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Posts posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. 1 hour ago, Grumpy Old Man said:


    It's also kind of self defeating if you advertise dynamic loadout for armed aircraft, toss a full sized aircraft carrier on top of that, yet there's no vanilla way mid mission to dynamically change the loadout...




    why pay a dev to do it when unpaid modders will do it for them? :)

  2. 4 hours ago, Jigglyy said:

    I made a server but I myself am not allowed to play due to "Imperfect Connection", I think this is because of my high ping and I am not sure how to disable it or lower the IP thing.

    The server is hosted in the USA while I'm European, this is mostly for a bunch of friends, help, please?


    Edit: After looking through the RPT file I don't think the ping is the issue, I'll upload it for the more savvy people to see what's wrong




    Issue resolved, was related to microsoft redistributable .dll files missing.


    21 hours ago, Imperator[TFD] said:

    I know you've been working your arse off on this so congrats on the release mate.


    Thanks yep, took awhile to get it out the door :) Could have published in October but it would have been unusable for others, and also of course bugs to fix and some polish was required.

    • Thanks 1

  3. 7 hours ago, ezremake said:

    I figured I would write something to evenly distribute the AI load onto the players.


    This will kill your session due to bandwidth choke.


    Proper headless client needs to be on same machine as server with local connection.


    I have tested distributed systems on busy servers (45+ players), and the result is catastrophic collapse of client FPS and network stability. Server FPS will be high but the session is unplayable.

  4. you have time to learn oop, some c++ and some javascript before arma 4 gets released ;)


    hopefully they are going to work on playable content and not leave it up to unpaid modders to design modes! things are generally better when done by the dev team with the tools and internal access they have.

  5. 15 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:


    You mean some kind of center position of multiple positions?

    Just handle positions as vectors, add all of them together then divide by the amount of vectors:


    _array = [position1,position2,position3];//your array holding positions
    _getcenterposition = [0,0,0];
    	_getcenterposition = _x vectorAdd _getcenterposition;
    } foreach _array;
    _vectorcount = count _array;
    _getcenterposition params ["_centerX","_centerY","_centerZ"];
    _center = [(_centerX / _vectorcount),(_centerY / _vectorcount),(_centerZ / _vectorcount)];




    Heres a universal method in arma to calculate centroid




    example use:


    _positions = [
    _centroid = _positions call QS_fnc_geomPolygonCentroid;



    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1

  6. Updated to 1.0.6

    Beta is over! Thank you, soldiers!

    Change Log:

    [ADDED] AI Vehicle "Unstuck" logic.
    [ADDED] AI enemy rally point logic for depleted groups.
    [ADDED] Viper team logic (Classic + Sector Control).
    [ADDED] AI enemy vehicle repair logic.
    [ADDED] Random pylon loadouts on enemy helicopters and some jets (at random).
    [ADDED] Battleye filters.
    [ADDED] New enemy group config (ar team).
    [TWEAKED] Default mission.sqm file is no longer used, only Custom is necessary.
    [TWEAKED] Defend mission (Classic AO) AI overhaul.
    [TWEAKED] AI regrouping fixed & improved.
    [TWEAKED] AI driving (wheeled vehicles) tweaked and improved.
    [TWEAKED] AI infantry patrol logic tweaked and improved.
    [TWEAKED] AI Fire mission (UAV bomb) tweaked and improved.
    [TWEAKED] AI Fire mission (Mortar) tweaked and improved.
    [TWEAKED] Plane service takes 20 extra seconds.
    [TWEAKED] Classic AO sub-objective randomization.
    [TWEAKED] AI enemy CAS.
    [TWEAKED] AI info-sharing extended.
    [TWEAKED] Enemy vehicle weapon-downgrade now randomized instead of all the time.
    [TWEAKED] AI enemy UAVs were not behaving properly when given a fire mission.
    [TWEAKED] AI enemy CAS/UAVs were diving too low when dropping bombs in some cases.
    [TWEAKED] More enemy jets will spawn when players have 2+ jets in the air.
    [TWEAKED] Enemy jet spawn tempo increased when defend mission is active.
    [TWEAKED] Enemy vehicle slingloading was not working well.
    [FIXED] AI enemy CAS was not spawning when player count > 15.
    [FIXED] AI enemy CAS force-spawn override was not working.
    [FIXED] AI enemy backpack drones were spawning too far from AO.
    [FIXED] CRV Bobcat can now clean up large wrecks like Blackfish.
    [FIXED] Vehicle-in-Vehicle loading from Towing was not preventing incompatible load attempts (ex: Taru pod to Blackfish).
    [FIXED] Vehicle-in-Vehicle + Towing could be exploited to daisy-chain vehicles.
    [FIXED] AI vehicle 'evasive dismount' logic was interfering with their ability to reclaim the vehicle after it was repaired/unstuck.
    [FIXED] Side mission reward aircraft could sometimes have air-to-ground missiles.
    [FIXED] Screen blur on respawn after dying in freefall animation.
    [FIXED] AI enemy CAS rearm delay was using wrong time measurement.
    [FIXED] Enemy reinforcements (classic AO) were constrained by wrong unit-cap measurement.
    [FIXED] AO illumination was not going to next AO after a defend mission.
    [FIXED] Live-Feed screen was not present in Custom SQM file.

