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Everything posted by k0rd

  1. Yes, exactly, although I'm not sure if you can use numbers in function names.
  2. So here is what I would do in intel2.sqf, at the top - replace _id = _this select 2; (_this select 0) removeaction (_this select 2); with _id = _this select 2; _netid = netID (_this select 0); [[_netid,_id],"FNC_DOSEARCH",true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; Then in init.sqf, you will want to write the function FNC_DOSEARCH={ _objID = _this select 0; _actID = _this select 1; _obj = objectFromNetID _objID; _obj removeAction _actID; hint "Your Tasks have been updated"; [ west, ["taskDestroycache", "The Enemy Stached some weapons in Tsoukalie. According to the documents found it supports Camp Maxwell and Air Station Mike-26. If we can Destroy the Cache the enemy will be weakend giving us a strategic advantage." ,"Destroy Weapons Cache", "", "assigned"] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; }; you will want to remove that last bit from your intel2.sqf too The basic concept here is that once called, the function FNC_DOSEARCH will run for every jip client (and every client currently connected) - I'm not sure how the FHQ_TT_addTasks function works - so this might not be something you want in the function, but you should have enough information now to do what you are trying to do. Let me know how it turns out :)
  3. hey - VAS is a great tool :) I'm new to the arma world, and got sucked into mission creating and scripting. The problem is, there are still some things that I don't quite get with syncing MP stuff. I was hoping you could help me. In the mission I'm working on, you can call for ammo drops in the field. It's kind of generic, I spawn an MH9 far away, create a waypoint near the player who called it, a scripted waypoint to spawn the box and add the action for VAS to it, and a waypoint to fly away. It works great, except for the fact that the action only gets attached for the person who called the box. I'm thinking I probably could have used the recently removed setvehicleinit stuff to propagate the added action to all players, but now that isn't an option. Is there a way to do this easily? [edit] I was able to achieve this by making a small function to add the action inside of init.sqf, then passing the netid of the ammobox to the function on the clients with BIS_fnc_MP - if anyone else is stuck doing something like this let me know and I'll be glad to help!
  4. k0rd

    [MP/COOP/60] Combat Patrol Generator

    Hi, just created an account to say thanks for making this mission - really fun!