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Posts posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. the value can change if pp effects are destroyed,


    when i checked last it was up around 230 or 130, so "130 ppEffectEnable false;"


    but it increments like addAction index, so it doesnt necessarily stay the same


    it also is not in bis_fnc_feedback pp effects, i couldnt find where it was stored, perhaps in missionnamespace or UI namespace.


    some steps for debugging:


    0. be in environment that you can respawn in

    1. enter freefall (setpos to Z 300m)

    2. kill yourself during freefall

    3. the pp effect blur will remain after respawn (an arma bug that ive reported several times to feedback tracker)

    4. iterate through 100-300 with ppeffectenable until it goes away (you find the index)

    5. with the index, scan mission namespace for a variable value which matches the index you found


    _myIndex = <number of whatever ppeffect worked>
    	if ((missionnamespace getvariable _x) == _myIndex) then {
    		systemChat str _x;
    		diag_log str _x;
    } forEach (allVariables missionNamespace);


  2. On 16/03/2018 at 7:23 PM, pierremgi said:
    0 = [] spawn {
       while {alive me} do {
          if (lifeState me != "incapacitated") then {
             me doMove myScreen;
             me execVM "someBadScript.sqf";
             waitUntil {fuel me < 0.00001};
             me doMove myKitchen;
             if (side myWife getFriend side me > 0.6) then {
                me addAction ["take lunch", {_caller execVM "eatSomething.sqf"}];
             } else {
                me setpos getMarkerPos "kickedass";
             me doMove myscreen;
             if (sunOrMoon < 0.5) then {
                sleep 3600;
          side myWife setFriend [side me,0];
          waitUntil { count (me nearEntities [["CAWomanBase"], 50]) == 0 };




    Error: myWife


    undefined variable in expression

    • Like 3
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  3. 8 hours ago, Daniel Gilliland said:

    There are no options for high altitude antiair I game. I was hoping some would be added with the Tanks DLC but there are none. Games like KOTH need something like the patriot or BUK missile systems to mitigate the laser bomb snipe from jets.


    KotH should make use of those Turrets released with Jets DLC, they pretty much destroy any aircraft they can lock onto.



  4. 9 hours ago, Graphix7 said:


    Ah! That was the trick!


    I had a few of my community test it out really quick.  Everyone assumed the "Squad Leader" slot would be the slot for that feature, we never guessed that it would actually be regarding the groups through the group menu accessible with the 'U' key.


    However, it would also seem, that if you are the first one to connect to the server, you are actually considered Group Leader of the default group that is generated as well.  This is why we had one person able to command the Recruitable AI but nobody else could.


    I like this system, it encourages the players to maintain multiple groups rather than one massive squad.


    Thank you for the help!




    its also important for the AI functionality. they follow their group leader, not necessarily the person who recruited them. so you might recruit and he would run off to regroup with his leader. hence we require that the recruiter also be the group leader.

    • Like 1

  5. On 3/26/2018 at 3:18 AM, Graphix7 said:

    Can we please get an explanation regarding exactly how the Recruitable AI works?  It would seem that at certain times pilots are unable to command AI in the air field and we've simply been unable to recruit AI as Squad leader or otherwise near the ground infantry spawn.


    - Got to be within 3m

    - Got to be leader of a group

    - Only aircrew can recruit the aircrew AI

    - Only infantry can recruit the infantry AI



    Do you get the Recruit scroll interaction?

    • Like 1

  6.  1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: cannon_ready_light - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_cannon
     1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: indicator_com_turret_mfd_driver - unknown animation source obsturret
     1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: indicator_com_turret_mfd_gunner - unknown animation source obsturret
     1:58:44 unable to connect anim. source "Hit" to hitpoint "HitComTurret" in I_LT_01_AT_F
     1:58:44 Error in expression <(ammo1+ammo2)>
     1:58:44   Error position: <ammo1+ammo2)>
     1:58:44   Error Undefined variable in expression: ammo1
     1:58:44 unable to compile MFD condition '(ammo1+ammo2)'
     1:58:44 Warning: Convex component representing Track_L not found

    RC 1.82.144574

  7. 11 minutes ago, Nexus Payne said:

    Hello, i also wanna know if it's possible to prevent players to get connected with some uavs. the uavs should not appear in the terminal overview.


    i have tried "player disableUAVConnectability [uav_1,true];" from a logic object. works fine but only in singleplayer scenario.


    how do i set up this command all players on the server?