    • Like 2

  7. 7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

    Well it sums up to this (mild Apex spoiler):

    Chemlight in Alpha:

      Hide contents




    Chemlight in current devbranch:

      Hide contents






    UGL Flare during alpha:

      Hide contents






    Recent 82mm mortar flare illumination using a whopping !9! flares:

      Hide contents








    Flares and chemlights worked well during alpha.

    Shortly after release the darkness of nights has been tweaked,

    which rendered flares and chemlights almost useless, they still gave some illumination.


    The illumination basically died with the visual "overhaul" of the apex DLC,

    which caused both flares and chemlights to give off effectively no light.

    Official BI Apex mission that has enemy fire flare is using a script to fake the illumination for the flare because the lighting system is a mess, yet the devs claim all flares are a "signalling" flare despite having worked fine during alpha

    yet somehow also 82mm mortar and 155mm howitzer flares are also not illuminating anything


    The only thing hinting at a "signalling flare" is the 6rnd starter pistols mag entry for displayName: "6Rnd Signal Cylinder (Green)"

    Now the utterly ridiculous thing is, the 6rnd starter pistol flares are the only flare rounds currently in game that actually give off any visible illumination, talk about inconsistencies here...

    On top of that in real life the ONLY difference between signal flares and illumination flares is that signal flares have no parachute, other than that it's the same charge...

    Starter pistol flare illumination:

      Reveal hidden contents








    Modern day military barely has any use for signalling flares since there's other means of communication (Radio, GPS, Laser target designation, etc.).

    Illumination rounds though are frequently used.


    Some folks claimed the current state of flares is intentional, basically all the above points contradict it




    Here is when they broke the brightness of light-emitting objects (flares, chemlights, fires, etc).




    prior to then they worked fine


    unfortunately the marketing shills/"ambassadors" in the BI community always bat away criticism and say things like "its intentional, learn to play with it". result is its been broken for so long no one cares anymore.

    • Like 4

  8. basically this sort of code structure


    // Server init
    _globalLightpoints = [];
    for '_x' from 0 to 9 step 1 do {
    	_globalLightpoints pushBack (createVehicle ['#lightpoint',[-100,-100,-100],[],0,'NONE']);
    missionnamespace setvariable ['global_lightpoints',_globalLightpoints,TRUE];


    // Player init
    player addEventHandler [
    		params ['','','','','','','_projectile'];
    		// check for available lightpoints
    		private _available_lightpoint = objnull;
    			if (((_x distance2D [-100,-100,-100]) < 10) || (isNull (attachedTo _x))) exitWith {
    				_available_lightpoint = _x;
    		} foreach global_lightpoints;
    		if (isNull _available_lightpoint) then {
    			// theres no available recycled lightpoints, either tough luck or create one here
    			// _available_lightpoint = createvehicle ['#lightpoint',......];
    		if (!isNull _available_lightpoint) then {
    			_available_lightpoint attachTo _projectile;
    			// setlightbrightness and stuff
    			[_projectile,_available_lightpoint] spawn {
    				params ['_projectile','_available_lightpoint'];
    				waitUntil {(isnull _projectile)};
    				if (_available_lightpoint in global_lightpoints) then {
    					_available_lightpoint setpos [-100,-100,-100];
    					// reset light brightness and stuff, ready for next use
    				} else {
    					deletevehicle _available_lightpoint;


    • Like 2

  9. 13 hours ago, esfumato said:

    I don't believe that replicating a battlefield MP game mode could be that hard to do in arma 3.


    what sort of mode? like say, conquest?


    I just haven't seen a frequently played ArmA 3 mission that doesn't have many many man-hours of labor behind it.


    Like from scratch, even small script like magazine repack/combine can take a number of hours.




    Scripting entire mode, and making it work everytime, bug free, fun, balanced, maintained through arma updates, and able to hold the attention of a server of players, SQL database construction (players expect persistence now) ... Speaking in numbers, I just don't see any from-scratch big scale gamemode taking under 2000 dev hours, even from already reasonably skilled dev(s), and reasonably skilled at arma modding means already hundreds and thousands of hours experience.


    If you look at mode like Exile, probably there was ~2500+ hours put in by the original dev team, and their is considered bare-bones compared to the versions of Exile that are played on servers now.

    • Like 1

  10. thanks, yeah i was looking for way to reference the already existing light source.


    I also tested nearestobjects for "#lightpoint", near the flare. no luck. 


    sort of like this




    					if (!isNull _x) then {
    						_fire = _x;
    						if (!isNil {_fire getVariable 'effects'}) then {
    								if ((typeOf _x) isEqualTo '#lightpoint') then {
    									_x setLightBrightness 2.75;
    									_x setLightAmbient [1,0.28,0.05];
    									_x setLightColor [1,0.28,0.05];
    									_x setLightAttenuation [3,4,6,0.0125,5,600];
    							} count (_fire getVariable 'effects');
    				} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable 'QS_fires');



    have we tried just directly using the "setLight..." commands on the projectile itself?

