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About WinstonSmith

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    Private First Class

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  1. WinstonSmith

    UKGZ A3Wasteland Takistan Server

    Server has been migrated to a new box. Updated ip&port address
  2. WinstonSmith

    UKGZ A3Wasteland Takistan Server

    New MINIMUM requirements and allowed addons.
  3. UKGZ A3Wasteland Takistan server with full AiA support. Love the Takistan lighting. Keep up the great work
  4. WinstonSmith

    UKGZ A3Wasteland Takistan Server

    Now with full AllinArma Support :D
  5. UKGZ ArmA 3 A3Wasteland Server Mission Features: *3 Factions to fight against *Random missions (Main + side + Money etc) *Capture territories *Revive *Random and selectable spawn locations including purchasing spawn beacons. Custom features: *Mag Repack *Ear plugs(ability to lower game volume by 50% with a single mouse wheel option) Server Features: *Accelerated Day/Night cycle *Persistent Database *Player save by hitting escape key *Base save by "locking" building items with the mouse wheel. *Purchasable and Winnable vehicles are persistent until destroyed or left unused for 2 days. *More server features to be confirmed. UKGZ forum: www.uk-gaming-zone.co.uk Server can be found when you search for UKGZ IP+port: To check it out you will need a copy of AllinArma Terrain pack, the MINIMUM requirements are the terrain pack LITE (Low quality textures) at 1.9gb download. For the best experience grab the full terrain pack at an eye watering 6.4gb. Anyone using AllinArma standalone or standalone LITE will also be able to join the server. Note: If you are installing the mod manually please be aware you will also need the latest patch. @AllInArmaTerrainPack We recommend the use of PlaywithSIX to manage all your A3 mods. PlaywithSIX: http://play.withsix.com/ If you are using PlaywithSix you can add one of the following links to add a custom repository, where you will be able to toggle optional mods on or off. This method also allows direct connection to the server. Minimum requirements: pws://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/118607055/UKGZ_A3W_Takistan/Minimum/config.yml Best Experience: pws://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/118607055/UKGZ_A3W_Takistan/Best/config.yml Optional allowed addons: VTS Weapon Resting
  6. Great work Meatball n co. Can I make a suggestion? I would like to see a snow only version minus the rain for winter maps. My current mission is using A3MP, Thirsk (Winter), Massi's UK special forces and Russian spetnaz, my custom Arctic Hunter pack(Unreleased) and now your random weather script. Looks great http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q706/WinstonSmith81/arma32014-02-0920-48-15-63_zpsff4ef365.png (583 kB)
  7. WinstonSmith

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Public A3Wasteland Chernarus hosted by UKGZ www.UK-Gaming-Zone.co.uk requires [A3MP]. Congrats to Alduric and co on a great job so far.
  8. WinstonSmith

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Great mod keep up the good work. Testing our server with Team Wasteland's A3Wasteland code and A3MP on Chernarus. Looks fantastic :)
  9. WinstonSmith