    [[<UAV>],{player disableUAVConnectability [_this select 0,TRUE];}] remoteExec ['call',-2,<UAV>];


  8. On 3/22/2018 at 10:44 PM, fn_Quiksilver said:

    RC 1.82.144545


    Two small bugs:


    Gendarme Offroad  (  b_gen_offroad_01_gen_f  ) does not have its "Beacons On/Off" user actions.


    Civilian offroad repair (  c_offroad_01_repair_f  ) has an incorrect model center. something is wrong with the model, all my model offsets are now too low. Cargo position offset for the back is now underground, for instance. The issue does not affect the other offroads (  example:  b_g_offroad_01_repair_f  )


    thank you BIS minions, these issues appear to be fixed in the latest RC build ( 1.82.144574 )

  9. 5 minutes ago, socs said:

    Ahhh, well I just created this for the sole purpose as another place to advertise the mods/missions people make and nothing vanilla related, but thanks for letting me know... Am i permitted to keep this open or should I close this? Not sure if you're staff or not so I apologize if I'm asking the wrong person.


    im not a moderator or a backseat moderator, so you wont find me telling you what you can or cant do here ;)


    the official arma discord is filled with modders and community members discussing things. i just wasnt sure if you were aware there is already a mission making channel. though from what i remember it was filled with the same 10 trolls in there correcting one another and getting nothing done and no missions made!


    heres an invite link:  https://discordapp.com/invite/0aWSevYPq5WJTWRK

    • Like 2
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  10. 1 hour ago, xon2 said:

    we'll see after the patch on 11th April, but probably boats will still be oblivious to something called 'going backwards'. Now, if the devs don't take or have the time to add this little thing that every other arma 3 vehicle is capable of since launch in 2013, why would they have the resources to work on something bigger like proper path finding and object avoidance on land!


    IMO vehicle pathfinding on roads should be prioritized above boat AI and other AI fixes.


    example, this is not acceptable




    • Like 2
    • Sad 1

  11. RC 1.82.144545


    Two small bugs:


    Gendarme Offroad  (  b_gen_offroad_01_gen_f  ) does not have its "Beacons On/Off" user actions.


    Civilian offroad repair (  c_offroad_01_repair_f  ) has an incorrect model center. something is wrong with the model, all my model offsets are now too low. Cargo position offset for the back is now underground, for instance. The issue does not affect the other offroads (  example:  b_g_offroad_01_repair_f  )

  12. 12 hours ago, veles-zv said:

    brudda I rather have them work on the new enfusion engine then work on arma 3... also VBS has APS im sure someone can make a script to add an invisible wall to stop missile with a speed of less then 300m/s

      a limited amount of uses before being reloaded

      limited degree of angle based on turret direction/ hull in both the vertical and horizontal plains 

      and a a cool down between  for game play purposes 



    APS is just a script on the projectile firers machine that deletes the projectile if some conditions are met, before it hits the target. bonus points for “smallsecondary” explosion near point of delete.


    As for the DLC feedback, im happy with the vehicles as long as AI know how to drive them adequately enough to make missions with .... which means im likely going to be disappointed (as watts said, the current A3 team doesnt know how to fix the driving, so we will get assets that really only matter to the vanilla pvp community.)


    overall though i think its a solid package, with plenty of platform improvements and some interesting asymmetric assets.

    • Like 1

  13. 2 hours ago, rübe said:


    it sure does, but shhhhh... :shhh:



    Let's think a bit outside the box for a second here: how about the bounding box (i.e. boundingBoxReal) gets finally fixed after all these years?

    How about that? Too radical? :huh2:


    fixing the bounding box sounds like a big job, switching to “aimpos” from model [0,0,0] sounds like a small one :)

    • Like 2

  14. it sounds like its outside your ability at the moment, so allow yourself extra time for learning.


    are you using 3D editor or scripting?


    first thing is to be more detailed in your design sketch. 


    - Define a success state (where does the rescued hostage have to be in order to complete the task?)

    - Define a fail state (hostage killed or whatever)

    - Manual placement of mission location/hostage/badguys, or procedural

    - User interface for rescuing hostage (addaction)

    - MP compatible or SP

    - Mission communications (notifications, hints, ui)





    Once you have a realistic plan, and be detailed, then figure out what you know how to do and dont know how to do, and start work on it.


    remember you have to account for everything from right when the mission starts to when it ends.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1