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From my experience it seems to be simply meant as an timeline. So if you are running a Windows version thats newer than Win 2008 (server), including Windows 7, you are fine. Remote Desktop is an non issue as you can use other remote access software for that. The "real" advantage/gain of the server versions (for ArmA needs) is that it can handle more simultanous network connections, supports more CPU cores and more RAM as the client versions of the OS. However that becomes only important if you want to host missions with more than 64 or 128 players. In this case you will also need an really fast AND wide internet upload rate to handle that amount of players. edit: typo
https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server Thats the offical Arma 3 Dedi Server HowTo. It covers all steps needed to setup a server, even on another PC without Steam preinstalled. Worked fine on my Laptop, that i now use to host the server.
Hi Haleks, would it be possible to add a few more objects as waterscource, namely: "Barrel_water","BarrelWater_F","BarrelWater_grey_F","Misc_Well_C_EP1","Misc_Well_L_EP1" and for Fuescource: "Land_Ind_TankSmall2","Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1" + the CUPs A2 fuelfeeds havn't the ids at hand now or maybe even easier to maintain, change the functions slightly to use global Vars too, so they are adaptable for other maps. Thanks for your time
HA, i haven't thought that someone would really google for this phrase.... :) The savest would be to wait till the last array from the loot lists is filled. Personally i use in serverinit.sqf: waitUntil {!(isNil "lootworldObject_list")}; execVM "scripts\additions\lootList.sqf"; the lootList.sqf: _civ = 0; _mil = 1; _ind = 2; _res = 3; //Vital Items {(lootVital_list select _civ) select 1 pushBackUnique _x; } forEach []; {(lootVital_list select _mil) select 1 pushBackUnique _x; } forEach []; {(lootVital_list select _ind) select 1 pushBackUnique _x; } forEach []; {(lootVital_list select _res) select 1 pushBackUnique _x; } forEach []; . . . the array names for weapons, mags and so on should now be easy to change ;)
here at the bottom of haleks introduction post: the picture is a link so you can learn more about the given license. With that given,you then know that modifiing the given addon file/s is out of quotation for anything you want to build up on and release. As that would mean to release a fork of the Addon, too. If you follow with the way, i descriped above, you only change data values without touching the addon, and you a free to release your mission/addon if wished. As there are way too much "if then else" in this licensing thema, and iam no lawyer, you will have to ask specifics if unclear to the licensor.
As the license for Ravage states: no derivatives. You won't change them directly. However in your mission initserver.sqf you can place an "waitUntil" and when the desired list is not Nil, you can then edit the arrays in that file. Or call/spawn another file with the desired changes.
could you provide the unit type from that mission? To harden or denine my assumtion that it's correlated to CUPs. thanks EDIT: ahm sry, i can't reproduce the message now. If i place the unit now in the editor and preview,its gone. Don't know maybe the autopatching through steam....
@inepthapid & BB: I can reproduce this error message. On my end it seems to be bound to using CUPs units for the player. As soon as i switch to A3 units (vanilla & custom) it's gone. Maybe i have an log file for you too.... Edit: sry older logs with this error are deleted. If you need one i can reproduce one tommorow
BIS_fnc_infotext plays fine in SP but too fast in MP
na_palm replied to HeroesandvillainsOS's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
You need to load the "FRED_fnc_infoText.sqf" first. Either with: #include "FRED_fnc_infoText.sqf"; or call compileFinal preprocessFile "FRED_fnc_infoText.sqf"; personally i tend for the second. then you can spawn it with [["TEXT", "text", "TexT"], 10] spawn FRED_fnc_infoText; -
@cosmic10r Thanks, and nice to know you can use it. If you are really going to "whitelist" every map for the buildings, you could then automate the building determination by the mapname in the config. But i don't know if that is a good aproach as there are many maps and only a few diverent packages for buildings (A3, CUP, SMD and a few other...)
Hi Haleks, How do you want bug reports handled? Posting in this thread or as PM or at the Wiki? and another question... Could you set a Variable on clients to indicate that a player gets loaded from missionnamespace? That would greatly help at determining what to do with JiP Players. As of let the load function handle the player unit or to kit it out with startgear and change the position. Thanks for determining PS: the Bug... The vehicle repair don't shows all damaged parts by div vehicles. In one case it responded with "Vehicle doesn't need to be repaired" also the Heli, in this case, had red damaged Mainrotor and other parts where damaged, too. My first guess would be the if condition in line 5
Correct! (0-3 instead of names) Don't want do derail this thread much more, so a short version... :) Make the whole "construct" an array by giving it a local variable name: _bList = <CONTENT OF THE FILE> ; underneath that, put: { _idx = Building_list pushBackUnique _x; if !(_idx==-1) then { Building_registr pushBack ((_bList select 1) select _forEachIndex); }; } forEach (_bList select 0); In your init.sqf of initServer.sqf put the following at last waitUntil {!(isNil "Building_registr")}; execVM "buildingList.sqf"; In MP, if you use the older init.sqf method make sure to only exec this on the server!!! That's all. Or wait till Haleks puts it into his Mod ;)
Thats exactly the inner workings of my lootspawner. The update for the sahrani map is because of edited buildings by the map authors. Every map with standard buildings (A2 +A3) is covered from the get go in Ravage. Pandora Map also if i remember correctly. Think that Haleks put a few buildings back in also, that where missing in 0.134. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6M3I6nO2TAgYTBtNm9KVmpnMlU/view?usp=sharing Here is the ZIP archive with the required scripts. ;) - simply open a map with new buildings in the editor, place an player char and save it. - Then extract this archive in the mission dir, reload the mission and play in preview. - In the action menu (mousewheel) you then have a command for starting the script. - To follow the process you will get hint texts and you can also open the map and see it working. - After the finishing hint "Map processed" you can STRG+V the output in a new .sqf file and edit it. It's a few edits to expand the categories to a greater number (ex: for Shops or medical buildings) if desired for Ravage... Feel free to use the script above. It will ease your workload. Filtering of roof positions is a good idea. Will have to incorporate that in the next version for the above script. (the one you have in Ravage seems fine to me therefor) ;) Will get in touch with you later...
for sure, I'am fine with it. If you have need for it, i post a link to my script thats responsible for the island scanning and list generation. (should work for every map and custom buildings) That sounds like an awesome idea! For the mission template I will vote for an COOP version first. It's a bit more to script in case of the truck spawn in 0.135 but you can then easily split it for more teams...
can you provide a link to the map. I will look into it then,too. @Haleks: my first port of ravage to the map "G.O.S. Al Rayak" seems to work properly so far. Nice work you have done for the MP update! :627: edit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6M3I6nO2TAgbk51NFVVOG9QQVk/view?usp=sharing that's the buildinglist for SMD Sahrani. To use it you have to exchange the "xxx" with the desired Loottype in the file and then use it in your mission to fill the appropiate arrays at mission start. (Building_list and Building_registr)