    [SCRIPT]Basic killticker

    Hi, first off I'd like to thank the author I really like this script, but this thread seems to have gone a little cold but I thought I'd share my edited code. I have managed to get it to work with the GlobalChat format so it now appears in the bottom left hand corner. How to use: place the following code in you mission init.sqf null = execVM "killTicker.sqf"; Then place a rabbit found under side:Ambient life within the mission editor somewhere on the map. Name it observer and add this allowdamage false to the rabbits initialization box. Be sure to use the edited code below, I have also added the Kill Weapon and distance. Enjoy :cool: killTicker.sqf tlq_killTicker = { _this addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled',{ _unit = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; _newKill = [_unit,_killer]; if (count tlq_killArray > 100) then {tlq_killArray = []}; tlq_killArray set [count tlq_killArray,_newKill call tlq_parseKill]; [] spawn tlq_killList; if (player == _killer) then {_newKill spawn tlq_killPopUp}; } ]; }; tlq_parseKill = { _line = ""; _killerName = ""; _victimName = ""; _killerString = ""; _victimString = ""; _killerColor = "#99D5FF"; _victimColor = "#99D5FF"; _victim = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; if (!(isplayer _killer)) then { _killerName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1",typeOf _killer] >> "Displayname"); if(vehicle _killer != _killer) then {_killerName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1 crew",typeof vehicle _killer] >> "Displayname")}; }else{_killerName = name _killer}; if (!(isplayer _victim)) then { _victimName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1",typeOf _victim] >> "Displayname"); if(vehicle _victim != _victim) then {_victimName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1 crew",typeof vehicle _victim] >> "Displayname")}; }else{_victimName = name _victim}; if ((_killer==player) or (_killer == vehicle player)) then { _killerColor = "#ffff00"; //yellow } else { _killerColor = side group _killer call BIS_fnc_sideColor; _r = _killerColor select 0; _g = _killerColor select 1; _b = _killerColor select 2; _killerColor = [_r+0.1,_g+0.1,_b+0.1]; _killerColor = _killerColor call BIS_fnc_colorRGBtoHTML; }; if (_victim==player) then { _victimColor = "#ffff00"; //yellow } else { _victimColor = side group _victim call BIS_fnc_sideColor; _r = _victimColor select 0; _g = _victimColor select 1; _b = _victimColor select 2; _victimColor = [_r+0.1,_g+0.1,_b+0.1]; _victimColor = _victimColor call BIS_fnc_colorRGBtoHTML; }; _killerString = format[_killerName]; _victimString = format[_victimName]; _killweapon = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> format ["%1",currentWeapon _killer] >> "displayname"); _dist = round (_victim distance _killer); //the line which shows the final formatted kill _line = switch(true) do { case(_killer == _victim): {observer globalchat format ["%1 killed themselves",_killerString]}; case(isNull _killer): {observer globalchat format ["Bad luck for %1",_victimString]}; default {observer globalchat format ["%1 killed %2 with %3 from %4 meters",_killerString,_victimString,_killWeapon,_dist]}; }; _line; }; tlq_killPopUp = { _victim = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; _victimName = ""; _victimString = ""; _victimColor = "#99D5FF"; if (!(isplayer _victim)) then { _victimName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1",typeOf _victim] >> "Displayname"); if(vehicle _victim != _victim) then {_victimName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1 crew",typeof vehicle _victim] >> "Displayname")}; }else{_victimName = name _victim}; _victimColor = (side group _victim call BIS_fnc_sideColor) call BIS_fnc_colorRGBtoHTML; _victimString = format["<t color='%1'>%2</t>",_victimColor,_victimName]; _line = if ((_killer == player) and (_victim == player)) then { "<t size='0.5'>You killed yourself</t>"; } else { format ["<t size='0.5'>You killed %1</t>",_victimString]; }; [_line,0,0.8,2,0,0,7017] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; }; tlq_killList = { //flush kills and show most recent if (time - tlq_killTime > 37) then { tlq_displayedKills = []; }; tlq_displayedKills set [count tlq_displayedKills, tlq_killArray select (count tlq_killArray - 1)]; _tickerText = ""; _c = 0; for "_i" from (count tlq_displayedKills) to 0 step -1 do{ _c = _c + 1; _tickerText = format ["%1<br />%2",tlq_displayedKills select _i,_tickerText]; if (_c > 8) exitWith{}; }; hintsilent parsetext _tickerText; //["<t size='0.4' align='right'>" + _tickerText + "</t>",safeZoneX,safeZoneY,10,0,0,7016] call bis_fnc_dynamicText; tlq_killTime = time; }; //declare global variables tlq_killArray = []; tlq_displayedKills = []; tlq_killTime = 0; //start kill registration for player if (!isNull player) then { player spawn tlq_killTicker; }; if (isServer) then { //ai { if (!(isPlayer _x)) then { _x spawn tlq_killTicker}; } forEach allUnits; };
  10. WinstonSmith

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Great script, it may already be possible or maybe an idea for the future but I'd like to be able to spawn civilians and ambient life. There is a great ambient civilian mod already available but its designed for SP. Keep up the great work.
  11. We have been using your Civ's and EBS mod on our A3 dedicated server for some time now. Just wanted to report some findings that may be helpful in the future for dedi compatability. The civ's spawn around the first player to join the server as intended but they won't spawn around other players on other parts of the map. I realise that the mod is created for sp but we like to play small coop missions so we stick together and the mod works really well and no one notices the current limitations. Things that work on a dedi server: walking civs, cars, boats, animals. Unfortunately I can't confirm if the ambient helicopters work, as of yet I haven't noticed any(might have been too focused on nailing the bad guys :p ). Only strange thing to report would be the animals.... We've seen various dogs, goats, chickens and sheep all walking about but we have also seen phantom shadows of sheep and if memory serves me a shadow of a cow but I've not seen any cows in game. Keep up the good work. UKGZ www.uk-gaming-zone.co.uk
  12. WinstonSmith

    Escape Chernarus (Mission Release)

    First off thanks Engima for this fantastic mission, I enjoyed it so much I've started a port for Taviana island. Your port tools have made it a nice easy process so far :s If I don't find any game breaking bugs I will release to the public. Anyone interested in testing you will need Taviana island and filter for UKGZ. More details found at www.uk-gaming-zone.co.uk
  13. WinstonSmith

    Helocast with boats script

    Test script with " this addaction [heli1] etc" but no joy on dedicated server with live players :(
  14. WinstonSmith

    Helocast with boats script

    Thanks for your help on this Helice, I have put in the recommended changes and we now have boats when I call the script via the "addaction" option, but players are not ejecting from the chopper.
  15. WinstonSmith

    Helocast with boats script

    Yes we use a dedicated server, like I said in previous post the script works in the editor just fine but as soon as it is on the dedicated server nothing... As I understand it the addaction works locally but does not broadcast to all the other clients. The code I quoted is put into the choppers innit. In the editor if I call the action when over land I get "We aren't over water". When I call the action when at the correct altitude and speed over water I get "Green light" and the troops are dropped out of the chopper. The launch parameters given with the script worked if I added it to a radio trigger but I didn't test it fully to see if it would drop the boats. I think the [1] in the parameters refers to who is able to see the addaction but I'm sure. I will try some different variations to call the boats in the editor and report back.