For me the most effective strategy for moving up is to perform a bounding manoeuvre. I open the map, right click on the targets I want suppressed, and from the resulting menu choose 'suppress'. My (AI)team suppresses and I move up to the next cover. I then take over the suppression role and get my AI team to bound to a position of cover close to me ... I then repeat the procedure, and gradually advance on the enemy. So, I guess what I really miss in Arma is that ability to quickly open the map, mark for suppression, close map, move up, etc. etc. Re the action menu, probably a key press rather than the mouse wheel would be more intuitive in some ways because the mouse wheel menu is a bit small and fiddly. E.g. I'd really like to have the 'other infantry commands' visible straight away instead of having to scroll down click, scroll down and select, which can be a little to time consuming and clumsy in a firefight. And while I'm at it ;-) ... something else that I really miss from OF is the ability to give a 'move fast' command. In OFDR I can click on the map and choose between MOVE and MOVE FAST. The AI in Arma move way too slowly, especially if they are 'stuck' in combat mode. It's too laborious to go through the menu telling them to stand up, move etc. only to find them stopping at every bush or rock on the way. What I'd really like is something like a 'RUN THE FUCK TO POSITION X' command! I don't know if this is at all possible in Arma? Obviously, this is just my personal feedback. I know that a lot of Arma fans scorn OFDR and RR, but I personally love them. The game mechanics are really well thought out, commands are intuitive, and AI perform much better than in ARMA. But I also know that the lack of moddability in those games is very limiting, especially in RR which doesn't have an editor. Your mod has taken me a step closer to getting that OFDR feeling in Arma :-)
  15. Gattobuono

    SAMO Squad Action Menu Orders

    Please keep it as simple and intuitive as possible, thanks.
  16. Mikey74, firstly, fantastic work you're doing here, thanks. I just wanted to point out a small typo in the user config: AISS_killed_min = 60; //// Minimum amount of time before game deletes soldiers. It doubles for vehicles. AISS_killed_max = 120; //// Minimum amount of time before game deletes soldiers. It doubles for vehicles. surely the second line should read: Maximum amount of time before game deletes soldiers. It doubles for vehicles.?
  17. Mikey74, suppression is something really fundamental for squad work that should have been in the game for a long time. It'd be a dream come true if you get it working! Are you familiar with the suppression system in Operation Flashpoint DR and RR? Perhaps it could give you some inspiration. It's incredibly effective, and I feel lost without it in Arma when I'm commanding a squad. Keep up the great work.
  18. Gattobuono

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Sounds like a great update ... off to test it out, thanks.
  19. Gattobuono

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    It doesn't seem to matter what you press, it's impossible to regain any control over your team once the scripts have kicked in. I just hear myself, as team/squad leader, endlessly give obscure commands to my men, which means, as someone noted above, zero tactics. Unfortunately, due to this 'bug' I'm leaning towards not using this mod for the time being, because it gets pretty frustrating having no control, and annoying hearing 'myself' giving endless commands. It's a real shame, because apart from this problem I really like your scripts. I'll keep an eye on this thread and if you manage to come up with a fix I'll certainly start using them again. Thanks for all the work you're doing to improve the horrible Arma AI :-)
  20. Gattobuono

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Okay, I'll try that. A simple intuitive command dialog menu would be great, perhaps like a scaled down version of Drongo's Toolkit. I like the Toolkit but it still has too many variants on commands for quick intuitive use in the heat of battle. Something scaled back to the bare essentials would be fantastic. :-) Edit: just did a bit more testing and unfortunately there's no way (that I've found) to regain control over my team. Once the scripts have triggered they obstinately continue to do their own thing and I can hear them being given orders continuously. e.g. 8 move 100m, 6 move 100m, 3 move 200m left ... and so on. I have zero control over what they do. However, combat is still way better with this mod, and I seem to get no frame rate hit, unlike all other AI mods that I've used. If you can resolve the command mode problem this will definitely be a must have mod.
  21. Gattobuono

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I've been testing this in SP and I have to say it's by far the best AI mod I've tried ... and I've tried them all! The only problem that I'm having is that when I'm leading a squad or team they refuse to regroup once their 'combat instincts', i.e. the scripts, have kicked in, even if there are no enemies left alive they just keep doing their own thing. Perhaps we need a way of cancelling or overriding the script to take back the reins when necessary. It would be great to have this as a mod though. Please do it if you can. Thanks, Gattobuono
  22. Gattobuono

    Would you pay for "modern warfare" dlc

    I hardly consider it selfish to expect good quality content and good performance. I think you'll find that the majority of complaints about Arma 3 are based upon: poor optimisation, especially in multi-player, lack of content, bad AI, and clumsy UI. These should be at the very foundation of the game, they should be a given, and other expansions should build upon that foundation. Just because BI jolly you all along with their phoney sitreps, spotreps, or whatever you want to call them doesn't make then the greatest game developers. I personally would never pay for a DLC unless the fundamental flaws in the game are ironed out. If the game ran smoothly, had good AI and a more intuitive UI, then I might consider paying for an expansion.
  23. Gattobuono

    Would you pay for "modern warfare" dlc

    Sorry, is that meant to be a joke? ... I hope so!
  24. Gattobuono

    ArmA3 performance survey

    Absolutely, 30 fps is not smooth in this game, it's a twitchy 30 fps that kills immersion. I just find it frustrating to have these beautiful huge islands to play on that are totally useless because with anything more than a handful of AI and a bit of intense firefight action frame rates become horrible ... the game feels so rough, and it kills my interest. I'd rather have a smaller combat area with a more optimised engine, especially for the ai. By now, I know it will never happen though.
  25. I don't agree, the head-shot phenomenon began for me after the previous patch when they change AI difficulty settings. I hardly ever get wounded any more, just instant death from a head-shot, very often at ridiculously long ranges. This is NOT how it was before that patch. For me this game is only playable with mods such as TRW fall, Mao bullet damage, and GL5. Vanilla is pretty bad.