  11. 16 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:


    Oh well, flaregate...

    Got a similar weird explanation for choppers no longer using lights during landing/takeoff and "SAFE" behavior, since A3 came out.

    In arma 2 it worked fine.




    speaking of flares, do you know if its possible to reference the lightpoint created by the flare object? like for burning wrecks there is an "effects" variable where the light/smoke is stored. cant find any such thing for flares

  12. 19 hours ago, esfumato said:


    The thing is, that is not needed a big modification, just a few good designed multiplayer game modes that use the potential of all the assets of Arma 3.


    >The thing is, that is not needed a big modification, just a few good designed multiplayer game modes that use the potential of all the assets of Arma 3.


    If it were easy there'd be lots of them, it must not be so easy ;)


    Look at the top modes by popularity, all have many thousands of man hours put into design/build/maintain/balance.

  13. BIS changed it, and then defended the change afterwards.


    Don't matter that in config its: 




    BIS has changed it to signal flare.


    Its also not so simple/efficient to change it via scripting, only good way is with mod/addon.

    • Like 1

  14. 16 hours ago, esfumato said:

    Also, I don't know why in Arma community each modder have his own version of a mission instead of cooperating with missions that are already done and have servers running. In EUTW is GIPPO alone developing the mission, it have 4 servers and have a hard time to fill just 2 of them, maybe some help to EUTW could improve the mission and make it a must play for every Arma 3 player.



    This has been a problem I've noticed since day 1 here


    arma 3 community is full of "lone rambo" designers, producing mediocre and poorly polished products, many months (even years) after their intended release date. there is some peace and quiet in DIY, but any ambitious project with realistic goals, needs a team.


    i noticed it got really bad around the MANW contest. designers locked themselves in their dev dungeons hoping to one-man-army a project to win $$$.



    On the flip side, it is more peaceful to work alone with no one nagging you and no obligations, and i have been burned in the past on joint projects by back-stabbing profiteers so there is that ...

  15. 17 hours ago, gc8 said:


    I wanted to ask what do you guys think about making an RPG for arma? I know there are some sort of RPGs already out which I'm not very familiar I must admit. My RPG would have features such as Quests, Conversations with NPCs, Trading, Leveling up and law system in cities. It would be multiplayer so that players can work together or be rivals.

    The setting would be post-apocalypse

    So that's the basics, I will try to figure more features but that's what I have now.



    What do you guys think about this idea? Would you play it?


    Thanks for reading!


    sounds great, provided the already-reasonably-skilled dev(s) have a spare 2,000+ hours of time to devote to it :)

    • Like 1

  16. On 2/10/2018 at 9:30 AM, spanishsurfer said:

    COPY/PASTE from REDDIT, but seeking same answers.


    Our BECTI server has an issue where VET players all join on 1 side and the newer folks join whichever team, causes for 1 sided games most times. Which in Arma also applies to many other game modes, due to the game's complexity.

    I figured I'd try this community and see what answers I get.

    Your tools are over a years worth of player historical data exactly like what Game Tracker provides for arma: Player name, total score on the server, and total time played on the server.

    Would you build a handicap to even teams out a bit? How would you do it? Have you seen any effective handicaps out there for a MP fps?

    Thanks in advance to any effort provided.


    simple is to add constraint coefficients to the important values in the mission.


    1. detect stacking


    2. differentiate between veteran and noob (time played, database, etc)


    3. apply constraint coefficients to players who are veterans on a currently-stacked team.


    some examples of coefficient tweaking: 


    - multiply incoming damage in a handledamage event, effectively giving the veteran on the stacked team less health. such as:    if (veteran) then { incoming_damage = incoming_damage * 1.25 };

    - reduce income or any ingame currency the veteran on the stacked team can earn or have access to. basically like a graduated income tax, if he's a vet on a currently stacked team.

    - reduce what weapons/attachments the veteran on the stacked team can use, or what vehicles/buildings they can spawn.

    - show their position on the map to the enemy team


    if they dont like it they can just switch teams


    the damage modification would probably cause irritation, so if I had to pick one I'd pick the currency taxation. add a 90% 'income tax' to the veteran when they're on a currently stacked team.

  17. On 2/8/2018 at 5:14 AM, short142 said:

    Currently spend countless hours Editing Maps to be run on our dedicated servers.  Have notices in-map and in the mission file notating our maps are not for redistribution, publication, or use on any other servers without our written consent.  All of our maps are made with objects, terrains, vehicles, etc available in-game.  All scripts are available in the public domain and the authors have been given credit.  My question is, how do we keep others from simply taking the edits we have done and putting the maps on their server as if they are their own?  


    -serverMod startup parameter, from:




    Put your valuable work into the addon and keep it outside your arma 3 directory (use absolute path in startup parameter to point to the mod file), and ensure only you have access to the hardware.


    thats the safest way.

    • Like 1